The Perfect Woman (74)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-11 06:23 ID:JbW0e+aP

Here is where we post our idea of the perfect woman. Here's my perfect womans' perfect attributes:
Nihilism, Hard Right political leanings, acidic hatred and contempt for her enemies, Black Hair done up in a waifish page boy(like Hotaru), likes to wear stockings and black dresses, believes in Valhalla, enjoys techno, metal, goth and bubblegum pop, believes in the death penalty, anti-Communist, collects lamps and curios, believes in private ownership of varying kinds of assault rifles, not flat but not busty, just right. Kind of quiet, but also able to just "go off" in a blinding rage of fury. Likes kids and small animals. Pale skin. A healthy Disdain for society. Knows how to cook and clean. A wry, yet coy wittiness. Paranoid and xenophobic. Intelligent and well read in all the classics. Enjoys slasher films, guro, and sci-fi.

There's more too it. But I would actually forgo a lot of my contempt for most women if they were more like that.

Basically, I want Hotaru.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-11 06:24 ID:JbW0e+aP

Oh yes, and no delusions of happiness or grandeur

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-11 07:58 ID:Heaven

Aren't you that guy who wants to be the abused woman in a relationship?

Wake up from your fantasy world.

4 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-04-11 08:52 ID:6laU13Dm

smart, pretty, and well-mannered.
there are plenty of them if you choose your contacts/networks well.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-11 15:32 ID:JfWmaGfS


No that was just a one time thing, my true allegiance lies with Hotaru. That's who I base things off of.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-11 16:02 ID:GKbJaxFb

I'm confused... who/what/where from is "Hotaru"?

And good luck finding such a person. Does this mean you won't date any other person unless they fit every single one of these qualities or just most of them? Because that list is pretty rigid...

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-11 17:05 ID:JfWmaGfS don't know who Hotaru is? How can you not know who Hotaru is? What is this world coming to when the man on the street knows not of Hotaru?!?! Hotaru Tomoe, she's the soldier of death and destruction. She's kind of goth looking but isn't goth like mall goth or anything. She wears dark clothing, is a nihilist, and she's cute. This is my fetish.

And no I won't go out with women any more until they collectively get their shit together and start being more like this. As I've said, I'm sick and tired of blah blah blah let's move in together, blah blah blah gun control, blah blah blah John Kerry, blah blah blah gimme some money, blah blah blah blah blah BLAH turn down that heavy metal music, I want to listen to some R and B, blah blah blah blah why didn't you call me today....

I'm sick of it. I'm sick of it and no amount of sex can cure it.

Besides...there are other issues like blah blah blah I'm jewish, you should convert, blah blah blah I'm catholic let's go to church together, blah blah blah blah.....

Dammit...I'm not irreligious or anything, but I do not like Judaism or Catholicism for myself. That's why I want a woman who believes in Valhalla...

Oh yeah another thing I'm sick of blah blah blah did you hear about Angelina Jolie, blah blah blah I only read books when I have to study, blah blah blah do those Nancy Drew books I read in elementary school count? blah blah blah I like Cosmopolitan, let's take this quiz, blah blah blah who's Nietschze and Ragnar Redbeard blah blah blah ....

Oh yeah...and another thing...I refuse to wear Jewelry and I'm sick of some bitch telling me I should get a gold chain necklace so I'll look "hip"....

I'm sick and tired of all these bitches. My standards are high and I refuse to lower them....I don't want some betwitted little slut, I want a Valkyrie.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-11 17:06 ID:JfWmaGfS

Oh yeah...and NO goddamned tattoos...You might think that dolphin or winnie the pooh tattoo looks cute now, but when you get old and ravaged by time, I guarangoddamntee you it will look like shit.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-11 17:33 ID:JfWmaGfS

also I'd like to further add that when I say 'bitch', please don't read this like the ghetto 'bitch', read this as me equating them to female dogs.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-11 20:43 ID:wq8WdIpg

For your sake, I hope your delusions are a joke. I really wish you'd stop starting new threads to explain your little fantasies to everyone in great detail.

