Okay. I'm 15, and I think i like this guy. We've been friend's for ages, and i confide in him alot about things i wouldn't tell my friends. anyway, one day we were talking on MSN and he told me realy unexpectadly that he had a crush on me. I was really...REALLY stupid, and i told him i'll let him ponder on "that". OTZ. I know. kill me now. anyway recently my friends are all tellingme that i should go out with him, or at least tell him how i feel, but i'm scared that we'll lose our friendship..and that's helped me get through alot.
What do you think I should do?>???!
thank you so much for answering...anyone who answers....^^
just go on. get him.
Wait five years. If you still feel the same way then go for it.
Otherwise stay in school, carry on with your life, and don't look back.
Go for him, if you find him so helpful and a great friend then why not. Anyways even if you did break up in the future I'm sure you could still keep your friendship. I say go for it! ^_^
Arrange a one on one meetup and get comfortable with him. When you're both relaxed, start rubbing his crotch. It will all come to you naturally from that point. And don't forget the condoms
Talk to him about it, no really, you should and also take it slow.
Don't forget to give us the details.
You weren't stupid; you just weren't prepared yet.
Well, so long as you havn't rejected him; I am sure he's still waiting for you. But as others said, don't rush it; or you might regret it later. In any case, I wish you luck.
how long ago did he tell you he had a crush on you? If it's not that long ago and you like him back, GO FOR IT! you'd only regret it if you didn't. don't forget to give us more details on how it progresses!!!
A little too old to be unexperienced, I know. But if she starts now she'll catch up in no-time
as a general rule, you have a 2 week window to respond. if you do not say something by the end of two weeks, he will think he said/did something wrong and withdraw from your friendship. you lose, game over. no continues available.
ANY response is better than no response. Just pick one, justify it in your mind, and tell him.
he told you he had a crush on you? :|
in any case, if it has been a long time ago...:S
just take it slow with him, if he likes you, he'll still like you.
do you have any juicy details about this guy?
details? :| no>.........
well he's like........the same age, only child, single-sex high-class school.....:| i don't know how much I can say...
How do you suggest i...ugh...tell him? jus tlike that on MSN or..?
thanks so much for the advice so far guys xoxox
Forget MSN, talk to him in RL
>details? :| no
You're on the internet! We want to live your experiences vicariously!
Yes, tell him in RL.
April 19 + 2 weeks = May 3rd. You're running out of time.
lol. this was like last year.........
anyway okay? Details? ummmm. i need questions!!!!!! +.+
thanks heaps to the people so far xoxox
last year? well then, too late, you've already lost.
>lol. this was like last year.........
are you fucking serious!?!? you are an idiot.
X| exactly....
X| exactly....
"single-sex high-class school"
So... you're both male?
that would be weird if if was some gay romance in a conservative school. Sounds like some shoenen-ai for some reason.
NO. I go to an all-girls. He goes to an all-guys.
x_X" ummmmm........ we met through a friend's reunion. I just turned up becuase i had nothing better to do. We meet some fridays.
>He goes to an all-guys.
At least there's not as much chance of him being snapped up then. You're 15. That leaves you a good 3 years or so of hemming and hawing until you part ways forever in post-secondary education, leaving you to wonder "what if" for the rest of your life. Or you could do something about it and have better than average chance(he has a crush on you) at a fairy tale high school romance.
You meet some fridays. How often since he confessed his crush? How close do you two get when together? What do you think of what you have seen of him so far?
>How close do you two get when together?
not very. well....it depends how close close is. we're usually walking along the road or something, and sometimes there's another friend there so..
>What do you think of what you have seen of him so far?
He's a very nice guy. really. ummmmmmm. i guess i like what i see.
I meant more in an emotional/personality way. How intimate can you get when you talk? What interests do you share?
>I meant in an emotional/personality way.
oops sorry, yes i guess what i like.
We can get very intimate...NOT in a sexual way or anything, but if we feel like it we can talk about...well anything.
We share sporting interests YAY NRL!, a few musical favourites...and we're both only-child. so i guess we can relate to each other alot.
in a more presonal way... I guess we both value honesty. =my history here. I was cheated on by an ex-bf of mine and he made my best friend pregnant after some party. She had to have an abortion and had to go back to japan to live with relatives...my sad story!=
um, yeah. i don't know what his deal with honesty is though.
thanks for the comments so far!!!!! yay!!!!
xox idiot
Holy crap that story even made me sad. Despite how horrible that is its even worse that she is Japanese. Japanese families would get SOOO upset. Oh wow.
you have to figure out what kind of guy he is and what he's looking for in a relationship -- If it's purely sexual attraction I think that your friendship will be more at risk, but if you are turned on by him physically and the fact that he's your good friend, I think that if the relationship turns sour, then you'll both be able to handle it okay.
But you're still very young, and if it goes bad, then it's another experience to learn from
GOOD LUCK! and let us know what you decide! ^_^
Thanks everyone....
:D well the deal was with ma friends that i tell him in the next month, and I'll keep you all posted on what happens.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you've been greathelp!
xox idiot
When you read this will be "within the next month". Do it then (now).
same situation here. Except that he told me a week ago, not...a year. Anyway how would you recommend i slip "i like you too" into a conversation?
the idiot:
I hope you do well with this guy. Make time be in your side, not against you. If you tell him, then all do is wait and time is on your side. If you don't say anything, time is against you, and more time is lost. Be careful when harboring feelings for a long time. It's not good, although women can deal with a love for decades, men can't, (I'm serious).
In any casual conversation be like, "blah blah blah [totally unrelated casual sentence], and I like you."
Don't go like "What if i said 'I like you' right now" cuz guys won't understand it and they get confused. Really.
btw, similarity. If he says "what?"
answer, "[the same sentence goes here], and I like you too."
repeat process as many times as needed
thanks alot. I used it and it worked :D we're going out now. thank you all for your support, and to the idiot, hopefully your situation will work out for you too.