Hi all,
I am new to this and I need your advice, I am in a relationship with my gf who is currently abroad at the moment, and will be for the next 2-3 months. It seems that she doesn't trust me...and wants me to go aboard to where she lives. She keeps mentioning over the phone that she could have choosen anyone she wants since she is currently working at a tv station, where she sees all sorts of celebrities, but she choose me because she loves me and tells everyone that she has a Bf.
Theres 7 hrs difference between our time, and I am currently looking for a job, so I cannot call her everyday (International calls would costs a lot too-sorry for sounding so cheap ^^;;). I dont get to talk to her that often because she works now, but also I want to find a job so I can learn to drive/clear my debt, to make our lives easier in the future. Yesterday, she rang me (after talking to her 2/3 days before) and she got all mad at me, thinking that I spend all day in forums or msn/aim chatting to girls and not looking for a job! she said that "you shouldnt talk to useless people", "You dont know people on the internet, you shouldnt waste your life here". I was upset, but I dont know what to say to her since I know she wont understand me. I hate her sacastic comments too (;Д;) like when I ask if shes ok, she'll say Im doing great, I see all the pretty boys here. By the tone of her voice, you can tell that she's not happy. Also she saying Im a liar, due to the fact that i said my internet wasnt working but I didnt say when it wasnt working.
Everytime we have an argument, it's usually me who tries to patch things up and explaining why, I'm getting tired of it, why cant me and her just have a "conversation" instead out raising voices?
Sometimes I think Im not good enough for her, as all I've caused is headaches for her. I half way on giving up on this relationship. I dont want to let go, but I think I'll just be a hassle to her. I would get more detailed, but I dont want to rant too long and bore you guys out ^^;;
~Bleh~ do I sound like a bad guy? ^^;;
if you have friends you can trust and who know her, ask them.
www.skype.com btw
Well the thing is her friend and mine (who introduced us) dont want to have anything to do with us anymore, her friend was trying to split us up apparently, by saying that shes not good for me and vice versa
other than that theres no one that I know I can trust and know her well enough.
and thanks for the skype tip!
Perhaps you should tell her how you feel about all this... She's sounding kinda unfair. If she can't trust you more, really, why is she with you? You sound like a really nice guy and if she's making you feel like that maybe you should consider finding someone else...
>>1 She keeps mentioning over the phone that she could have choosen anyone she wants since she is currently working at a tv station
Sounds like she's manipulating you.
"I could cheat on you if I wanted but I don't because I love you! But I totally could! There are all of these hot celebrities around me all the time that I could totally fuck! But I'd never do that, because I love you!"
Dude, she's totally acting like a child. Put your foot down, and tell her to cut this out. This is manipulative and unfair, and if you don't get her to stop, it could snowball into somethin' seriously evil dude.
That thought has come across my mind a few times, but I dont want it to end like this, since I personally dont think its enough to end a relationship.
I am afraid to mention this to her because it'll just create another fight, which I dont have to strength to deal with at the moment.
She gets all angry at me because I saw a picture of a girl on a forum and comment that she "looked nice/beautiful". I tried to explained to her that it's my preference, it doesnt mean that I love her any less, since I didnt get together with her based on her looks. She sacastically said "I'm sorry Im not cute" in a pissy manner. I ended just scratching my head trying to lighten her mood and get her to be back to her normal happy self.
By all means Im no perfect guy. I screwed up a few times, not being able to stand up for her, as when she came over to stay and my sister (who doesnt really come back home offen) came back a few days later came back from abroad -in a bad mood- told her to leave, or she'll call the police. I try to ask my sister for her to stay but she made it clear that I cant have her here. I feel bad for that, but growing up with one person in the family who is like a mother to you, I cant say anything. I think I was wrong in not standing up for her, and I feel like a useless trash.
She kept reminding me that Im her boyfriend and I have to stand up for her, no matter what. I told her "but thats my family", she goes "but Im suppose to be most important to you". It's true that she is, but along side that is my family.
She didnt have a good experience with her ex, and so I dont want to hurt her. Her ex was abusive she said, Im not sure if that is the case, but for the moment I will believe her.
during the phone conversation yesterday, she said that I've changed since she left the country, because I'm not calling her everyday? she should know that I have a life too right? and that I cant be there for her 24/7 am I right on this? she also keep mentioning that other girls would have left me by now, since Im not rich, not the best looking guy ever (although she admits Im one of the cutest guys that shes ever met boggles(;~;)). Even challenged me if I want to try it out. At the moment I feel like everything I do, I'll screw up. And when I ask if shes happy with me she said yes, but her actions prove otherwise.