Nobody cares.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-11 22:26 ID:GCViOgX/

for me, cute, non bitchy, non slutty

thats it

and man, yeesh, thats, really, really, weird

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-11 23:05 ID:TnvB7UNt


Look....I have problems, Ok. And please stop trying to inject your own personal reality into my finely crafted one.

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-11 23:06 ID:TnvB7UNt

And 10, I was dead serious about what I want in a woman

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-11 23:59 ID:/7HvnZTu

the perfect women?

It doesn't exist stop looking for it everyone has flaws no one is perfect and that goes for me and you too.

Accept what you are given

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-12 05:17 ID:W0uBfXaz

Areolas the size of a pizza plate.

16 Name: Not A Secret Admirer : 2006-04-12 05:36 ID:Heaven

I dunno if this is the first time you've heard this or not, but I would never take anyone seriously when their 'fetish' is like, a 12 year old. Especially not on a Love & Romance board.

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-12 07:31 ID:PtzOUaKQ

No dude...I mean like at the end of the series when she's nice aned legal.


18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-12 07:41 ID:GKbJaxFb

I didn't know you were referring to THAT Hotaru, but you do know that at the end of Stars she is "reborn" and looks no where NEAR an adult... right? The only time she is EVER legal is when she is Mistress 9 and that's it. But no where has she ever appeared to be 18+ outside of the Mistress 9 get up...

19 Name: Not A Secret Admirer : 2006-04-12 15:35 ID:Heaven

Hey, I just keep seeing you post about her, decide to look up information on this supposed perfect ideal, and most of the information I see on her says somewhere in the range of 11-13, with one or two saying she might be in the 14-16 range eventually. I don't really care enough to put more research into it, but just going on what I've found and what #18 has said, I'm still disinclined to take you seriously on this, heh.

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-12 16:30 ID:1wsJ0cFK

ya know its just sad when you try to base your ideals on an anime character...

Makes me feel you need to get out more...

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-12 19:45 ID:gYXwvJzZ

I have gotten out all I need to....

This world has left me craven and cold...

You fail to realize that Hotaru is a timeless being.....she is the master of Death and all of its spirits defeated....Hers is the world to inherit and thine the spirits of the air...

Her place in Valhalla is guaranteed.....

And what of your ideals? You have based them off of philosophers and books of have created your own belief structure on a foundation of sand and you struggle to make sense of it all....

The Bible...Jesus....the one form or another your bastard beliefs come from these things....there is nothing new under the sun. Out...out Damn Sun...the brightness covers the shadows in a brilliance of pain.

I stand by my beliefs, for I have seen the world....I have seen beyond life and death...beyond the battlefields of sand and where the Babylonians fell...beyond the Byzantine....beyond Babel. .....

Hotaru is my ideal, for she is infinite.

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-12 20:55 ID:GKbJaxFb


I have to wonder if you are either smoking something, crazy, or just really needy for attention. I can't decide between the three as it seems its probably all of them combined at the moment.

23 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-12 22:14 ID:gwe6rNo8

They said the same stuff about Jesus.

24 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-04-12 22:56 ID:h52RAkM1

If a guy with the description by >>1 exists, or if he himself fits the description, then i'm sure there's a woman like that.
Otherwise, I just see a description of a seriously mental person.
This guy wants everything but I'm pretty sure he has nothing.

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-12 22:59 ID:gwe6rNo8


Or perhaps I have everything. I do not need to validate myself to the world.

This is merely a manifesto

26 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-12 23:07 ID:gwe6rNo8

Also This is good because it shows that love and romance does not need to be a bunch of coffee shop liberals pining and mooning over spoiled princesses who won't even give them the time of day.

I suggest you all read the following books so that way you can have everything too:

Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friederich Nietzsche
Der Wille Zur Macht by Friederich Nietzsche
ANYTHING by G. Gordon Liddy
Ulysses by James Joyce
ANYTHING by Ann Coulter
and the Iliad.

It will save you all a ton of grief. God, I'm here trying to bringy you alternatives and you fools you bury your head in the sand. Don't you see that you are all blinded by your illusions?! Don't you see that these "women" you mope over are nothing but chattel?!

Do you want fat overstuffed cream puffs or do you want Teutonic Valkyries?! Do you want to suffer the oppression of your false beliefs or do you want to go to Valhalla?! Think! THINK!!!

I'm not the one deluding myself into changing for some ripping bitch! I'm not some coffee shop liberal drinking latte's and debating over the environment or gun control....

I've SEEN the dusky sands and FELT the breezes of Hell upon my face......after I got back to the States...I was hikikomori..but Hotaru helped me...and these bitches just wanted a piece of me....MONEY! Money will not buy you passage into Valhalla!


27 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-04-12 23:57 ID:h52RAkM1

Wow, I haven't seen such an idealistic person in ages. Congrats. One day you'll wake up to reality and the ideals with sift away. Hold on to your ideals, if you are able to confront the world with that it might be worth it. Never give hope on finding that someone who fits you.

I like your view, but I'm sticking with a realistic view. Men are easily influenced by the environment they grown in and nearby people. Relationships are more often outcome of chance than real choice and the older one grows, you end up not being able to choose waht you want, but rather getting what comes at you. More often people end up marrying people at their work, school, people who are near, etc.

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-13 00:58 ID:fJhEzeZ9


That's only true if you accept it, 27.

What you deem to be realistic, I deem to be a delusion

29 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-13 01:36 ID:GKbJaxFb

>>28 But a lot of people here you are the delusional one. Makes you wonder who is right and who is the crazy one.

>>24 His is very detailed and specific, and I don't doubt that there MIGHT be someone out there who fits his description. Maybe even down to a T, as unlikely as it may seem. Regardless, I've started to wonder if he even finds such a person... will it truly make him happy? Or will he try to find fault with one little thing that she does? There are so many traits that contrast with each other that it seems hard to find such a person who can follow this ideal rigidly. I imagine the OP will probably succumb to buying a Hotaru body pillow out there and do who knows what to the thing to get his moment of joy.

30 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-13 02:59 ID:fJhEzeZ9

29, you just don't get it.

I'm not delusional, you all are. Like I said, they said the same things about Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, and Buddha, and you all believe in those false dogs.

Most normal women have offended me....the sex was trite and stale. The tedium of it all, revolting.

I could care less about your popular music, your popular movies, your parents, your job, or even what shoes you think you want...

It isn't about's about the Nihilism....I am tired of these cowering princesses...

No...I need a Valkyrie. And look at you all, trapped in the shackles of your own society.

Jokes on you, there is no such thing as love and romance. Women are nothing more than trophies and breeding machines.

The only woman worth having is a warrior...a gore laden Valkyrie who rides with Odin himself escorting the broken body of a dead Warrior to Valhalla.

I saw that in Tikrit.....a glimmer of Valhalla. And when I came was gone.

31 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-13 04:15 ID:3Iu63WUm

I do not think he is delusional...

I think he is unfulfilled by the default woman, the bleach blonde with a fake tan who is just an empty shell. Sometimes she is disguised as something else, but she is the same princess in a different outfit.

Many women might be offended by what he has to say, but look around you...the default American woman is just like how he describes. As a woman, I will admit it.

32 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-13 04:40 ID:fJhEzeZ9

Wow...somebody actually understood me.

33 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-13 08:18 ID:xZQXuI7x

I say he's delusional but only as delusional as everyone else, you all have a fantasy girl that you aim for, his is just different than the rest of you

>>29 how is Mr.>>1 buying images/figure of his idol type woman different than any other man buying posters/ magazines filled with their ideal woman?

34 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-13 15:38 ID:zIujkifL

I think you mean 28 as I am both 1 and 29

35 Name: Not A Secret Admirer : 2006-04-13 16:19 ID:Heaven

"I could care less about your popular music,"

"enjoys techno, metal, goth and bubblegum pop"

Now, you could make the argument that those aren't forms of popular music, but there's something else I'm getting at here.

