More Mature? (57)

39 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-05-22 16:19 ID:37HWWEuv

Kids are more mature these days. Definitely. With proper guidance, they start maturing as soon as puberty or before. Often I see young teens being more mature and lecturing their parents in the most amazing things.

Kids can analyze more things subconsciously than ever before. And they are more aware of their surroundings. I got some stories about my beloved children (they are not really mine)...

For instance, this 6yr-old's reaction simply dumbfounded me:
I picked the kid to sit on my lap and she said she didn't want to sit there cuz my "pipi" (kid's language for dick) was there! No, I did not have a boner, it was the wallet. Kids these days know everything!

Another kid I know is very attached to me. 5 years old and she once seriously wanted to marry me. When I had to leave to another country, she started crying! Kids sure can be cute.

Most children love me, I think because I got good empathy and communication skills, I can even communicate with babies (and because I play with them too). I love children.

However, how mature a child becomes depends 100% on the parents and how they were raised. Treat kids like adults, they will learn the responsible ways of an adult. Treat them like kids, they will remain stupid. Sex awareness needs to come as soon as they know the difference between the sexes, and guidance comes not so much with words, but across actions and commands. Kids get the message. During puberty, verbal confirmation of what's responsible and not is needed.

I believe children are evolving quicker than ever before.

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