Saying sorry is so hard... (21)

1 Name: Love fiasco-guy : 2006-07-17 21:50 ID:iTuj41zD

I'll just give the somewhat tl;dr version here.

I liked a girl, maybe too much, said it, she said only friendship, I said ok, still loved her, one night she was sleepwalking, I dunno why but I took advantage of it and grabbed her boob. She noticed it, next morning she met with me and said that the friendship ist over.

Now to the thing which bothers me. It really eats me up inside that I did this idiotic thing and I really want to properly apologize to her, no matter if she will forgive me or not. But the thing is, this happened maybe 2-3 weeks ago, the "wound" is still fresh. To meet her, I'd have to call her and ask for a meeting as there probably would be no way I could catch her on the street without looking even more like some creep.
She hates me, doesn't want to see me, it disgusts her to see me, and that for a reason. So, I'm wondering: should I try to apologize now, before I go away on the 20th of July, or wait till vacation is over and apologize in September? I mean, what would be better: apologizing when everything is still fresh or when everything is still "healed over"?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-17 21:54 ID:/+H9HEp6

You have to learn to be strait forward with women. They like to play the games, they don't like YOU to play the games on them. You must show her exactly how you feel in a pseudo-machismo/emotional way (depending on her mood.) You need to take a gdamned risk. Girls like it when you stick your neck out on the line for them. Lay it out on the table with confidence. Find a way to gear yourself up so you can be confident. Think of the bigger picture of life, and how your life does not end no matter what the outcome.

3 Name: Love fiasco-guy : 2006-07-17 22:01 ID:iTuj41zD

This would confuse me if it wouldn't be copypasta

4 Name: holdincourt : 2006-07-18 03:10 ID:kM5VNJ7Y were you around when she was sleepwalking?!?!

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-18 04:39 ID:Hcf554kP

LOL people keep posting shit like this, I'm gonna fucking die LOL! Either you are a compulsive liar, or this is, like THE stupidest occurance ever. Were you drunk or something? Oh goodness gracious, if this would be so awkward you can't even see eachother no more, according to her, your friendship couldn't have been very deep in the first place. So unless you're hoping that renewed friendship might in time provide you a chance with her, why the fuck bother? You can still be a friend on standby, should she ever come around in the meantime, man you just got to have other stuff to care about? SRSLY!

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-18 05:26 ID:QIdulE4t

Go ahead and apologize. It's not like you have to mean it or anything.

I apologize for a lot of things I'm not really sorry for and it usually satisfies people to where they do my bidding. No problems.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-18 07:25 ID:GQw7qOUK

Write it in a letter or an email. Be honest, be brief, don't be too sappy. Make it clear that what you did was stupid and regrettable, and ask for her forgiveness BUT NOTHING MORE. Write the letter with the expectation of never getting a reply, because you probably won't. But even if you do, I'd forget ever trying to get romantically involved with her. You blew it, so take whatever semblance of reconstructed friendship you can get.

This is something you should have done two or three weeks ago.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-18 19:56 ID:yMrI6Umj

What's next, rape? You've already resorted to molesting, you sick fuck. Men like you disgust me.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-18 20:49 ID:ZH3d5WMz

Pretty simple really

In all honesty she's probably so creeped out that the issue of you waiting for a few weeks probably doesn't matter all that much.

However you do it, just make your apology simple. Don't expect to be friends with her either, just consider yourself lucky that she doesn't curse you out or something.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-18 21:20 ID:Hcf554kP


Yeah get worked up over a little slip like this, you know I find this girls reaction rather loud too. Sure it was a fucked up thing to do and he should be ashamed, but it isn't like he's sick for it and you being disgusted just tells me you're oversensitive because you have issues yourself.

You know girls are like this too, suddenly, without neither a warning nor an invitation, they'll be climbing on your fucking dick, as if they think they have a natural right to do it. The difference though is that when you turn them down, instead of apologizing, they get upset and spread lies about you. THAT, is disgusting. I can have understanding and compassion for people who lose to their emotions, do something bad and then understands that and asks for forgiveness, but I have no fucking compassion for people who are too proud to recognize that they fucked up.

11 Name: Love fiasco-guy : 2006-07-18 22:18 ID:LWbXE/mi

I know that that was a fucked up thing to do, but fuck, cut me some slack, I was so fucking crushed into this girl that I guess rational thought was thrown out the window at this moment. It was a cowardly and sneaky thing to do, I agree, but I can't undo this, so I'll just have to face it.