You say you're tired of "normal, shallow" women, and are looking for someone who's more of the warrior valkyrie persuasion. That's all very well and good, but the fact is that there are women who are more independent, intelligent, aggressive... probably even a few nihilists out there. The fact is though, this isn't the world of Sailor Moon. We don't have galactic invaders regularly coming down from the sky or Neptune or Clarion-5 or wherever that need to be fought off with magical powers possessed by a few "lucky" teenage girls. In the real world, most developed countries don't send underage women out to fire assault rifles for them in wars and whatnot. So, by the very nature of the world we live in, anyone with those kinds of traits is most likely going to turn out different from what you expected even if they otherwise fit your definition of perfection.

As a side note, I have to ask: if you met a woman who matched your beliefs and political leanings, but was a busty tanned semi-athletic blonde, what would you do? Part of what makes me so disinclined to take you seriously is that if you want a real warrior, you're going to have to accept the fact that in the being pale and waifishly thin isn't the way to go if you're going to be worth your mettle in battle. Once again I add, having your ideal woman be someone who looks like a 12 year old is not the best way to convince people that your ideas aren't coming out of the looney bin.

Also, your religious angle is a little skewed. Last I checked, Valhalla was a Norse mythological concept, which is a fun study but not the most believable of ideas. Also, you say that "bastard beliefs" and ideas come from things like The Bible and Jesus. But when people say you're crazy, you start comparing yourself to him! "They said the same stuff about Jesus." So, what, your ideas are just as, for the lack of a better word, bastardly?

There's a nugget of truth buried somewhere deep in the confusing mess you've posted. Yes, bubble-headed bleach blondes suck, I'm with you on that 100%. I'm not looking for a relationship right now, but if I was, I'd be looking for someone a cut above the MTV and shopping mall crowd. Intelligent, independent, a disdain for the banal and mundane, has a little bit of fighting spirit in her (not necessarily gore-laden, mind you, and I don't really care for guns, especially automatics, too impersonal)... I can't say I could completely ignore what she looks like or personal tastes, because I'd prefer her to be pretty healthy and in shape and looks and personal tastes often reflect that to some extent. For that part, you seem like you've got your head on straight. It's just all this other stuff like the Hotaru-obsession and believing in Valhalla and seeing beyond Babel that completely destroys your credibility and makes you look ridiculous.

36 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-13 19:04 ID:qgWpvZxF

Somewhere a Starbucks is being deprived of a bleeding heart liberal.

First of all, Hotaru is timeless. Being a Soldier of Death and Destruction she takes the form of a Valkyrie. And just because I am like Jesus doesn't mean I believe in him.

Also, what about Audie Murphy? He was a short little shit and barely 18 when he became the most decorated soldier of WWII(he may have been on the wrong side though...) Everyone said he was weak and thin and slow, but he had a fierce warrior spirit and he is surely in Valhalla now as we speak sipping mead from his Stein and clasping hands with Odin.

And what about William McBride or John Amery?

So you go back to your liberal, Kerry loving bible thumping beliefs. SO you go back to your world where we are all trying not to hurt anyone's feeling's and your faux civilization.

Because I have seen Valhalla and my ideal woman is a Valkyrie. Pale skin, hair as black as death and void, and a fire in her eyes of rage and contempt.

And get off this loli-bullshit. Hotaru is Eternal and thus has no age.

37 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-13 19:49 ID:GKbJaxFb

"According to the manga, she is in sixth grade."

The only way she is eternal is because she is a fictional character, drawn onto thin sheets of paper and left for people to enjoy as long as physical evidence of "her" exists. Doing naughty things to a piece of paper will only get you ink and paper cuts in places I don't want to think about.

38 Name: Not A Secret Admirer : 2006-04-13 21:30 ID:Heaven

"Somewhere a Starbucks is being deprived of a bleeding heart liberal."

