I won't say the whole story, but in a nut shell, I fell in love with a gay guy, and got broken hearted. Anyone ever have this happen to them?
This has happened to me as well. I eventually fell in love with a friend, but unfortunately he fell in love with a guy. It tore me apart, but I got over it. He ended up broken hearted as well. You'd think this would be the perfect opportunity to comfort him and make him like me, but it wasn't. He was completely obsessed with him. I don't know if he's totally homosexual or bisexual or what, but I guess it doesn't really matter. We are still good friends despite this. I can so totally empathize with you. I'm sorry, and I hope you feel better soon.
Well, I am a gay guy, and I fell love with a straight guy. Similar sort of thing, really. And yes, it fucking sucks.
I'm a bi girl and I fell in love with a straight girl.
Took me half a year to get over it. Fortunately she was borderline
homofobic so I never was able to delude myself that maybe, just maybe I had a chance. So that made it easier to get over it.
it's been about half a year with me, i'm still not over it. i know I have absolutely no chance, but I see him all the time and I still love him as much as I did when i first met him... orz
get away from him. it's the only way to heal :(
i don't think there's any way to do that other than dropping out of university and majorly fucking the rest of my life up.
If you're still not over it, on some level you must be deluding yourself, keeping those emotions alive in a way they weren't ment to be. I wish I could help you in a more efficient manner somehow.
When I said I got over her, it was in the way that I still loved her, but more in a beloved, attractive friend sort of way. There are still plenty of times i go "wow" and "swoon" at her awesomeness, but it doesn't hurt to know I can't have her, because that's the way it is, and that's how things are and should be.
At the risk of sounding like a hippie, have a deep conversation with yourself.
Identify all the reasons for why you love him. People do not do things unless the advantages are greater than the disadvantages, even if you consciously see something as more hurtful than being worth it, somehow in your subconscious you have ways to justify it. What are you using this bloke for?
Identify all the reasons for why you like the guy as friend. Imagine yourself being only friends with the guy, and being okay with it. How do you cope with it in your mind? Try to apply that to your life.
Oh, and hook him up with some chick. Having him seriously crush and mush over some girl is also a pretty good way to getting to terms with reality.