Virginity (12)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-14 07:30 ID:atxuiAvd

So. Some of us are virgins, some of us aren't. But where would you draw the line between virgins and... Not? Oral sex? Actual sex?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-14 08:51 ID:Heaven

sticking it in her pooper

3 Name: Dante : 2006-08-14 22:02 ID:i1hz3Kcj

Is it wrong that I had BDSM experiences before I actually had intercourse? =/

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-14 23:34 ID:Heaven

Yes. It makes you a faggot.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-15 01:21 ID:atxuiAvd


6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-15 02:00 ID:Heaven

>>5 Big Dong Sucked by Mule

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-15 02:00 ID:0bOFxfb4

The law defines penetration (for the purpose of rape) as any orifice. Mouth, anus, vagina, etc.

I believe that virgins are those who have not had sex, oral or otherwise.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-15 05:57 ID:BukXBr3x

I would say there are different kinds of virgins (oral, vaginal, anal...) but for simplicity's sake, without specifying it probably refers to never having intercourse.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-15 09:18 ID:tFcklSsc

But does penetration = sex?
With guys, I guess it's "I've never stuck my dick in anyone so I'm still a virgin," which makes sense.

But if you were female and a guy stuck his penis in your mouth, you've had sex? :p

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-15 23:45 ID:atxuiAvd

If a guy sticks his dick into someone's mouth, would he still be a virgin?

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-16 00:57 ID:AMxvJfRF

I agree with >>7 but does masturbation by yourself or done by someone else count as sex?

>>9 I think it's just how far a person consider a certain sexual act "sex".

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-19 08:36 ID:Heaven
That page is hilarious and awesome. Read it, be amused and intrigued, /love/.
I totally have to agree that people shouldn't have partnered sex until many years after they first start to get to know their own (and entire) body (men and women alike), though they probably should start once puberty hits to get a head start.

"Love is the last reason to have sex. If your partner truly loves you they will not ask you to become sexually active before you are ready." totally.

"If you do not feel totally comfortable with the situation it is not right and you need to remove yourself from it." :-D

The start of "When is a Young Woman Ready for Intercourse?" section is a lot of 'WTF are you crazy?!'

"Any person who desires to engage in intercourse should first ask himself or herself if they want to have a child with their partner." Hell yes, with or without birth control.

"A long-term partner is a good choice. You do not need to love them or be married to them, but you should be good friends who trust and respect each other. You should enjoy being together and hopefully you are able to express your thoughts and feeling with them freely. You should be able to envision the relationship lasting years versus days or months. This is because sex is a learning process that takes time and communication. Before you get to the point in the sexual relationship where you consider intercourse you should have already spent a lot of time developing your basic sexual skills together. You should already enjoy sex together. "
Very yes.

"It might be a wiser choice to celebrate your first anniversary by having intercourse for the first time versus doing so on the night of your wedding when you are probably stressed and tired. You are likely to be married for years, so there is no need to try and do everything the first night or week. The thrill of doing it will not wear off if you wait, if anything, the anticipation will grow as you and your partner develop your relationship."
Hm.. Interesting thought..

"One potential drawback of waiting until after you marry to explore partner sex is, sexual incompatibility. If you have not explored sex with your partner, how do you know their sexual interests and desires are compatible with your own? We often underestimate the importance of sex and intimacy within a relationship."
very yes.

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