"So you go back to your liberal, Kerry loving bible thumping beliefs. SO you go back to your world where we are all trying not to hurt anyone's feeling's and your faux civilization."

Do you just throw insults out at random hoping they'll stick?

I'd rather not get into politics too much (there's a separate board for that), but I will say that I'm sick of having to choose between the "lesser of two evils", because if you ask me, they're both worse. Where's Guy Fawkes when you need him...

Also, when did I say anything about Bible-thumping? I'm just pointing out that for all your attempts to proclaim other religions false, you compare yourself to them (how many times have you said that you're like Jesus now?), and your own apparent beliefs revolve around a mythological place that, while it certainly would be a cool place to hang out, you know, fight the horde, singin' and cryin', and I do love a good roasted meat... well, I'd be far more inclined to believe in something that didn't support some pretty bizarre things like the world being formed from the body of a giant hermaphrodite. Those crazy Norsemen and their crazy gods and world trees...

Also, you're completely missing the point as far as Audie Murphy is concerned. (Note that William McBride comes from a song and from what I can tell, we're not exactly sure who and if such a person actually existed. Also, wasn't John Amery a recruiter/broadcaster, not a fighter in the war?) I mean, sure, it's not statistically impossible that a girl that has Hotaru's appearance and the desired character personality traits exists out there somewhere. However, I'd be willing to bet that there are also quite a few nihilistic valkyries out there who DON'T have pale skin and black hair. There are also quite a few other women who aren't just B-HBBs who would probably take offense at being called "trophies and breeding machines". Yeah, there's a lot of corruption and shallowness in the world, but it's not quite completely all gone to hell in a handbasket. But... you don't seem to notice or care.

On a final note: You can say that Hotaru is timeless all you want. She still looks like a 12 year old, and since real people who aren't just creations of Naoko Takeuchi aren't timeless, the closest any real life equivalent can come would be to match the physical appearance.

But, you do have a point: I guess I could accept that you're not loli if you add "is a timeless entity" to your list of perfect woman traits.... but then, now you're just asking for something that's physically impossible. Which means that even if you aren't loli, I'm still not going to take you seriously :)

39 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-13 22:43 ID:6wvihiju

... I disagree with your quasi-Communism and your liberalism as well as your delusions of society.

But, Aye, I WOULD hoist a Stein of Mead with you ......

Thanks for taking the time.

40 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-13 23:09 ID:djj/RrkA

I think this is on the verge of becoming a legendary thread.

41 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-13 23:57 ID:/7HvnZTu

Kay I gotta step in now seriously I don't think this belongs in the Love and Relationships

there ain't no love here and there sure ain't no relationship unless you count the one you have with your right/left hand.

this really belongs in some messed up catagory of madmen that haven't been created yet

btw you can't talk about being like Jesus, wanting to go to Valhalla, Valkyrie don't exist, nor does true Communism (its really just a dictatorship now)

and I think someone watched to much anime....

see what too much anime can do to you when you think that is the real world?

42 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 01:14 ID:Heaven

Who the heck is Hotaru.

43 Name: Not A Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 01:19 ID:Heaven

Well, it sort of started out that way but then things got a little off-kilter... though I believe we've resolved to agree to disagree, or... something of that sort. And in the process, there has been some discussion on actual ideal feminine traits. You could always bring us back on track and tell us what YOUR ideal woman would be like. Intelligent? Aggressive? Legal? ILlegal? Likes long walks on the beach? Likes playing video games? Likes to feed trolls? :)

44 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 01:37 ID:GKbJaxFb

>>42 She is from Sailor Moon. Hotaru Tomoe a.k.a. Sailor Saturn

45 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 03:04 ID:Heaven

I think this thread brings a gust of fresh air that Love & Romance desperatly needs. You can't seriously be telling me that you find all the "OMG WE R JUST FRIEND WUT SHUD I DUUUU" and "IMLONEEEEELYO" and the same rehashed answers to those threads to be interesting and worthy of space on this fine website, can you? (if your answer is yes, kill yourself now)

Anyway, my ideal women is cute, intelligent, at least a litte nerdy, a skillful troll and preferably a good cook. That's everything I can think of right now

46 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 05:11 ID:5stMXOzD

I'm the OP here and after much consideration, I would personally hoist meade with all of you. Hail.

