Do you guys prefer girls' pubic hair shaved or not?
... But then again, it seems like most of you guys are virgins...
If you're gonna insult people on the board..just be direct. Loser.
Such preferences nowadays are often determined before physical virginity is handed away, FYI. And most men seem to prefer a general lack of pubic hair. I'm an exception though. Does that mean I'm not a virgin? You will never know.
i like it shaved. and i'm not a virgin :x
Uh... I didn't mean it as an insult...
Don't play if there isn't grass on the field.
I'll take the "golden mean". Total lack of pubic hair is immature. It makes woman look like little girls... and I'm not a pedo.
Big jungles disgust me but the absence of hair too. So a little shaving is ok, but not too much.
Shaved cue-ball smooth.
I can go either way... it really depends on the girl... I originally thought the idea of no pubic hair at all was disgusting, until I actually had a girl who shaved off all her pubic hair and now I actually like it.
However, I think I prefer some hair, because I enjoy running my fingers through it on the way to the goal ^_~
Follow up question:
Would you shave your public hairs?
Shave or trim?
If the latter, I already do that anyway. Makes masturbation feel so much more electrical.
Electric, even.
hmm. seems there are girls here. lets turn this question around then: what about bald tools?
and for myself, well, havent been there, but I think I'd prefer it trimmed to golfing green length. long enough to tug on (does it hurt when tugged?)
Try it. Grab a hunk, and yank. I can guarantee you it won't be pleasant.
What're bald tools?
Oh sweet Christ. Wax, please, wax! I'll still go down on my girl if she's a little fuzzy, and I won't complain, because I love her and I don't want her to feel self-conscious or anything.
But waxed is soooooo nice.
pedo pedo lol
Follow-up question: Do you guys prefer pink or brown inner labia?
Brown all the way for me. Pink looks like a wound.