Friends who hate you (5)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-15 20:02 ID:uxTLWNWR

do you have friends that you feel, hates you for some reason? For me the situation, I can compare with something from Densha Otoko. We were nerds and then one of us started to go out with someone.
One time he let me talk to his girl on the phone. We chatted a lot. Who would have known she and I would have a one common hobby? Being a nerd, I've considerable knowledge about said hobby. She loved to talk with me and we did so, on numerous occasions.
Then I heard that my friend was breaking up with her. I didn't contact her awile cause I didn't want my friend to think I was an opportunist. Now, he has a new girlfriend. One time I accidentally bumped into them. Just a quick hello and hardly introduced me to his new girl...
I don't think Densha did that to his friends once he got Hermes (now, wouldn't it be funny if I typed "Herpes"), but is my friend avioding me thinking I am a threat to his new relationship or something?

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