But on a more serious, non Hotaru, non Valhalla related note. I would like to inspire you all to look more into yourselves and realize that in your own way you are all warriors.

A warrior does not need to wield a warhammer or brandish an M16, this helps, but a real warrior sees what he wants and goes about attaining it in an honorable, yet determined way.

If you see it, go for it. If you desire it, have it. It is not for you to judge or debate. Granted some people may not have the same Weltanshauung that I do. And while I think some people, read most, have gotten far too liberal and dependent on society; I think there is still hope.

If you want love and romance, you will get it. Just don't settle for less than you deserve and never take the first offer.

If you like something or believe in something, STICK TO IT. No matter what happens, if it something you want dearly, STICK TO IT. Never bend, never change and never acquiesce unless YOU really want to do so. There are too many fish in the sea to settle for minnows.

So the next time some spoiled Paris Hilton Democrat Princess tells you that you are uncool or tells you that you aren't hip.

You think about what your old pal the crazed Hotaru Maniac says and say "THOU ARE NOT A VALKYRIE!!! OOOODIIIIINNN!!!" and dump the bitch and go find a REAL woman that you deserve and want.

and if I can paraphrase HK, "In a world of compromise, some don't". Never compromise your beliefs and desires, they aren't for sale.

Whatever your ideal woman is, is the woman you should travel the ends of the Earth to seek at any cost, and be rewarded for your journey.

Your ideal woman may not be like mine,(Nihilistic, vengeful, intelligent, Valkyrian, Hotaru-esque), but I wholeheartedly support your efforts to find her.

47 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 05:36 ID:rL97hWcD

Hey for that I wouldn't mind drinking some mead with you too. In fact I'm having a beer right now. Cheers!.

Though your concept of perfect woman is different (quite different) from everyone elses opinion. However you can consider other people's ideals weird too. My idea of a perfect woman:
1)an outgoing personality, I am a pretty chill guy, but I wouldn't mind to have someone who is willing to drag me out to do wild shit.
2) Cute and not hot (a 5-7 on a 10 pt) scale. May seem strange but really hot girls just turn me off.
3) Good Cook...what can I say, I love eating.
4)A good singer. Even though I am usually calm, I have bad days, and a nice voice will calm me down.

Also I have request that we stop bashing OP and just post our ideas of the Perfect Woman and OP stop antagonizing everyone else. There is only room for love.

48 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 05:47 ID:GKbJaxFb

>>47 Eh... this counts me out then. Being that I'm a girl and all...

49 Name: Not A Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 06:27 ID:Heaven

Hmm, #48 brings up an interesting point. What about girls who want to post their ideas of the Perfect Man? It is sort of important, since you know, an important thing about my ideal woman would be that her ideal of a Perfect Man would be me, heh. After, all, it'd really suck to meet her, only to find out I'm not good enough for her, heh. So, perhaps some input from the ladies is warranted as well?

50 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 06:56 ID:GKbJaxFb

>>49 :) Thank you.

Generally, my ideal would have to match or exceed me intellectually. I find smart guys sexy and I love learning new things or having an engaging conversation about things I find particulary interesting. If he is able to sit still and watch the History or Discovery Channel with me, that would be great! And if they happen to enjoy my other hobbies (video games and anime), that would only sweeten the deal. I suppose they would also like to go to the bookstore, read varying types of literature, and also be adept with the computer.

Most importantly, they would have to be patient to have to deal with me. I don't like to gossip, go out to clubs, or go around dressing like a slut... but I do have other needs that need a little tender loving care when the time comes.

