How to keep it cool? (8)

1 Name: Q!ODbOk4FisY : 2006-08-12 01:28 ID:IkEAUYqG

Is there any possible way for an ex-couple to still be friends post breakup?
Here is my deal:
I had a messy, convaluted and rather childish breakup with a pretty awesome guy around June. I've got to say it was likely my fault. He decided he wanted to do one of them 'hiatuses' (I agreed, not wanting to lose the connection we had), and whilst on our hiatus he started going on sum dates with a chick who was pretty much my complete and total opposite. He brought it up, I got extremely pissed and chewed him out with a rather nasty, rude speech thus ending our association with each other.
Now I'm seeing him around town alot more, and since he is a cool dude as forementioned, I'd like to keep talking with him. But it seems everytime I get near him, he begins to get really nervous and in turn makes me really nervous and the whole thing ends in akward silences.

We were extremely close in the past and I don't want to lose him as a friend.
Is there any way I can salvage this, or should I just let it go?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-12 02:24 ID:0GRA7BAc

Talk to him, plain and simple. Apologize for last time and try to make amends. Go slowly.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-12 16:10 ID:rKnudoZe

... Well. I... Really don't know, Q.

I am in the same situation, and things have never been the same after my friend and I broke up. When we're alone, it's quite awkward. And I think it's partly due to the part that I still like him.

The thing is, I think... In order for you guys to be close friends again, you both have to be over each other. This is extremely important because if you aren't over him, you will continue to get jealous and feel bad.
And I don't think things will ever be the same between you two because a small part of the reason you guys were such close friends before, was because you guys liked each other in that way.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-12 16:13 ID:rKnudoZe

It seems her case isn't getting over him, but the awkward silences.

OP's problem is a normal problem: how to talk to a guy. Well just talk to him like normal then! Ignore is nervousness. Apologize, yes. But only once. Don't continually dwell on and bring up the break-up. Your break-up is already behind you two and you want to deal right now with the present.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-14 00:51 ID:jbF5y9mr

>> Is there any possible way for an ex-couple to still be friends post breakup?

Negative. Absolutely no. Nope. Nix. Nada. Nein.

Once you break up there's no way that you'd still be friends... it seems that relationships just don't work this way.

6 Name: Q!ODbOk4FisY : 2006-08-14 21:54 ID:IkEAUYqG

Hmm, well seems >>5 was the winning answer.
Thanks for the advice though.
I sat him down, apologized and was shot down with a, "It just hurts to have you around." and then, "I don't want to talk to you anymore."
So use my experience as a cautionary tale, I guess.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-17 16:34 ID:GxtlO4WP

that is painful to even read about.

8 Name: frigid onanoko : 2006-08-17 18:03 ID:pRmbOozZ

frigid onanoko sorry for you :(

If you really were close to each other earlier, perhaps he will come to terms with you later, no? Now advice, let it rest. Don't wanna be a stalker. It appears as if he's still not cool about what happened between you two. FO think best way of showing respect now is to let him be.

In games its like: level up, level up, ooh - defeated, level down.
In real life its like: level up, level up, ooh - defeated, err. needs some time to make up mind about this. possibly level down, possible game over.

Frigid onanoko not coherent today :( say goodbye now

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