The Theory of Love (264)

114 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-11 02:07 ID:Heaven

Aye, lust of pleasure can turn a man into something that society deems unworthy, but so can lust for life.

Reason, logic, truth, they are all so very relative. At one point in time, everyone knew the Earth was flat, they had cold logic, obvious reasons, and they knew it was the truth. Only by their own greed, did they discover what more there is to the world, and so things became as they are today.

We can put human beings in the category of horrid creatures, but it does not settle anything, nor does it make you any different. You can forsake love, call it illogical, useless, and based on all the wrong reasons, or ending with corruption, but if it is never explored then we will never understand.

Right now, some 14 year old girl is crying because she lost her boyfriend. She said that she loved him, but she was just being childish and immature. Right now another girl is crying, but she was more foolish than the previous one, not because her feelings were false, but because they were true, she did love him... and now she suffers for it. A fool, but a true person.

In order to truely bring order to choas, life to death, peace to despair, you must not simply say you know both end of the spectrum, you must feel them. It is easier to banish humanity as worthless and hate it, than it is to try and help it change.

So go on and truely prove your worth, those of you who say that mankind is worthless and doomed. Go out there and do your part, that it may not be entirely worthless.

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