Suicidial To-Be-Ex-Girlfriend (35)

1 Name: Irrelevant : 2006-07-04 00:44 ID:0Pg6qNok

Any suggestion 4channers?
My girlfriend is great looking, and shares most of my interests. We watch anime together and play DS. We're both 19. She's a bit of a nympho.

Problem: she's crazy. Depression and anxiety. I can't handle it anymore - after nine months I worry so much about the next time she'll get angry over nothing that I don't look forward to sex (well, that's a lie - my hormones make me want it right as it comes up, and then I get bothered again right after it's over).

She went on Wellbutrin for me, but it's a) not doing anything except space out the panic attacks more, and b) too late for me to get back the same feeling. The reason I haven't broken up with her is that she may kill herself... she threathened it to a mutual friend a while back. Suggestion?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-04 01:24 ID:+XI8LSlk

try and get HER to break up with YOU, thats what id do. play the asshole, and mabye she'll leave?

3 Name: Klaymen : 2006-07-04 01:40 ID:mAnjIOHo

just make her want to kill you more than she'd want to kill herself. And then watch your back for the next year and a half

4 Name: Irrelevant : 2006-07-04 02:39 ID:0Pg6qNok

Thought of that. At this point, unfortunately, I could rip her arms out and cheat on her using those arms to pleasure another girl and she'd be cool with it.

Sigh. Obsession.

As for outright asshole, I can't muster up the ability to do that.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-04 04:47 ID:3qwvytPe

you should talk to a therapist

6 Name: Humbaba : 2006-07-04 05:48 ID:bHUBUWdG

Dear Irrelevant,

From what I can tell you are too kind. The best advice I can offer you is to think of yourself a bit. The more you stay with her the more you suffer and the harder it will be for you to break up with her later. It is best for you to be firm and simply break up with her if it isn't going to work.

That is the best advice I can think of right now.


P.S. Please keep us updated.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-04 09:34 ID:y6j8VsKz

Just dump her, she's not going to kill herself.

8 Name: holdincourt : 2006-07-04 09:47 ID:po59vrWL

Would like to add to what >>7 said...and to an extent what >>6 said,too.

You should get our while you can, OP. Because this isn't a relationship anymore, it's a bear-trap / prison/ Chinese Finger trap, will be stuck as long as you keep on thinking that this girl will commit suicide once you leave her.

Whether she knows it or not, she is not using that to keep you around...that much is obvious, right? So why put up with it?

If you want to remain responsible, you can try to find her professional help AFTER you've ended the relationship, simply, well, coz you care, right?
...since she was willing to take meds for you, this can't be too far from that, right?

For your own well being and for her, it's best if you do end it. That way you can move on and the girl can also try to get over this loss PROPERLY and maybe face her other problems at the same theory.

IMO, may I remind the local crowd.

9 Name: Irrelevant : 2006-07-04 21:27 ID:0Pg6qNok

Hmmm... thank you. It's all good advice.

I've thought of doing it a lot, especially in recent days, but she's on the part of her magical angst cycle where she sounds sweet and starts to cry any time I sound unhappy. This'll be a lot easier once we fight again next.

Thank you all, so far.

10 Name: Chill-Anon : 2006-07-05 00:23 ID:btAP3NOp

If she loves who you are now, you could try being the oppisite... or if there is a type of guy she hate you could be like that...

11 Name: Irrelevant : 2006-07-05 07:08 ID:0Pg6qNok


I wanted you to know what happened. I went ahead and did it... I broke up with her.

It was probably the most painful thing I've ever done. It started at one (I work from 8-5, mind you, so... sigh), and I told her that I think we need to break up... which went into an hour and fourty-five minutes of her literally begging me not to. She said she wouldn't see our mutual friends anymore, that she'd avoid places I ate, just so she wouldn't see me... that it'd be too painful. The whole time I tried to remember why I was doing it, but I couldn't. I just forced myself through with it, forced myself to hurt her and make her cry, because I'm sure I had a good reason.

At three I got her to go to sleep, since she was forced off the phone (she woke up her mom with her yelling). She said I could call her tomorrow. And that things would eventually be okay. If I believed she meant that, I'd be fine with the whole thing... but I think she's lying to herself, and she will hole herself away now. And I'm stuck with trying to remember why I did it... somehow it's all faded out of my mind, and all I know is that I did it for a reason. All that remains in my mind is that she begged me not to, and that I refused and listened to her cry for nearly two hours. I hate myself.

So. I know that's kinda... resolution, even though something more could happen in the next 24 hours. It's three something now, and I wanted to put it here before I forgot this too.

Thanks for the help. I'm going to try to sleep 3.8 hours before work, but I think I'll have to call in sick.

I hope to God she'll be okay.

(And, for those who suggested it... in a moment of her being short-of-breath during the conversation, I asked her if I could just cheat on her and make this easier. She said that, no, she'd just forgive it probably.)