51 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 07:10 ID:rL97hWcD

damnit >>49 why must you like a guy who reads? bring my hopes up and then you had to say 'like to go to the bookstore' sigh i never have any luck...

52 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 07:26 ID:GKbJaxFb

>>51 :P I'll date you if you have other good qualities that will allow me to gloss over that minor detail. I'll give any guy a chance if he is a decent guy and all.

53 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 07:34 ID:5stMXOzD


You are sadly a minority. Don't ever change.

54 Name: SailorSaturn : 2006-04-14 09:54 ID:fhHh3zsD

If you look up in most online journal websites, you'll find me easily enough. All I can say is thank god I'm already married because I'd make you eat my hair or slice you up with a sharp weapon if you mix up Roman mythology (Naoko's interpretation of any sailor senshi) with Norse mythology (the inapplicable Valhalla/valkyrie nonsense).

And no, I don't believe in the other weird stuff you see with your rose-colored glasses such as xenophobia, private ownership of assault rifles, etc. Ugh, that's just plain weird.

Besides, if you want to know who's an ideal man for Hotaru... it'd be someone like Zagato of Mahou Kishi Rayearth. Think you meet the minimum requirements? Yea, thanks for playing "Do I have what it takes to woo Hotaru?"

55 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 13:05 ID:Heaven

56 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 13:37 ID:B+2IttyH


blasphemy most foul.

57 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 16:52 ID:GKbJaxFb

>>53 Yes, but my type doesn't attract the guys. I attract a lot of girls who like to cuddle with me and show signs of physical affection towards me, but only rarely will I notice a guy checking me out.

58 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 18:36 ID:1bUQZUE3

I'm going to tell you something >>57. It's good that guys rarely notice you, because most guys are looking for an easy lay or some little princess.

A good man, a guy worth having isn't going to care so much about your looks as he is the content of your spirit and your mind.

I don't know you and I don't know what you look like. But even if you were a little heavy or plain, it wouldn't matter.

Most mature males want security and loyalty. Looks fade, women get old, fat and wrinkled. That's life.

But what keeps a man to a woman, is her mind, her heart, and her conscience. Most younger guys flock to princesses and barbies simply because they just want to get laid and get their rocks off. These guys are bastards and not worth having because of their loose morals and idiocy.

Like I said, don't change. Good looks are fine, and it's important to take care of yourself for health reasons not just aesthetic ones. But trust me, what will attract a man to you will not be your looks. It'll be the type of person you are and your beliefs.

Look at my ideal woman; dark, angry, nihilistic, and idealistic. Notice how generic I am about physical features. In ancient Norse lore, Valkyries were both beautiful but also terrifying and fearsome. They were often covered in gore and brandished swords, they screamed as they entered battle and they rode astride of Dire Wolves. Looks mean very little in the long wrong because it is just flesh and flesh dies and withers.

But a firey spirit and vehemence, last forever.

Think about that.

59 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 18:44 ID:1bUQZUE3


I'd also like to add that the most attractive feature about a woman is her strength. This strength needn't be physical. Being strong isn't bench pressing a million pounds.

Because it isn't the size of the dog in the fight, but rather the fight in the dog that matters.

A woman will always be stronger than a man, in several regards.
A woman bears a new life into this world through pain, and endures the pain of conscience and responsibility for maintaining civilization.

A woman must guard her home and her progeny while her man is off to war or gathering food. Her man is meant to die in battle or while working his hardest to provide for his brood. She alone must take up the Staff and rear the children and keep her home.
And she must do this alone. She will most likely outlive her husband, and because of this, a man looks at a woman's strength for he knows he will die before she will.

Strength, not just physical. It is also very important.

And believe me, I've yet to see a Betty Barbie or a Paris Hilton that had any strength whatsoever. Strength is not parents, credit cards, money, or spreading the legs.

Strength is the iron will to survive and to render the ashes of the day.

60 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 18:52 ID:Heaven

all that crap abour rearing children and all that doesn't mean shit. it's all relative to the society they live in.

