How to tell if a girl is attracted to you? (68)

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-30 18:56 ID:h2YQiduK

Wow... unfortunately, my country has very strict fire-arm regulations. I don't think I can get my hands on one. So I think I'll need some oldfashioned tips on how to tell the signals a girl gives.

Please people, telling us D/\ting N00Bs that we should look at the nonverbal signs, that's pushing it a little. I mean, if you were Chinese, would you tell some westerner who goes to China to just listen to the people there? Its what you do, and it works for you, but we ain't Chinese (well most of us anyway) and we're pretty much lost.

All I'm asking is, can you teach me some Chinese? thx.

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