[Long Distance] What do you guys think? [Confessing Love] (22)

3 Name: cocoapuffs : 2006-04-21 05:36 ID:1jk3Sw6l

I've never been in a long-distance relationship, but I can imagine the problems. If I were you, I would go for it. Even though there would be some difficulties, it would still make me very happy to share my life and feelings with someone, even if it were to be by email or phone calls. I wouldn't wait because like you stated there is always the possibility that she will find someone else. That would be awful.

There is also the possibility that she will turn you down. I'd rather be disappointed now than wait for a year to be disappointed. If you don't think you will find someone more suitable for yourself, go for it. I think it would make you happy. Good luck with your choice1

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