My little story - help (9)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-30 10:16 ID:rwJxT0sQ

Here is the story:
I know this girl (let's call her Amy) for a long time now. My friend "picked her up" and the girl tried to catch his attention, but they never even kissed or anything. Back then I had a girlfriend who I already broke up with. Two years ago we had a party on new year's eve. I went on a walk with Amy, hand in hand and eventually I kissed her. My parents got a little mad about this, as they didn't know that we went out.
Two years passed since and in january this year, Amy called me and we met again. From this point, things went a little fast. We got a little close to each other: 1st base, 2nd base and even 3rd base. I like to hang out with her (although not always) but I'm not in love with her an probably never will.
Then the relationship halted. I called her, but she never had time saying she needs to study. I thought that she has no more interest in me. But now, she has finished school and have more free time.
Last monday I went up to her. We talked and stuff. Their parent went to bed arount 10pm and I wanted to go too because I had to go to work the next morning. But she wouldn't let me go. Just laughed and hid the keys. I talked to my friend and he told me that she did the same with him. Is it a good sign?
Did she want me to have sex with her? The occasion wasn't quite good. We haven't even kissed in a while so it would be a little sudden. Besides, I didn't have a condom.

So, to summarize for those tl;dr guys:

  • I know this girl from a long time, but she was interested in my friend too.
  • We did some stuff together but didn't have sex.
  • I don't love her, I think this is just and instinct.
  • Looks like she wants to have sex, but I'm a little undecided.
  • And finally: I'm a virgin and I don't have much experience.

So what would you suggest?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-01 08:36 ID:56fudGis

if she's doing the same thing with other guys...i dunno. beware of stds?

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-02 03:07 ID:Heaven

Bring a condom, even if you are not ready because in the heat of the moment, you may not be able to control yourself and she seems like the type that may carry something. Besides you don't want to knock her up.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-04 12:04 ID:NBIKeQz+

She said she had 2 relationships so far and another one which wasn't "real".
I don't know much about them though. She may carry something but I can never be sure. More importantly, if she does the same with other guys, then I think she's not a good party.
I don't know why but I can't decide. Is she the right person for me to lose my virginity with or should I wait for someone else? Nearly all of my friends have already done it, and I'm quite old for a virgin, so I don't know how much longer shoud I wait...

5 Name: 3 : 2006-07-04 20:47 ID:Heaven

When you are ready, you are ready. Don't feel pressured to lose your virginity at any time. Sorry for the last post, I guess I was under the impression you wanted to have sex. But wait if you want to. Don't trust her to have a condom, its your penis not hers.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-05 20:03 ID:6nBm9eCX

Yes, I know. I'm full off tension. On one hand, I'm a little driven by my instincts and I'm "curious" too, on the other hand I'm a little concerned about STDs and I don't know if she's the right person.
Anyway, I'm already 23 and I know that virginity isn't a shame but everyone suggests that I'm a little old to be still a virgin.
I never had much luck with girls, I'm not the type who can easily pick up a girl.

Amy's birthday is coming in 4 days. (She's turning 22) I think she's expecting something "special" from me... I'm confused, don't know what to do...

(Yes, I know, I'm lame...)

7 Name: KIRA : 2006-07-06 17:48 ID:7uVHTFap

jeez, should keep your virginity if u arent so sure about doing it or not, you only need to do it once to not be a virgin anymore. who cares if other people think u are too old, they just looking for something to say because they did it and u havent...
also, dont trust a girl with a condom, they could of like poked a hole in it or something and then 9 months later down the line, Bam! your screwed. =P thats juat a little advice for you.
ya i know its hard to stay a virgin with all that temptation seems like u are getting, but would u be willing to marry her or something? wouldnt u want the person u love to be able to make love with you?
really, its your choice, and no one elses, good luck man! Combatte! Ike!

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-06 18:05 ID:6nBm9eCX

> ya i know its hard to stay a virgin with all that temptation seems like u are getting, but would u be willing to marry her or something?

Wah, I kinda like to hang out with her, but I'm not in love and marriage is out of question...

The thing is just... as I get older the chances of finding the right girl lowers... I mean, will I ever meet the girl I'm searching for?
I had a girlfriend 3 years ago, but it only lasted for 10 months. I loved her from the bottom of my heart, but her emotion wasn't that deep. I don't know if I can ever fell in love with another girl... :sigh:

Am I pathetic?

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-13 16:57 ID:p+IzwPdg

People nowadays don't need to think of marriage to have sex.

Falling in love isn't really... Important, to tell you the truth. You're 23. You still have a while to be worried about getting married (... Kind of...). And as for your virginity, I agree with Kira. Your virginity is yours. If you're unsure, then don't do it. Hesitation usually ends up in regret anyways. Don't feel pressured.

'sides, from the way you're talking about this girl. She kinda seems like a slut.

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