how do you tell if a girl likes you? (5)

1 Name: Mr. Doe : 2006-03-06 02:42 ID:PE5tKbvd

i know that for most people it is said that you just know or go by instinct. i see how that can work for most people. one person can read the body movements or behavior of another and so on. i have a small problem. i am unable to read such cues. I cannot even tell if some one is hostile till i have been attacked. I worry that i creap people out because i cant tell if thay are or not.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-06 04:01 ID:yVcjuL0P

If you cannot read people or go by instinct all you have left is your words. You will have to ask.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-06 05:06 ID:zIjqZbI/


Agreed. If its really hard to tell, then you are going to have to ask. Unless you are friends with a friend of hers and you can figure that way. But you risk of having your secret revealed.

If she always talks to you, calls you, always stays near you, hugs you, etc etc, im sure you can figure out the signs. Its really up to you in your gut insticnt. But to really know, we all have to -ask-.

That my friend, is the hardest this phase anyway =p

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-12 00:48 ID:nSokWEEV

i don't know how but i think a girl likes me , could be because i like her a bit.

5 Name: Doku Otoko : 2006-03-12 01:26 ID:ibMI4fSC

It is really hard to tell because it depends on the person's personality. I once thought that someone liked me because they stayed near me, talked to me, and loved to hang around me alot but I misinterpreted those signs because she was actually like that to almost everyone.

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