More Mature? (57)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-13 23:31 ID:PITiFD71

Is it just me or are kids these days a lot more mature than we were? I mean, back in fifth grade we used to have crushes and everything, but no one would even consider having boyfriends and girlfriends. Or maybe I'm just jealous because I never got that much action back then (still don't...)

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 00:13 ID:Heaven

Mature? No.

Having sex earlier and setting new records in teen pregnancy and STDs? Yes!

TV tells me if I haven't sucked a cock by 12 I'm a frigid bitch.
True story

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 00:36 ID:LgFwok1K

Are you kidding? 13 year old girl having sex with a high school drop out does not = mature. Less extreme: having a boyfriend or girlfriend does not = mature. It's all pop culture. Out of all the girls and boys that claim they're bisexual, probably 5% actually are. The rest are "bisexual" because it's so cool and ideal.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 06:42 ID:rHBhS66T

I think that kids like to think that they are mature. How many times have you heard "I am mature for my age"? Doing adult things at a young age does not make a kid mature, it puts them in situations that they cannot cope with.

Some kids are more mature than others, but most are not. To me it seems that kids are even more ignorant and immature. If they were so mature, they would not do all the stupid crap that they do.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 09:04 ID:Heaven

>The rest are "bisexual" because it's so cool and ideal.

I'd say because it fits a hedonistic outlook they're striving for.

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