My girlfriend recently broke up with me and now I feel I'm in the first stage (denial) of the breaking up stages. I hope I stay here for a while because I don't want to be in anger/depression.
What have you guys done or do to get over someone quickly?, I've deleted all pictures of her off my computer, myspace, her MSN contact and her phone number. Anything else you guys recommend?
If you broke up, it was probably for the best. DO NOT TAKE HER BACK!
I have never had to get over anyone because I'm a selfish bastard and don't really love anyone else anyways, so I dunno about that.
I guess I'd just look out more for myself than some stupid girl.
I am usually of the opinion that nobody is good enough for me except Hotaru.
>I am usually of the opinion that nobody is good enough for me except Hotaru.
lol, nice angle