Hello fellow anon, I've an interesting story to tell.
I'm a college sophomore, going for a BS in Electrical Engineering. In short, I have way too much school and not much in the ways of free time. Whatever free time I do have I devote to work and extracurricular activities (anime club, kendo, gaming, tutoring, etc.) And I like to help with certain events, like a big science competition between middle and high school kids.
As I'm a EE, I volunteered and helped set up the circuits lab, which was pretty straightforward but still challenging enough. I had to run through 3 sections, each 50 minutes long. The last section is where my story is going. These two girls from one of the local high schools kept having equipment malfunctions and got REALLY angry at me and my partner, so much so that they took it to the officials. Luckily, we worked to appease the situation by letting them do it over again, same time limit, with better equipment. They came and were very happy to work with us on this, and I got to talking with them about their school ambitions and what they are planning to do. I even gave them hints to try to help them along. A slightly unfair advantage, but its not like I told them the answers straight up. These girls are freaking geniuses, seniors (4.2 GPA in high school, planning to go to a big college in my state for Chemical Engineering of all things), and they were kinda cute too.
Me and my partner go to grading the event scores for each team that comepeted (60 schools, we had an hour to grade them, it was hectic). Sure enough, by their own merit they scored the highest in my event. After turning in the scores, I went out to my car to put something away, and I met eyes with one of them. She came over to thank me for helping out, and we started walking and talking together. I gave her hints about how they did in the event, and then her partner came and blurted out they won first place. We got to talking about various things, mostly how the event went and how hard college is. It was enjoyable, and slowly I noticed signs something else was going on.
Sure enough, we got to parting and she said "I wouldn't mind seeing and hanging out with you again sometime." I took the opportunity and asked for her phone number, and voila, it was that simple. Later I presented the awards to their team, and their school won first place in the event overall. I went over to congratulate her afterwards and then we parted. About an hour later she sent me a text message along the lines of "I hope you had fun, I look forward to seeing and hearing from you again." I replied that I would call her this week.
We were definitely hitting if off there for a while and I think this could go well for me, this being my first and only potential relationship. The only thing I'm hesitating about is that during our conversation, she mentioned that since shes planning to go to an out of town college (an hours drive from where I live, but still) she thought it wouldn't be a good idea to get into a relationship in this city. But then this all came up, so I'm not too sure but I'm hopeful.
Whats your take on the situation everyone? This was definitely one of those times that you aren't looking for it, and then it happens....
wooww!! thats a nice story ^^ Details Requested!!
Another interesting thing was that during the event, the girl I talked to, her mother came in to spectate their second try. We talked a little bit and she seemed nice enough, so I might be already in good standings with her mom....
thats a really good start!! Good job!! keept it up ^^ what signs did she show??
well if she doesn't want to get into a relationship, why is she dropping all those hints? girls just don't know what they want :P
usualy if girls give out signs, i think they are intrested in you or they might like you... but i am not sure cos i neva had a relationship before _| ̄|○"
Some girls are naturally flirty and will literally go for anyone, but their conversations are usually meaningless and immature. Since this girl is intelligent and plain out said she wants to talk to you again, I'd say this is a beautiful start to a relationship. And you scored points with the mother? Very nice. I'm happy for you, I love those unexpected experiences. That gives hope to all that have lost hope.
flirty is one thing. but to be so forward about giving/getting numbers?
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good job man, you be one of the lucky ones, id say, go for it
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Go chemistry otoko! YOU CAN DO IT!
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She's a genius because she can get a 4.2 in highschool.. what?
Anyways, she is definately interested in you and you don't seem like a complete geek. Just be yourself.
and chemistry otoko... what? did you guys even read the post?
i wish you luck with that, just keep us updated on your progress.
Yeah people, FFS he's in Electrical Engineering, so he should be...
Denki Otoko
Even better. >>12
Q: What did the proton-stitute say to the elec-john?
A: I'm HIV positive
Electrical Engineering Major with aspirations for a girlfriend. We don't need to tack 男 onto everything
Thanks for the input guys. And wouldn't it be 電工学男? Heres an update: We chatted a bit today and she said she prefers to talk on AIM and through email, so we might end up chatting tonight, I don't know. Most likely we'll do something Saturday, what I don't know. And lucky me, tomorrow's payday so I can afford to have fun, w00t.