I dont know Im just really lost at the moment(>0<)
hmm. sounds like you are afraid that because you aren't together when starting an argument, the risk is much greater that you're going to break up than if you could approach her while she is at the same place as you.
I don't think you should keep trying to even out the small problems. The big problem is that you don't feel respected enough and/or not taken serious.
You want to straighten the big problem out? is the risk of a fight high? Don't worry: such things have to happen in a relationship. They test how strong it is and see if it may last. And it can go wrong. However, this is how human relations work, sorry to say mate.... and putting it of usually makes the outcome less favourable.
Unfortunately, you can only talk through the phone. Be advised (strongly advised) that virtually all jokes get lost through the phone, and because you can't see each others faces, a lot of things sound much more aggressive. I don't want to sound the vendor here, but using webcams helps a lot. so be careful
How should I appoach her about the repect issue?
That is partially true, I am trying not to get in an argument, but not because of the break up, rather, I dont want her upset.
Maybe if you tried getting into what your girlfriend is thinking, it'll help you out.:3 I'll help out. Pretend you're in your girlfriend's shoes: You love your girlfriend dearly, but lately you've been arguing with her a lot, and you're getting sick of it. In response to this, you start eyeing other girls, flirting harmlessly. You feel guilty about this internally, but don't realize it enough to stop. So you put it on your girlfriend; really, you don't trust yourself, but you pit that distrust against your girlfriend. She ends up taking the heat, not knowing what to do when she didn't do anything wrong, and you're the one to really blame.
Basically, that's what I think is going through your girlfriend's head. Really, I'd say the mature response is to break up with her. She seems to have some growing up to do still, and if you stick around, you'll only get hurt in the process. You can also confront her directly about it. Explain something like, "Why don't you trust me? I'm not the type to cheat on you. What's really wrong?". Make sure the questions are direct as well as open-ended. It's more for her than for you; if you ask her this stuff, she'll have the questions in her head, and she'll answer sooner or later.
Hehe...hoped that helped.^.^;;
Okay, she's makes your existence pretty crappy from the sounds of it and she's not even next to you. Do you think it will be the same problems when she comes back after the 2-3 months are over with her saying, "oh I can have any guy I want, but I'm staying with you"? I think if this goes on for 3 months, it's going to be hell.
Just how much time did she spend with you when you guys weren't 7 hours apart? Does she expected that amount of time spent over the phone?
I suppose the only worse thing that could happen with the break up other than a break up and each conversation with only makes for hell, is that you guys go on a break.
Somehow today's conversation didn't go too bad, started out with "are you ok?" then we sort of ranted on about what she did, then I said that the reason I didn't call for the past 2 days was for her to calm down, since she'll be more rational and won't think with her emotions. She said why I always bring up what happened, so I just thought its best explained where Im coming from to her. Then we talked about her job, and my frustration over finding a job, which leaded to us talking about how we miss eachother and how it differs, since she is working, there is less time for her to think about me, also, she's constantly surrounded by people. Where as in my case, I'm either at home trying to find a job or out trying to find a job/ buying groceries. I explained to her that it was lonely, and Im not happy, but this is needed to be done. It was hard to admit that to her. However, she said she feels bad because she should be more forceful and ask me to come with her. I would have been much happier with her she said. So now she's trying to get me to go over to her. I told her that I'll have to ask my sister, because I have no money to get a plane ticket, let alone the spending money to stay over there. I don't want to be a burden to her and let her pay for me all the time, even if it's just food - But I'll try to ask my sister for the money, knowing that she'll say no, but theres no harm in trying I suppose.
Another thing I wanted to add when I was talking with her is that since she's working, she won't see me as much, and I would just remain idle at her place lazing about like a no good bum. Because she was sleepy and needed to get up early, I told her to go to bed instead, not to ruin the good mood that we have so far.
I think I will tell her that next time I call her...What do you guys think?
Well, it's definitely a good start.:3<3 Huhu, see? Confronting her was a good idea after all.^_^ Anyway, I'd say try your best to look for jobs(here where you are or there where she is), because otherwise this whole thing'll be impossibly tough to get through. Ganbatte! I'm rooting for you.<3
Man, it sounds like that this girl just enjoys the situation and plays with your emotions. You should better dump her soon and find yourself someone wotrhy.
what kind of a job do you need? where do you live?
and good job on the phone.
Anyway, I don't think you need to go to her, especially because of your financial restraints. But clear this up please: does she think you need to come over there because it is better for you, or because it is better for her (or something else). Its kind of important to know her motivation
Well at the moment I just need to get any job, just to start up my cash flow again.
