i haven't felt like this in a long time
i need to see or at least talk to you again soon, or i'm scared i'm going to fall in love with some imaginary version of you instead of getting to know the real you
but you haven't been online in days
and it's true: absence makes the heart grow fonder
2get !
How cute. But it seems to me, you have much to learn about the internet. Also absence makes the heart grow fonder only to a certain point. Then it grows restless, then sick.
>>i'm scared i'm going to fall in love with some imaginary >>version of you instead of getting to know the real you
You're a girl right?
e-mail him/her
i don't like email in situations like this -- i don't want a one-way message, i want a conversation (with immediate feedback/response and so on). but i might drop a brief note to find out when i'm likely to catch them online, because hanging about online all day hoping they connect is going to seriously mess with my head.
get something to help the time buy if u really wanna wait... like read a book...lol?
but yeah all u can do is wait if you can only contact him/her online...
he'd tell you his hiding handle that he's on right now with if he actually liked/wanted to talk to you, you'd might as well forget him
how old are you? honestly...
we're seeing a movie next week
after all the time and effort i've spent overcoming anxiety probs and straightening my head out, i hope i don't relapse, freak out and screw it all up
thanks for listening to me rant
next weekend*