For several years I have wanted to seduce and make love to my mother. She is currently living with me, and the opportunity seems right. However, I don't know how to go about seducing her.
Any help?
Dude, if you're considering boinking yer mom why not go all the way and just rape her? I mean, you're going to hell already, why not enjoy the ride?
And though this gave me a laugh I believe it as far as I can throw a schoolbus.
this thread is WRONG
This thread is TROLL
now now let's hear the man out.
>She is currently living with me
kid, don't you think its the other way round?
OP err... what makes you think posting something like this here gonna help you?! I dont think any1 here thinks having the hots for your own mother is ...
Years of reading hentai tell me that you should find her or have her find you in a sexually awkward situation, like masturbating. Or just ask her to wash your back in the bath.
Good luck.
What, not a single serious response?
That's a surprise.
hoooooooooooooooo you called that bitch out
Nope. I'm the one with the cash in this family, biatch.
pwned & served in one reply.
>>12 pwned
Are you 13? :(
Nope. Just typing in terminology #'s 7 & 11 would understand.
Whats the mattter OP, can't fuck any girls outside of the family?
Says the poster who wouldn't know what a vagina looks like without the internet.
I get laid pretty much whenever I want, thank you for asking.
>>1 thats really wrong if you asking me, i mean for gods sake shes your freacken MOTHER!!!
Hey, he's already been in there once, why not return?
What a sad no lifer loser. Can't get attention in the real world, so you have to beg for it on the internet. Some people just fail at life. This troll should rather kill himself, it's not like anyone would miss him.
if you're gonna make a troll, at least make it original.
Nah, it's my way of saying you're all a bunch of no-life losers who have to talk anonymously over the internet for "love advise" (which roughly translates to stalking some poor girl in your chemistry class who's already to you five times she's not interested in a fungus like you) because you have no friends to talk to OR your friends have to you to knock it off and you refuse to listen. Of course, your fragile little egos won't let you. It would be admitting to yourselves that your pathetic and won't get laid until well after your thirty (except for the occasional pity-sex, which you will masturbate to the memory of for months on end). Wah wah wah...gitting mixed signals. Wah wah do I ask her out. Wah wah wah...I like my best friend because no-one else will have me.
This is the reason we all laugh at you in school: You're socially inept and hopeless emo's. Enjoy your wedgies and rejections.
Hmm...he's dissing everyone of us and quoting thread names found here.
Only lol I see is against us!
>girl in your chemistry class who's already to you five times
how do I 'to' someone?
>>24 I lol because he generalizing everyone on 4-ch as losers who have never had and never will have a relationship etc. When people make false assumptions about me on the internet, rather than frantically defending myself, I laugh!
sage this shit already
Brikkmeister is also |_|lrich
Now We Are Offtopic LOL
Would rather talk about how he is going to bang his mother?
I lol because he speaks the truth u_u
It is a sad lol.
Sluts > Other Girls
They are teh best girlz ever cause they never use the words "no" , "stop" and "dont".. There's nothing you can do about it.
if you're gonna make a troll, at least make it original.
and with a name like yours, i would be talking anonymously too.
>>33 I troll because I'm lonely. It is sad lol.
Learn to sage you fucking idiot
and what happened with yor mom?
how she looks like?
Indeed, such a tabooed complex like Oedipus's will not be taken seriously in a board such as this. I am very curious mostly because I want to empathize, but also I want to know if what you're going through is just a phase. First, the circumstances in which your fantasy arises, like age, socioeconomical situation, and any traumatic experiences do make a difference in how strong your desires are, and how much self-control you have. If indeed you can get laid whenever you want, then you probably are socially integrated, or extremely attractive and pitied by women.
In other words, this is a troll thread. Case concluded.
sage this shit thread if you want to post here...
This is a funny thread.
I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible.