right i'm cleaning out my closet... (11)

1 Name: K3 : 2006-08-09 22:50 ID:CMJPVDw5

hey all, this is my first time writing down this stuff so please bear with me. the thing i'm baffled by and am also enchanted by are girls, don't get the wrong idea that i'm insane about every girl that passes by or utterly desperate.

there's this one girl that i talk to on messenger, but have never met. she's my friend's friend, which i shall call J (15) from now on. J doesn't really have a good family life, nor a good love life. when i started talking to her, i knew she was upset about something, but me being so curious and caring, got information about it.

J's father once threatened to cut her fingers off with a knife when she was younger, and has been traumatised by it ever since. now she's living with her auntie, having been in constant fear of her dad. btw might i say that he's retired, and has a sick wife to look after. now her auntie and her cousin are mistreating her, thinking she's doing bad things when she isn't and doing bad when she's good. hm let's put this sort, she away from the bad things, ie she goes outside at night time, get's drunk, smokes and has tried weed once.

now speaking about her love life, she's in love with a guy called C (20 something), who's she hasn't met before but only online. he claims to be saving up for a house and all for them to live in, but in previous arrangements to meet up he has failed to. he's not into higher education, but rather full time work as an engineer, like 6 til 12 (not sure if i believe this myself) once he decided to drive down close to where she lives, like an hour away or something, then next thing he ends up crying over the phone to her, saying something was up.

turns out he ran into a motorcyclist, and couldn't go. hmm the next failed attempt was at his birthday, where he promised her he'd show up but didn't. on top of this, his best friend (another girl) tried it on with him although she's lesibian. currently i believe that she's going out with C (hint from her msn screen name hint), leaving J alone and thinking it was for the best. sadly enough this was the day she decided not to talk to me anymore. simply put, she's told me to leave her alone, because when she talks to me, all she talks about is bad things.

now i don't love her, but i like her and care for her. why the hell would she think up of something like that? it seems to me everything i've told her, given advice and times i've comforted her have come to nothing.

any ideas or suggestions anyone like to say?

2 Name: K3 : 2006-08-09 23:00 ID:CMJPVDw5

sorry, should i also say that i am 18, not that much older. and yeah, that's one of the problems i'm facing at the moment, there's more, but i feel like this is something easy for you guys to sort out. ^-^"

3 Name: Nautica!r02sLb16Pc : 2006-08-10 00:13 ID:7L8KW67t

Sounds like alot of SILLY drama.
You should just wash you hair of the whole mess and find some new interwub friends to advise.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-10 05:58 ID:QryhmhMr

Yeah, trying to push the issue and help is only going to make things worse when she's in that state.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-11 10:48 ID:tW3Iz3j1

[quote] m&m [/quote]

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-11 10:52 ID:tW3Iz3j1


7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-11 10:53 ID:tW3Iz3j1

[quote= ] omfg [/quote]

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-11 12:54 ID:Heaven

>way to bump, retard

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-11 14:59 ID:Heaven

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-13 23:32 ID:Heaven

Leave them all alone.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-08-25 15:53 ID:kVxknlqJ

you know WAYYYY to much about "J". It is as though you HUNGERED for her to tell you her missery. Are you an addict for her pain?
Maybe that is why she said: "leave me alone. You cause me pain."

To bad really. You have a gift for words & writing. You COULD have chosen to talk with "J" about ANYTHING OTHER THAN her misery. You could have been a Beam of LiGHT in her Life. But you didn't choose that. You chose to accent that darkness in her Life. And you lost her forever. You fool. I hope you learned from this choice; and i hope you retain the wisdom from what you've learned.

And next time, when you tell a story, please don't add ALL the personal garble-t-goop that means nothing to the reader. Your bable is none our buisness. Just get to the point. I don't need to know about her uncle's pet dog's toe nail. I just wanna know about "J" and how she is in pain when she talks to you, because that is all you choose to talk with her about - is pain.

ps: It is NORMAL for most 15yr old girls to

>"go outside at night, get drunk, smoke cigarettes and try weed"

I'm surpized you didn't add; "She says four-letter words, gives handjobs, talks back to her parents, plays the drums, and surfs 4chan."

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