And I try my hardest not to be a complete nerd. Sure, I'm into nerdy things like anime and video games, but I try to balance things out with work, study, kendo clubbing, and helping out with my old scout troop since I'm an Eagle Scout. Plus I'm involved in a UAV research project with IEEE....an indeed busy life I lead, but as I progress through college I have learned the secret of time management. And I don't want to sound too hopeful, but if we do go steady I think we can manage it. But best not to rush things, we'll talk some more and I'll see how things go from there.
(BTW, this whole story/message board things just screams Densha Otoko....)
That's the point, isn't it? To get advice.
though i am glad to hear what is going on, i dont think this story screams densha, it may feel like it, hell love is like riding a rollercoaster. but the fact is you pretty much set things up for yourself and didn't really need our help with anything, i believe we gave minumal advice. but if things get hairy (which im it will) in the future we will be here to back you up. good luck with setting up something and try not to change yourself too much, be who you are, not who she wants you to be, or something like that.
yea i agree, this is different from densha otoko. I wish you all the best!! tell us more when something happens ^^
Well, we didn't get to talk too much until tonight. Found out she's never been camping, so I'll have to take her out to see that sometime. Also found out our music tastes differ slightly (she does rock, I do techno, but I like both)....hopefully shes tolerant and can forgive that.
I'm kinda scared to admit my anime hobby. Shes gonna find out eventually, but I can only hope that she'll acknowledge it as another hobby and not judge me too severely for it. Also, I really gotta stop thinking this is gonna end up as a relationship. We'll see as time progresses, but at this point I think she just wants to be friends. I dunno though, probably jumping to conclusions.
Should I hide my nerdish hobbies, or reveal them with discretion? Hell, for all I know she could be into it too, but thats not very likely and I do not want that to push her away from me. And its not like I want to change just for that, I freaking run the anime club at my college so I'm kinda stuck...
I'd aim for reveal with discretion. I (like most here I'd wager) am into very geeky things. I've found that by talking to a girl and getting to know her well to the point where she's happy to run into you on the street and have a converstation, you can just drop the bomb "So I was watching this anime while reading comic books and playing warquest..." and she'll just have a "I didn't know you were into that stuff, huh. Anyway..." reaction.
Of course this is just my own personal experience and may not apply.
Hobbies are good, and you seem to have a nice range of them and not devouting your self entirely to one thing. You don't really need to hide them.. unless you are into lolis and/or guro/whatever.
talk about hobbies when you have the chance, like if shes intrested in your hobbies tell her about it then. its better to show it then hide it because if she finds out one day, she will think you have been hiding things from her.
Note: this is all MHO. Anyways:
I have to agree, better to be upfront than hide. To be upfront shows that you want all obstacles out of the way, so that there will be focus not on what's hiding, but what's important: each other. Example ( might be a bit extreme, but proves a point ) - a friend of mine's boyfriend has a friend who's about to get married. Just informed the fiance that he most likely has an STD from his ex... basically just a few weeks/months before marriage. They're still getting married, but the fiance is like "WTF?" Best to get over that obstacle pretty much now before it gets too far. Note: my humble opinion, nothing more.
I took your advice and turns out she really doesn't know what anime is, but then she doesn't really mind it either way. THanks for this, its a huge weight off my shoulders.
wooww!!! nice to hear!!!! GOOd JOB!!!゚∀゚~~~~~~
Your support is appreciated. We talked a bunch more tonight (for like 3 hours), and we made arrangements for a date this weekend. What we do I've yet to come up with, but I think I can officially declare she wants to get into this. Saying she'll get dolled up, mentioning how we met was convenient and how she wished for a while she had asked for MY number of all things....oh yeah, I can honestly say I'm too happy. Just gotta stay cool....
mmaann i am so happy fo ya!! your one lucky guy!! if you do arrange on a date, make sure you stay cool and dont get too nervouse about it. make sure you got those minty breath things so you dont have bad breath! Wish you All the best and Good luck!!
P.s. why do i have a Densha feeling on this thread??
I suppose because he's gotten further than the rest, who just had potential to date. Now he's arranged one.
