so, da ne? (6)

1 Name: kickstart : 2006-08-07 00:18 ID:zz23YdF4

I've known this guy for more than a few years, and we dated on and off for a few years. He's really nice and understands almost all of my problems and I'd like to think I do the same for him. We're really good friends, or so I'd like to think. Very early into the relationship, he insisted I was "the one" and that he'd always love me. After the initial breakup, we didn't speak for a long time. We obviously started talking again and things have been alright since as "just friends".

Aside from all of this, we've had a lot of jealousy issues. The dating we did do was from afar. This means we've been on psuedo-dates in the time since but it still doesn't really make up for it. Any attempts I've made to be physical with him have been unsuccessful. He flinches when I kiss him on the neck or cheek and says the whole thing is "awkward". Yet he'll still tell me from afar that he'd want to be in a physical relationship given the opportunity.

After our last encounter, I got angry when he rejected my advances as we were getting ready to part. This was after he was being the initiator of cuddling and hand holding in the time leading up to this. I told him to stop leading me on after this, and there was a silent parting for the most part.

Any suggestons on the next action to take would be appreciated.

2 Name: holdincourt : 2006-08-07 09:00 ID:y7lrieLO

Seems to me you need to find someone else...coz the guy doesn't sound very sure of himself and what he wants. While YOU may, if the guy doesn't reciprocate, what's the point?

...and given that you've also expressed how you feel about being led on by him and he still does it? Pretty much gives you a reason to go find someone else.

3 Name: kickstart : 2006-08-08 00:52 ID:zz23YdF4

True. Honestly, I felt that there would be some kind of argument or something the next time we spoke, but he didn't even bring the whole thing up.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-08 02:29 ID:1vekwrIO

Why are you still talking to him, he rejected you yet you still go after him. If he truly liked you he wouldnt act like that.
Perhaps there is someone else? If u ever go out with him again let him chase u and dont give in to him. If you give him a taste of what its like with out you then he wont take you for granted anymore.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-08 10:53 ID:vdI7Y4kW

"The dating we did do was from afar."

How exactly does that work. You watched each other from across the restaurant tables?

6 Name: kickstart : 2006-08-08 21:44 ID:zz23YdF4


Long distance. We'd see eachother in one-shot meetings and then we'd both go back to being hundreds of miles away from eachother.

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