12 Name: Irrelevant : 2006-07-05 07:14 ID:0Pg6qNok


Tomorrow (the 6th) is her birthday.

Now all I can think about is calling her at midnight and saying "One more chance for us. Please... let's try. I promise I'll try to love you again. I really will. But know that this is it."

I'm sure I've said something like that before... I've tried to break up with her before, and I've been met with things like "You want to break up with me on fucking CHRISTMAS?!"

I think I'm going to say that to her. I can't think myself out of it. It would be a good birthday gift... it wouldn't ruin her birthday... and... I could live with it for a bit longer. Maybe some good would come of it.

13 Name: Humbaba : 2006-07-05 07:46 ID:bHUBUWdG

Irrelevant, look if you give in now nothing will change. The only thing that will happen is you will hurt yourself and her more. By trying again the only thing you do is set up more pain for her when things don't work out again and you break up.

The only thing you do to her by going back to her now is setting her on an emotional roller coaster. I hope I got this message in time to you. Good luck and god bless you whatever you do.

14 Name: holdincourt : 2006-07-05 08:09 ID:po59vrWL

200% agree with >>13, thank God someone put a msg up quick enough!

Seriously, OP, you took a big step in breaking up with will work out in the long run for both you and her...all part of life and learning and growing-up.

If you cave in now, like >>13 said, it puts your girlfriend in a weird emotional hell and, for yourself, you show you aren't strong enough to make such a decision (and hence, why go ahead and dump her in the first place?!).

Yes, the 6th is her birthday, so what...if you lasted till her birthday, how long would you have waited to break-up with her, then?

It's good you did it now than later, honestly...

Stick with your decision...BE STRONG! It's for YOU and HER that you did this!!

15 Name: Humbaba : 2006-07-07 07:11 ID:bHUBUWdG

I wonder how Irrelevant is doing...I haven't heard from him. I wonder do you think my message didn't make it in time?

16 Name: holdincourt : 2006-07-07 07:33 ID:po59vrWL

I sure hope it did...

...then again, he's probably not around coz he did end up gettin' back together with the girl and spending time around her again.


17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-07 08:02 ID:stZmHJZI

You have a problem if you can't remember why you wanted to break up with her when it's explicitly written down in this thread.

18 Name: Irrelevant : 2006-07-08 05:06 ID:0Pg6qNok

Well, I know it won't be respected, but I took her back. On terms.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Screwing myself over. And maybe her.

I felt bad that I did it when she was genuinely getting better - trying to, and suceeding. It's just that my heart wasn't in it. I'm trying to accept it a bit more, and she's been fine so far. I'll probably go at it again if she goes all... crazy in the future.

Reason to put myself through that potential hell: vowing to be a hermit was not a good way to remember her by, and I thought she deserved more than being broken up with WHILE trying her hardest. I made her promise that, if she DID want to date again, she'd have to see myself and her friends after the breakup. Also, that the final breakup would be less... childish. That we'd speak, and be sad, and not beg at any point. Else I'll just hang up and not feel bad.

Thank you for being concerned, guys. But I felt that her feelings weren't being thought of in this instance - for once, in this relationship, I was doing the unfair thing instead of her. When it actually comes to an end, I'll post again, if you guys are interested.

And if it's in, like, four days, feel free to mock me. -_-

PS - Holdincourt, I can't spend time with her. Part of the problem is probably that she's three hours away from me while we're on summer break from college.

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-09 07:20 ID:XbxzJuh8

omgsauce n00b!!!! you did it! wat the hecks?! nothings gonna change tho, you break up with her, you dont vow to be a hermit, you make peace with yourself and move on. same for any problem. all you did was regress urself and wind up kind of in the same situation you were before. im sorry but, if you end up sucking again, dont come crawling crying back to us....

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-09 07:51 ID:547gTd78

stick it in her pooper

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-09 18:40 ID:Ap+aJQpz

Oh. My. God.

Dude, you need to get OUT. There are other girls out there, man! Hotter, sweeter, with bigger tits and tighter pussies and who'll rock your fuckin' world. Even some that spend more time playing DS games!

You should ABSOLUTELY NOT subject yourself to her insane bullshit. When a relationship is consistently bad, you need to leave.

Can you even begin to imagine just how miserable you'd be if you ended up marrying this chick?

She obviously has a lot of self-development that she needs to work at. Coddling her won't change anything. Go find another girl. I'm begging you.

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-10 00:39 ID:Heaven

lol these kind of relationships are so dumb. Why even be in a relationship if you KNOW it's not going to work? I don't understand how you can discuss with eachother how things will work out when (and not if) you break up. "Hey, we're going to break up eventually, so do you think we should still see eachother when we do?" How romantic!

