how do I talk to women? (11)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-04 00:03 ID:S4i0YEC1

Okay first a little background. I consider myself to be a fairly good looking guy. I enjoy working out, jogging, weight building, etc. and I like to dress well too. My problem is that I'm also a bit of a closet geek. I LOVE sci fi, anime, video games, astronomy, all that crap. However I completely understand that 99% of women hate that stuff, so I know that when I have caught a woman's interest and we begin to talk, I do not bring up the topic of Battlestar Galactica or something. However my problem is... I have nothing else to talk about! I don't know a thing about music, reality TV, night clubs, and other things that girls enjoy... so I end up not being much for conversations on dates or regular occasions and I turn out to be a boring guy.

So somebody help me... how do you talk to a girl without boring her to death???

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-04 00:03 ID:S4i0YEC1

Oh and I forgot to mention, I'm 24.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-04 00:39 ID:kuBDkOEQ

This is simple....

Ask a woman what she thinks and you'll never shut her the hell up.

I personally don't care what people think about what I like and most people probably wouldn't like that.

What women want is a Man. What is a Man? A paycheck, a dick, and a hump to bust for manual labor. If you have any combination of these things, you merely have to start a conversation. Bitches WILL flock to you. Any female that says otherwise is a liar.

PS. Everything is a test.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-04 01:52 ID:4vhqxUbq


Date another geek? That's how my relatioships always go. Just dated the other geek who had the same interests as I did. Then again, I'm female and its easier to find a male geek than it is for a male geek to find a free female geek.

5 Name: Fisher!3GqYIJ3Obs : 2006-04-04 02:06 ID:iJ2wA7a/

CanĀ“t agree with you more. I have none of those things and here I am 20years old and no girlfriend, but Im not a virgin (thats a other story wink)

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-06 10:20 ID:sRXyWocS


If you're on a date and can't find something to talk to her about, it was never going to be much of a relationship anyway. Why not just talk about what you're interested in? If she's down with that, awesome; if she's not, it wouldn't have worked out anyway. There's no good reason to not talk about stuff you're into because she "might not like it" -- isn't the whole point of this exercise to find some common ground? You can't possibly start finding common without revealing something about yourself.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-07 08:41 ID:8uOtND1C


Three simple rules:

1) If a girl is interested in you, she will talk to you. Doesn't matter if the topic is banana slugs or postage stamps. She will talk to you, dammit, so don't worry about that.

2) The trick to any subject is being a good conversationalist. Don't drone, don't have a conversation where you're just waiting for your turn to talk, and for god's sake do NOT quote anything out of the blue.

3) Walk tall. If you hide your interests as if they're somehow shameful, she's going to think that you're creepy, a pussy, or both. Don't be a freak about it, but don't go out of your way to hide that lightsaber collection, either.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-07 17:03 ID:e1dhXVMn

7 has the right idea...

I'm a crazy sonuvabitch who is often upfront about my hardcore right wing agenda, antisocialism, nihilism, and disdain for the world in general. Plus, I don't hide the fact that I absolutely adore Hotaru.

And you know what...chicks dig me. Because I hold nothing back and I'm an asshole.

Chicks like assholes because they know what they are getting upfront and there will be no surprises. Because chicks hate nice guys because they act nice until they get that bitch trapped and then they can't get away. That's why girls are always with assholes. The key is not to be an EXTREME asshole.
I'm a moderate asshole.

Learn to be an asshole. And dude, I don't believe that you work out all that much and dress well because if you did you wouldn't feel the need to post about it.

You'd be surprised how well this works. Go on a date with a girl. Speak your mind. Make racial epithets to people that piss you off. Be nice to the waiter. And be yourself. Don't be a better version of yourself. be YOURSELF. Don't go pawing off your baggage on people, but don't give a shit either.'s the woman's job to impress YOU. Not the other way around, because women eventually get more desperate than men the older they get.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-08 07:34 ID:wUj5yqy8

>I have nothing else to talk about! I don't know a thing about music, reality TV, night clubs, and other things that girls enjoy...

So study the things that girls enjoy. Read about the popular TV shows to at least be aware of the storylines and characters. Listen to random songs until you find something you can say you like. Pick up your newspaper's nightlife section and see what the well known clubs and restaurants are.

Or hang around the shojo/yaoi sections of comic shops and bookstores until you find a geek girl you can talk to.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-08 13:50 ID:7KFRaBui

true dat, watch things that prepubescent girls watch, like one tree hill or the OC, HAH

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-01 05:09 ID:kdB1FDC0

Hi, there, i'm female. Okay, unless you're just looking for something pretty to hump, you should look for girls with similar interests. That way, you wll have something to talk about. Be CONFIDENT. If you do something stupid, rude, or disturbing, be the first one to point out the fact, with a laugh, of course. And, for the record, plenty of girls like anime, and lots of them them find astronomy to be romantic.

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