61 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 19:45 ID:GKbJaxFb

>>60 Yeah, I agree. I get the gist of what 59 is saying, but the anology is kind of silly in my opinion since it will never relate to how I will choose to live my life in the future.

62 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 20:22 ID:1bUQZUE3

Tis not silly. It is merely a statement.

And it isn't crap, because for nigh a millenia this formula has worked.

It is only now, in these times of convenience that people stray from this path.

63 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-14 20:40 ID:ptVCGBXt


>"Eh... this counts me out then. Being that I'm a straight girl and all..."

fix'd. :-p there are plenty of females out here that fancy women.

Personally, I want a person that doesn't take stupid crap, but isn't pointlessly agressive. Someone with an open mind, a good and broad sense of humour. Friendly. Interested in all sorts of different things and not too physically weak, not pointlessly too strong either. Preferably loves immersing hirself into various fields, as well as knowing a lot about a lot of different things.
Gamer/Art/Geek qualities being a big bonus, as well as a love for music, humour, humour, art, history, information, books, science, even more science, computers, mythology, philosophy etc.
Physically I want someone who can be cute as well as sexy, professional, silly, etc. I look more at how the features fit together, and are presented, rather than for individual features.
I have tons of things I look for in a person.
Essentially, I want a team-mate for my life, a good friend that I also can love and can go mushy over. Someone whom I am not with (nor sie with me) because we feel we have to or should, but because we want to and feel it makes our lives better. Someone who isn't clingy but yet is loving.

(Most awesome bit about all this, is that I found my "perfect" person. Technically, no human is perfect, but considering all the things I want in someone, I really can't see how anyone on this planet could be closer to not only what I want but what I need. Which is slightly annoying, as the blind concept of "ZOMG SOULMATE" really irks me, but I really can't find a better word for describing my significant other.)

64 Name: Some Guy!ur6F5gR21E : 2006-04-21 15:36 ID:md6tSg7Y


Ann Coulter is a stone cold bitch... with an adams apple.

65 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-21 17:43 ID:ReMCIdKs


Yeah but she's blond. And she isn't near bleak enough. Ann Coulter has her place in Valhalla...but she's a little too in your face.

I mean, I hate liberals, democrats, and communists. But I's just too out there though. I like mine with a more contemptful visage rather than just being out there all the time. Plus Ann Coulter probably doesn't listen to Joy Division

66 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-21 19:44 ID:Heaven

Komugi is the perfect woman.

67 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-21 20:10 ID:K9qtwtXm

aunt jemima

68 Name: Some Guy!ur6F5gR21E : 2006-04-21 22:57 ID:57wgLCs/

My perfect woman would be a gamer, Communist or almost militant left, animu faggot, /b/tard, short-but-not-too-short dirty-blonde haired, slender but not anorexic, metalhead, g33k, action and horror movie addicted, sword obsessed, anti-jugallo, anti-Nazi, tolerant, great sense of humor girl. My sense of humor being dead baby jokes and Geprge Zimmer /b/ posts.

69 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-22 02:06 ID:gcOSvl2n


What ...the...hell....

there will be no communism or left wing lies here.

70 Name: Some Guy!ur6F5gR21E : 2006-04-22 18:46 ID:57wgLCs/



71 Name: Some Guy!ur6F5gR21E : 2006-04-22 18:58 ID:57wgLCs/


Also, no, she has a place in Cthulhu's anal cavity

72 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-22 23:47 ID:Pc2qJbWA

Silence left wing, knave.

73 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-23 22:39 ID:ptVCGBXt

>>68 ...Dave? Is that you? O.o;;

74 Name: Not A Secret Admirer : 2006-04-24 19:18 ID:Heaven

Alright guys, if we're going to get off-topic let's at least keep it to discussion and not one-liner flames. Did I mention that my perfect woman would be at least somewhat tolerant of other people's opinions and preferences? Not that she would necessarily approve or agree with them, but be able to accept the fact that people aren't all the same. Just throwing that out there :)

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