My girlfriend is from Japan, I'm from Europe. We're both in our 20's, but as persons very different. I'm an underground subculture loving guy who wants peace in the world while she is a fashion loving girl who only cares about herself (or gives that impression). Even with our differences the only problem I see between us is her pride in being selfish. She's very dependent on me (not my money or job..I'm unemployed and poor :D), but I get very little feelings in return and sometimes when I do it feels it's because she benefits from the situation. Not because she feels in her heart that it's the right thing to do. Making her happy makes me happy, but when I get little in return it makes me sad. We have talked about this, but we always end up with her having pride in being selfish and there is no reasonable conversation.
So, any suggestions with these types of girls? It's impossible to manipulate a personality of course.. but any way to make her feel guilty or face reality?
... oh, and I'm not thinking of finding another girl ;)
break up
Stop being a hippie, get a haircut, get a job, and world peace will never happen god willing.
World Peace ::shudder::
And Japanese women are fun in small doses. Get some Eastern European woman. She'll keep your dumbass in line. Whenever you start spouting off about underground this, subculture that, Che Guevara this, Communism that, she'll beat you in the ass and tell you to get a job.
Also maybe look into joining your local military. That might help knock some of that shit outta your head.
Because dude.....the only woman you will end up with at this rate is a birkenstock wearing freak who doesn't believe in shaving.
Are you really that retarded or just an ami?
Stereotypes O_O. Actually I like my head bald, but she likes long hair. Me being unemployed is just momentary and I believe in hard work. I never told you I was a communist either. You an american? xD
Anyway.. my question was how to deal with these kind of women. I've made my decision about my lifestyle.
As a non-delusional weaboo otaku who has spent some time in Japan, I can tell you that selfish mass-culture consumerist yuppie-ism is hip in Japan nowadays among unmarried females. They can take and take and take and not stop to think about anyone's satisfaction but their own. Of course, there are women like this in every culture, but it's especially prevalent in Japan nowadays. Frankly, I'm surprised she sticked around even when she found out you didn't have a steady income. (Do you still spend a lot of money on her anyway?)
Women unmarried by thirty are already considered old maids in Japanese culture, so there's a good chance she'll mellow as the big three-oh approaches. But right now, it sounds like she's just having fun and you're the toy. The ideal relationship is fun and fulfilling for both people, and that's clearly not what's going on here. Time to take her aside and tell her she needs to reassess the relationship. Remind her that you are a person with desires and emotions. If she can't see her own faults or is unwilling to change her ways, things are going to continue to be empty for you. Ship out.
>>4: What's an ami? New internets slang you young'ns are throwing around?
hee hee.....young'ns
I don't spend much money on her. It's more like an emotional thing that she benefits. Ok, she's a mass-culture consumerist yuppie in a way, but she could be worse. She even tells me herself there are lots of stupid girls in Japan :D. Not very typical, more like special and that's what I like about her :)
I'm gonna have a good talk with her once I get my thoughts together...
You should type "1" in your Name space. :)
It makes us easy to read your post.
"ami" is a giveaway that the poster comes from a german-speaking country
This is trollland now.
still not used to this LOL ><;
Oh my god, get over yourselves.
Just because I am not going to be an enabler for your pining, whining, moping and pussywhippedness...
This man getting a Job and ceasing his hippie ways will benefit him in more ways than one.
I am just offering a different viewpoint. If you just want another lonely virgin saying:
"Oh my god man, I feel you. You should follow your heart and true love will prevail like in the animes. It is soooooo kewl your g/f is Japanese, if you got married you could have a japanese wedding and name your son Gohan and your daughter Kasumi. Ever see densha otoko it could be just like that your story would make a good manga. Did you remember to confess your love to her?"
LAME! Mixed relationships rarely work anyways.
Shitty threadGET!
You're a faggot. I'm so sorry :(
You're missing the point. That's not what I asked for either. If you read my thread carefully you'd see that it could be a girl from any country. Her being japanese is not the point, only a small part of it.
Shitty thread2GET!
I said faggot, not homosexual. Know the difference
I'm only human like you. You don't have to read my stupid questions if you don't like them.
You can't tell if a question is stupid or not until you've read it. Or am I wrong?
>>28 That's right, but answering to them is another thing.
If you don't want answers, don't ask. win/win for everyone
You both sound like victims of circumstance. Being around her is only going to reinforce your self-destructive habits.
You know she is selfish and you know you are unable to change her. You should also know that if she is so selfish she probably won't feel guilty about it either. So, you are sad because you give so much and recieve so little? Okay, why not stop giving so much! Give as much as she gives, not give as much as she takes.
You must be really innocent to women...
When I first saw this thread I thought to myself, "Wow, Love & Romance has hit a new low", but this thread just keeps on getting worse and worse, lowering the bar for every post made in it. Will there ever be an end? I'll check back in a week.
My point is that you're a fucking moron!