People you love, but others think are weird (7)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-27 04:54 ID:Xh748c9k

I am a straight laced, fastidious conservative who is very much in love with a dark, gothic girl who is not unlike Hotaru or Sam from Danny Phantom. I get weird looks and am often asked, "Why do you like such a dark girl?" I normally dress preppy and enjoy metal, industrial, goth, and choir music, but I don't dress up or anything.

I'm also going through a life crisis.

I still love her though.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-27 05:18 ID:SwuHvorv

I don't see the problem here. Who cares what others think, do and like whatever makes you happy, or are you concerned about how others will perceive you? It's good that the girl you love is seen as weird to others; it means there's less competition.

I like a person who is seen as unattractive, but I don't really care when people tell me that. I know what they're like underneath, because that's all that matters to me.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-27 07:40 ID:huDY42Hg


yeah but it's kind of good....

Most people look at me and think I am very conservative..and I am....

but I do like the darkside...especially exoGothic girls

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-27 21:06 ID:S5pMi5Qw

All that matters is that you love her, don't worry about what others think. And like they say, opposites attract.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-28 02:13 ID:nHBexpEr

does she like you?

6 Name: Shii : 2006-03-28 03:18 ID:+rlbG09E

I like girls who wear wool sweaters, carry homemade bags, and pretend that the 19th century is still on.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-02 09:52 ID:Heaven

You sure you mean the 19th? i.e. 1801-1900

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