More Mature? (57)

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-20 02:51 ID:rHBhS66T

The "Oh, let's live our lives out and don't worry about what befalls us," mentality is for the ignortantly bliss and the weak. It leads to things such as the mass suicide at Jonestown. People with this mentality have a need to have faith in something else to make themselves happy.

I have faith only in myself, not love, a god, or other people. I am also not so full of myself to think that I have the right to tell everyone what they believe in is wrong and that I am right. That leads to extremism and even more ignorance.

I am not saying you are wrong, and I am not even saying to go away like other people. I am saying do not think you are so important, because people will not take you seriously. People laugh at the pompous.

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