23 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-10 01:14 ID:+a2KG9tJ

You did the right thing Irrelevant, the wrong thing was to break up with her. Fight, this is as good as it will get because you love her, shit follows you wherever you go, you can't run from it, only work with it as best you can. Then you might as well deal with the shit you have already started on and gotten used to. Come to grips with reality or hope for something that doesn't exist and be dissapointed again.

However, if you are a walking cock without a conscience, disregard what I've just told you. There are two sorts of people, people and shit. Even if people are sometimes shitheads, you can't expect shit to act like people now can you?

24 Name: Amarok : 2006-07-10 04:15 ID:corHQgD0

You REALLY need to assess how YOU feel about her and how the situation with hermakes you feel. Like I've said before, relationships are about both of you, if you really cared about her you would include her in the calculations. I'm not advocating either option of dumping her or not, I don't think I know enough from this thread to make such a suggestion just yet. YOU however do have all the information you need right behind your eyes.

25 Name: holdincourt : 2006-07-10 07:04 ID:po59vrWL

Can't believe you got back with her after all you said about how she made you feel and how felt being around her...might as well not have made the thread in the first place!

Good luck to you, man..

26 Name: Irrelevant : 2006-07-13 07:45 ID:0Pg6qNok

Did it again. More details tomorrow if you want. I'd say "Yeah, permanent, this time." But, hell, after my last post, I probably wouldn't believe me outright.

27 Name: Irrelevant : 2006-07-13 08:03 ID:0Pg6qNok

Wow, I hadn't read that one before. While I agree with you to an extent (which is obviously why I tried getting back together), chances only go so far.

And, that is kinda depressing.

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-13 08:37 ID:+a2KG9tJ


Well I don't know you, I don't know your girlfriend, I don't know why she is depressed, I don't know what solutions you have tried, I don't even know how or why you love eachother.

My post was based on that you reason as I do, but I don't think you do. If you don't, fuck I have nothing to say, just disregard my post. Theres no reason for you to beat yourself up over this if you don't have my expectations.

Hope things work out for you guys.

29 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-14 02:25 ID:fjkjEkoG

I've been in a similiar situation. Trust me: get out. Eventually, you'll meet a more suitable girlfriend and you'll wonder, "what the hell have I been doing all this time?"

30 Name: Irrelevant : 2006-07-14 05:10 ID:0Pg6qNok

Well, yeah. But it's also be unfair to totally ignore a person's good points.

I've heard that's a character flaw of mine. Or saving grace. Depends who you ask.

31 Name: holdincourt : 2006-07-14 05:53 ID:po59vrWL

There's ignoring a person's good points and realizing whether they are good for you or not!

For sure, you aren't doing the former (coz, it's probably the reason YOU used to rationalize getting back together with the girl i.e. "She is improving")...but the latter is what you need to think about...especially for YOURSELF.

...but, whatever, I give you my best wishes in this situation, truly.

32 Name: Irrelevant : 2006-07-15 07:51 ID:0Pg6qNok


Hm. I'm not sure my way of saying it was clear the first time, since people keep saying it - I broke up with her. And, like... stayed broken up with her.

As a status report, two days later, she's doing alright, actually. I think, by now, she expected it and primed herself for it.

33 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-17 22:25 ID:wgCeIpMP

After you broke up with her, she was so heartbroken. Honestly, you are an asshole with no morals. She came over earlier because she was about to /cut herself and I said I'd help her out. As she walked into the house I gave her a deep embrace heart to heart. She sighed a little, releasing some of the stress of a broken heart. I started to let go but she held me tight against her breasts. I gazed deep into her eyes, her sadness penetrated into my soul. At that moment I promised this heinous wrong would not go unpunished. I slid my fingertips along her inner thigh. She gasped a bit as my hand lifted her skirt up to her panties. They were already a little wet. She trembled in anticipation a little as I massaged her. I felt suction on my neck, coupled with the warm saliva on her tongue. I was in heaven. Slowly she slid down to her knees, her beautiful hair held tight by my fist. She unbuckled my pants and pulled out my footlong of manliness. She seemed ravenous for it. Like a lion stalking its prey she pounced, slupring down every last bit of my huge member. With every stroke I became closer and closer to unloading. She was amazing. Tongue techniques only fabled in the dirtiest tomes of erotica she had long since mastered. Deeper and deeper. My heart pounded seemingly in beat with her strokes, she was in utter control of my body. The strokes became faster as all the muscles in my body clenched, I felt a twinge in my testicles and a huge relief as I spurted gallons of hot creamy manbroth all over her face and mouth. Its blast was that of a firehose, but she gobbled up every droplet as if it were candy. It was the best orgasm of my life. I then took a vow to end your life.

34 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-17 23:12 ID:+a2KG9tJ


To think that you would grow up to be such a funny motherfucker. I never saw it coming.

35 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-22 04:52 ID:UgAq+xSu


>> I came.


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