Have a great time and tell us the details of how it went!
ask her what she thinks of your guro collection
Well, I think she had a good time. She indicated to me that I had the distinct honor of being the first guy to ever take her out to dinner, and I indicated that she was doing the same honor for me as well. She was really impressed with the food, I took her some place really nice and didn't have to pay too much either ($35 aint bad). We then decided to go downtown to try some coffee place, but then we found parking sucked and she said she was tired since she'd been up since 6 today. So I took her home and we parted with a hug, and then we messaged each other some farewells. I said something along the lines of "Missing you already", and she seemed to be compatible with that.
Amongst first dates, I hope she liked it. She definitely had a good time at the restaurant, I don't know if she was expecting anything else during our parting (like a kiss or anything), that probably could have gone better. And really, I'm not sure if I should let her initiate such activities or whether shes thinking I should....better let things settle before we talk about that. Shes gonna be at work, I'll be at school tomorrow, we'll chat afterwards.
This is number 27 ( tripcode was added because I had forgot that the pound symbol was the trip for it, as was found out in another thread sheepish laugh:decided to keep it ). Glad that my paltry advice had helped to lift a burden, and I am glad that things are going good for you. thumbs up
Keep it uP!!!
Denki Otoko!!
She gave me her honest opinion of it, and she noted that conversation was weak. Trouble is, I've been kinda respressed most of my life and am not much of a talker, so I might need some advice on what to talk about. Her birthday is coming up soon too, gotta figure out something nice to get her. Any suggestions? (Shes one of those who says "Oh, you dont' have to get me anything", but I know that trap and I aint falling for it)
hhmm denki (if you dont mind i call you that) try and make conversation with her. talk about movies, work, school ect! hhm for her birthday, see if you can get her a bracelet or necklace, i heard girls like those for presents! Hope this helps ^^
jewelry is a little ehh this early on, if you do do it, certailny nothing expensive
flowers or a teddy bear or something would be better imho
well yeah not too expensive but like those nice looking normal ones, not those expensive ones with jewelrys on it. but flowers or teddy bear is also a good choice!
hmm that reminds me i bought a christmas present to a girl i met on the net and i gave her a bracelet.. she likes it alot ^^
Hello, this is denki (an appropriate title for me). I should have expected this, but I think I'm getting the friend treatment here. Tonight we talked, and we got on the subject, and she said outright that shes not looking for a relationship, just as she said on day one. I admit I am quite dissapointed, but all hope is not lost. I should have expected this anyways, but our relationship is so new....shes all for dating and hanging out and talking, but she's not for the relationship at this point. Luckily, its not exlusively for me, shes consistent with the other guys shes been dating. Complicated things have become....what dissapoints me most is that there is mutual attraction and shes sees the potential, but shes worried since shes going away to college, despite the fact that its only an hour away....I suppose I'll continue to pursue things as they are. I said that I think its too early to call it either way, and she agreed. Things could change significantly in the next 3 or 4 months....
Denki, at least she let you take her out to dinner. That might mean you're special, right? Maybe she wants a relationship but isn't totally sure because she doesn't know you...I wouldn't jump straight into a relationship either without getting to know the other person better. Just wait.
"I said that I think its too early to call it either way, and she agreed."
It's great that you've got the courage to say those kinds of things to her, instead of just passively accepting friendzone. If you seem confident, it'll be easier to win her over. Good luck denki!
wow Denki! i dont think she will let you take her for for dinner if it was just friends!~ just dont give up any hope! i reckon you should wait and see what happens later, like you said things could change in the next 3-4 months! i agree with >>44 let her know you more and maybe she might want a relationship with you! you never know!! Wish you all the best Denki!! ^^
You may be in luck. Seems to me she's holding auditions for prospective boyfriends...and you're one of the candidates. It's time to show off those pecs, brutha'! Polish those washboard abs!
She revealed something very interesting today, which explains her lack of desire to commit. She said she was very naive when she was 16 and dated a 20 year old who took advantage of her. Then she got into some trouble with some guy at the college she'll be going to, conflicts and such. And she stopped dating a 3 year old friend of hers. So I guess that leaves just me, but I think she doesn't want to commit because of her troubles in the past. She says I'm more naive than her, instead of the other way around, so she thinks its cool. It doesn't help I'm the same age as the one who hurt her in the past, I think she fears that but she has observed many times I'm not like most guys, in a hopefully good way. Thanks for the advice and input everyone. -電気男
wow!! my advice now is dont rush things, she may need more time to commit because of her previouse troubles. maybe she will see you different from her previouse guys that she have met!~
she sounds like a large bag'o'drama, imho