There's a guy whom I have a crush on, and he knows I like him. He has yet to talk to me. He is rather shy and embarrassed about having someone tell him he's hot.
My problem is I don't know if he is interested. If I knew for sure, I would approach him and create conversation. Should I wait for him to come and talk to me, or not? Do guys like when girls approach them?
I'm rather shy myself, so it's just hard for me to approach women. If a girl asked to start a relationship with me, I wouldn't mind a bit.
The only unknown variables are if he is already looking to date a girl, or if he actually isn't interested. However, I've never met a guy who wasn't interested in a relationship; even the most shiftless, lazy, selfish people secretly wish they could be with someone.. And if he's shy, the that means he almost definately wants to be with someone. Just don't mistake shyness for being anti-social.
Just understand that the reason we love-shy guys are love-shy isn't because we don't want a relationship, it's because we're afraid of rejection.
just talk to him, warm him up. slide in a few compliments and he will start to feel more confident and less shy.
if he's shy he would want you to to make the first move it would be alot easier on him
Wait for him, he knows you like him. If he says nothing, know what that means. If he is interested, let him catch you. An easy catch is going to get thrown back pretty fast for something with a challenge.
shy guys hate dealing with women who are difficult just to be challenging. if you like him tell him. the worst that is going to happen is that he will say he isnt interested. the best is that he will say he is.
shy guys hate dealing with women who are difficult just to be challenging. if you like him tell him. the worst that is going to happen is that he will say he isnt interested. the best is that he will say he is.
Guys do like when girls approach them, but it can be a stressful experience for the shy types who aren't confident. At first he may panic and cut the conversation short, or completely miss any signals you try to send. Don't hold it against him, he could just be clueless like many of us here. OTL If all else fails, you may need to spell it out for him completely bluntly and honestly. ("I like you, I want to pursue romatic relations with you, will you go out with me", or something to that effect.)
He knows you like him but he hasn't talked to you? Please, elaborate.
>>8 A friend of mine went up to him and bluntly told him, "That girl over there likes you and thinks you're hot." I did not personally witness his reaction.
I appreciate all the advice and information I have been given, I have much to think about.
I realize it's probably not accurate since it's secondhand, but what did your friend say was his reaction?
Apparently my friend encouraged him to go an talk to me, but he replied, "I'm too embarrassed!" and thus, he didn't. Any facial expressions he made I do not know.
If relevant, it has been 3 days after the described situation. I would really like to know what he is thinking.
id WISH a girl would approach me, im pretty shy myself, but i suppose if a girl went up to me and talked to me, or said she liked me, or watever, i dont suppose id turn her away (if she was nice). but anyway, mabye direct conversation is in order here?
He doesn't like you.
He only likes what he can DO to you
Your friend sounds like an idiot, and she could have ruined everything for you by saying something like that. If you feel comfortable with it, let him know yourself.
You friend said he was too embarrased.. that really doesn't give much to go on. I would say that you should ask him out. Even if if it is just out to the movies with friends. Then you get to spend some time with him at least and he might not be as shy.
>>Your friend sounds like an idiot, and she could have ruined everything for you by saying something like that.
Why? Actually it was quite nice of her friend to do that, and if the guy wouldn't have been such a pansy, they could have gotten into a talk.
>>16 She said that her friend said, "That girl over there likes you and thinks you're hot."
What a silly thing to say, in different words it could have been okay. I thought people quit sending their friends to say things like that. Maybe had she said "My friend is interested in you," or "My friend thinks you are attractive." It is not as blunt and if he is shy, he might appreciate that a little more.
Girls also say things like that to be cruel or to embarass.
>>17 I didn't want him to say that. I told him not to, and he did without my permission. I found out he had done this the follow day. I would never have anyone tell someone that I like them.
As a guy, I would love it if a girl just came and confessed she was interested in me. If I didn't like her, I'd be flattered. Since you're a girl, and if the guy is shy, chances are he isn't going to tell the world about it. I asked a girl out once, she rejected, then told everyone about it. I got over it, though, and it created some interesting situations. Laugh about it and stay happy no matter the outcome, and people may gain some respect for you! (Hopefully) a guy will be a gentleman.
I post this having not read the thread.
what is the relation between you and the guy?? personaly i am a shy guy and if a girl said she liked me i would properly go nutz about it...but if he says his embarrased maybe he likes you as well becasue i dont think a shy guy would say his embarassed to talk to a girl that likes him unless his not intrested.
>>20 Classmates.
Everyone has helped a lot, thank you.
so what happened?
what did you decided?? Details Requested
Details Requested!!!
shousai kibonnu wwwwwwwww
The guy I like knows I like him. his friends told me that he likes me but my friends asked him and he told my friends he doesn't like me and he likes another girl. he even told my friends he didn't tell his friends nothing about me. He does look at me a lot and when I talk to him he acts really nice to me. Is he too shy? Is he interested?
if he really told his friends that he doesnt like you, im afraid hes not interested...
if he really doesnt like you, he might be just troubled.