Funnily enough, we were talking about it today, about her agenda of why she wanted me there, I also expressed my concern with her work, she said that she can take a vacation anyway, since she's not getting paid or anything. So I suppose I've voiced my concern, she is willing to pay for my plane ticket to get there. However, I don't think I'll be doing my job as a boyfriend if I just say yes.
She wanted me to go over there because she said Im miserable when Im over the phone, and she feels gulity for leaving me here. I told her that she doesn't have any choice and it wasn't like we will not see each other ever again. It is true that I miss her, and the being alone most of the time doesn't help the matter either (T^T). Today I felt down than usual, so I called her, we greeted by asking "hey". Somehow she knows I wasn't myself and asked if I was ok. I said yes and went quiet for a while. It wasn't one of those uncomfortable silence, and I was just happy that she's there on the other side of the line. She asked if I want to use MSN, but I said no, since I just want to hear her voice and feel her presence. Somehow, MSN doesn't do that for me.
A bit later we talked about what she did today, what's her plan tomorrow, and what I'm going to do later, we ended up by saying goodnight a little later due to time differences, but it was on a good term today, and for that I am happy. It feels like that we are trying to understand each other more now, compared to a couple of days ago.
Apparently she told me something today, which I still don't know how to take in or advise her and such. Her boss, the person who her dad entrusted her with said he likes her (O__o)9. He is married and is around 40 yrs old. He treats her to facials today, which I find it was completely innocent. But after hearing that he told her that he likes her, it felt like he has a hidden agenda. I'm not sure, but I told her to tell her parents, atleast that way, he couldn't do much since her dad will keep calling her and such. I also reminded her to just becareful, since her boss has been a little more "touchy-touchy" than usual. At first she tought it was because he can teach her stuff, but now it seems to be getting out of hand, she said. I told her not to think about it too much, but just keep an eye out, if he does anything funny, just leave. I strongly advised her to talk to her dad and mum, not sure if she'll will listen though, since she had a argument with her dad before she talked to me.
Did I tell her the right thing though, that's what has been on my mind (-.-")9
That's definitely a good move you made, having her talk to her parents about this. If it gets really out of hand, have your girlfriend tell her boss she has a boyfriend, and is not interested in her boss that way. If it gets even more out of hand, tell her she shouldn't be working in that sort of enviornment, and should quit that job ASAP.
>>13 "However, she said she feels bad because she should be more forceful and ask me to come with her."
... That doesn't sound good. I already think she's being needy and forceful. She shouldn't try to be MORE foreceful...
And yes, I think you did well (with her boss thing). Knowing me I woulda gotten really pissed and like punched him or something. But putting that aside, maybe this is more the reason for either her to leave her job, or you to come and be by her side.
Also, I've seen a lot of relationships where the girl is a bit too needy/emotional, and truth be told, most of them didn't work out, unless the guy was like succumbed to her every will, which would be a bad/unhealthy relationship anyways.
So how do you think I should deal with my gf as it does seem that shes a little too emotional/ needy?
Guys, I don't know what to do anymore, shes called me today and so I've called her back, she was a little upset and said shes pissed off because I'm not gonna go there, apparently it shows her that I don't miss her she said. It feels like im her slave or something, she knows my financial situation, she knows I have to do stuff here, I'm trying my best to deal with it, but I don't have the energy to do so anymore. It feels like I HAVE to do what she wants and not what I want/have to do. Do you guys have any suggestions on what I should tell her, other than breaking up with her?
Well how about this.
Obviously she knows your situation and is still demanding more than you can offer. And I think you can't just keep giving in to her. Or else the relationship would be very much one way.
So why not, this time, don't give in to her. Just tell her that you can't make it. Don't talk to her until she calms down and is reasonable. Let her be the first to break this time. See if she comes back. At the worst, she'll break up with you, which might not be a bad thing anyways.
As I see it there's two possible ways for you to choose:
a) Stop being so week ! Just tell here that you are not going to please each and every one of her silly caprices. Tell her that relationship doesn't work that way. Tell her that she should consider your feelings and wishes too.
b) Shut up and do whatever your girl asks you to. Let her make all decisions, let her manage things, obey her, fallow her. Why not ? She seems to be stronger than you.
>>23 Yeah, I've been doing that now, se doesnt like it, but I also think this is the best option, like you said I can't always do what she wants, I also have my life also =) thanks for the advice
I agree! Stop being so weak, don't let people walk all over you, from what I've read, she was probably playing with you from the start. Don't give in to her, you should break up with her ASAP, don't let this one girl ruin your life, do you even love her?
really, even if she was playing you could still win her heart