I'm trying to think for myself here, but i'd like some creative thought of your own. Try not to rely on stereotypical societal behavior when responding.
Is it really in the best interest of a relationship if you define two people as being "Girlfriend/Boyfriend"? I think it kind of diminishes the quality of communication between the two since each person is expected to fulfill a generic "boyfriend/girlfriend" role. It also places tension for the relationship to always go somewhere more 'committed'.
Do you think you can be satisfied with a relationship if you don't call someone your boyfriend or girlfriend?
Boyfriend and girlfriend used to be used to refer to the person you were cheating with, so yeah, it's possible.
I never call my girlfriend my girlfriend. Though when people call her my girlfriend, I don't correct them even if she is in front of me. I really don't see the point, it is pretty much implied.
>I never call my girlfriend my girlfriend
you just did pwnt
I don't believe in gf/bf relationships, if I was to call it something, it would be lover, not boyfriend, not girlfriend, not gayfriend, not lezfriend, not anything.
Relationships are basically the same in nature, it just differs in categories, people just make it complicated, the world is full of stupid hopeless romantics.
And I am sadly one of those stupid hopeless romantics. --;
I like to call the one I'm dating boyfriend or girlfriend. At least, when I'm introducing them to someone else. I also use terms like "girly" or "hubby" (since boyie doesn't sound right) when I'm feeling playful or whatever.
I did, though, date a girl once in which we didn't refer to each other as girlfriends or anything, but simply a person that we just loved.
I call my boyfriend my Significant Other most of the time, since that's what he is. Otherwise my boyfriend, or my friend, depending on the the situation (if the exact identity of my S.O. doesn't matter, and I'm speaking with people who sneer at unmarried people who are together as if they were a married couple - such as when stating that i know someone who has experienced X).
For me, "boyfriend" is but a label to signify that we're in some sort of relationship. I see him as my team mate, my love, my precious (insert Gollum imitation here?), and though "boyfriend" is far from expressing that, it's good enough to convey to other people that we're at least that much and then let them draw their own conclusions about how much more.
Though "boy-/girlfriend" in itself carry very different connotations, depending on where you are, too. Anything from the relationship being barely anything, to a lot.
>"I'm trying to think for myself here"
There is no "try". There is -Do- and -Do-NOT-. (there is)No "try".
my Penis calls her/him my fuckToy.
my Heart cals her/him "us" & "we".
my friends call her/him by name.
my parents call her/him "you two".
i know my girlfriend and/or boyfriend will never be my married partner; because the title of marriage has nothing to do the reality of love. People die, people leave, people lie, and people are born. Stuff happens; just role with it.