Yeah thanks, you kind of understand me. It's not that I want to apologize and hope for another chance to get together with her or even have a decent friendship afterwards, it's just that I really want to properly apologize to her. What happens next is her choice, I just want to get it off my chest, that's all. I'm driving away the day after tomorrow, so I'll try to meet her when she's leaving the house, or maybe I'll have to phone her, dunno..

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-19 00:17 ID:sGPHIT6x

The shit in the spam e-mails that says "Deez tips will get u al da ladiez lololololol" doesn't actually work.
Bitch. It was just a tit grab.
Signed for truth. Twenty minutes on this board, you all piss me off. This is the only sane, competent person. Leave with me to 4Chan, it hurts my much less than this shit.

13 Name: 5 : 2006-07-19 04:18 ID:Hcf554kP


4chan sucks shit. I also wrote >>10 after I had stopped laughing and realized he actually wants to apologize. That is the right thing to do, no matter.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-19 18:46 ID:YzMVqdXV

I would ditch her. As said above, the "friendship" wasn't worth anything if something like this is the reason (or more likely, her excuse) for ending it.

Don't feel too bad about her, she wasn't worth any effort, she just played with you. Don't apologize, or even have contact with her anymore. There are tons of better girls out there - although you probably don't realize that, because that crush of yours don't let you see things clearly.

15 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-07-19 22:35 ID:HVjSuQ6o

Compose yourself, and keep a cool head (Ice-cold I would say in this case). Be rational, and insistent.
I can tell you've gauged the situation as 'dangerous', since you're saying she's disgusted of seeing you. Apologies are always good. Be INSISTENT. Maybe if you're skillful enough you could get to have sex with her then ditch her.

Lmao >>10 is so damn right.

Ok, the bright side is that now you and the whole board knows what not to do when you see your crush sleepwalking. Got it guys? Treat her like a princess even if she's sleepwalking. Actually, you could even confess to her you got a crush to alter her unconscious (see hypnotism).

16 Name: Love fiasco-guy : 2006-07-20 14:40 ID:K+y5aMt5

Well, I just now phoned her, met her, apologized. She even forgave me and said that she knows that I'm actually not this kind of guy. But, as you and I already know, the friendship is broken to a certain point. Well I didn't expect it to be intact, so this is more than I have hoped to get. I feel like a heavy burden is off my heart now. I feel at ease :)

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-20 17:15 ID:yMrI6Umj

Now is the perfect time to invite her over to your place, drug her up and rape her ;)

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-20 18:23 ID:Hcf554kP


Thats great. Now you just need to find yourself another girl to think about.

And I wouldn't say the friendship should be scarred for life, on the contrary, this should have made you both open up and get to know eachother better. It's content, I'd say your relationship might even be improved because now you better know eachothers true qualities, they have been put to the test. Could have happened a better way, but at least it happened(and to all readers, no this is not an encouragement for titgrabbing sleepwalkers and shit).

However, this guy/girl friendship thing isn't ever truly relaxed. Sure you can be the friend of your girlfriends friends, especially if you knew your girlfriend before them, but when we are talking about a single girl and a single guy, there will always be tension created by the hypothetical possibility. i.e., unless your dick is tied up elsewhere, unless you don't have one, every feasable opening is automatically considered. And it is enough for it to be there in your mind to somewhat affect the way you act, and the same holds true for her, even if it's in a reversed sense. She might be reserved and reluctant to be intimate in a friendly way because she may be suspecting that you want to get romantical.

So, if you truly want to have an active friendship there, get another girl to think about, post haste. I trust you already have a 1 girl at a time policy? Good...

19 Name: Troll : 2006-07-27 05:21 ID:mvBidUoQ

Touching the boobs of a sleepwalker, how low can you get, you virgin. Just kidding man! I'm a virgin. ;) Apologize ASAP and mean it, make it really look like you mean it.

20 Name: Troll : 2006-07-27 05:32 ID:mvBidUoQ

And I failed to read >>16. Nice job man.

21 Name: holdincourt : 2006-07-27 10:35 ID:XIGtJZkM

>>16 nice job, dude, owning up like that. Least, even if the friendship is broken now, to apologize just shows you cherish the friendship that much...and hopefully the girl would be willing to mend it through your gesture.


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