I'm a lesbian in my early 20's and I try to be out, although my appearance is very gay. I grew up using computers a lot, although I'm not an expert about them in general I did play a lot of the old games, BBS doors and video games too. So it causes me a lot of nostalgia.
Anyway I'm having trouble finding girls who come from a similar background. I mean, it's hard enough finding a girl who actually wants to fuck, but finding one on the same wavelength? Whenever I do she's straight and has a boyfriend. Making the problem worse is 1. I have no idea how to meet other gay women except through chance and 2. guys find me attractive and plenty of them share interests with me. It's really screwing with my head, I feel like a dude in prison who is going to be turned homo because he's surrounded by guys.
Are there any tips you people can give me on finding a geek girl who ISN'T into that anime/manga/fan girl shit? There's gotta be some other lesbians here, how do you meet like-minded girls?
First of all, it's just a phase.
You are not gay. There is a reason guys find you attractive and you share interests with them. You are straight. You natrually feel more in tune because that is what your lower mind desires.
You are trying to force it, which is why it "screws with your head" and you feel like "a dude in prison who is going to be turned homo".
My recommendation is to take some time off, try to find yourself really find yourself, and take some of these guys up on their offer. You may yet find a male that you like. Most likely you had a traumatic experience with a male and you feel you need to be with a female. You won't be happy, trust me, with another girl. Because you aren't truly attracted to them.
Your brain is factory hard-wired to serve a purpose. To go against the factory specifications voids your warranty.
Seriously, slow down and give it a chance. You'll be glad you did.
Who are you to say she isn't gay? No one needs to have some traumatic experience happen to them to think they're a homosexual. Many homosexuals have lived decent lives, I'm sure. And no, it's not always a phase. If she feels that's who she is, then that is who she is. And unless you're a girl who's been with other females, I don't see how you can say she won't be happy with another girl if that's what she truly wants.
I understand how you feel. I have trouble meeting other gay girls that are my type with similar interest as me. All the girls I meet are either too girly, straight, and dating, or just really not what I'm looking for. Sometimes I fall for guys, but that never works out either, and I'm not too attracted to them either. Wish I could offer some help.
If you all want to be hippies and ignorant, then that's fine.
But if you want to be a mature person and forward thinking then you'll see that, in the end, I'm right.
::Stan Lee Voice:: 3, your words trouble me. What does white or non-white have to do with it? For the most part, White people have civilized most of the world, brought forth advances in technology, industry, and culture. I would invite you to look at Berlin, The Hague, and Switzerland. These places are predominately white and have vastly efficient populations and a stable, serviceable infrastructure. There is employment, high education, and lower than average crime.
Juxtaposed with El Salvador, Mexico City, all of Africa, and other places where whites are in the minority. These places are plagued with crime, disease, and still believe in witchcraft and voodoo. Having sex with a virgin cures AIDS? Killing another person because he wears a different color of clothing? Homes with no doors?
You cannot deny natural science, nor can you deny these facts.
I'm sorry, 3, Please Turn In Your Costume ::end Stan Lee voice::
ignoring >>2 and >>5, really don't feel like getting into some argument about whether or not I'm gay.
Also in >>1 I meant to say my appearance is not very gay :/
It's helpful even just to know other girls have a problem like this. If you date at all, maybe you could tell me how you do it, because whatever I'm doing isn't working.
Wow, you were able to extract soooo much information from a 3 word statement. I'm proud, nay, honored that you took such time carefully crafting an argument to counteract a simple insult.
...except not.
Yeah, white people (or should i say cultures...nah, i'll say people since it seems to piss you off) in general tend to specialize in capitalism. Technology, check. Education, check. Lots of cool stuff, check. But does that make it just? Applying your own moral values on someone else. What differentiates a culture that "right" and what culture is "wrong" anyway?
Nothing. Now, you can have your preferences as to what cultures y'all like and living by your own standards, but you know what makes white people bitches? They force their own beliefs on others. There, i said it. Other cultures have done it to, but who has the biggest track record of doing it? Asians? No...oh, oh, is it Africans? Wrong again...hmmm...oh wait, Whites?
ding ding ding
Sweet, i just got a new car!!!111 OMFGROFFLECOPTERGTFOBARBARASTREISAND!!!111
Now, i doubt this is going to change your mind any, but all i'm saying is that your method of thinking harkens back to the 1800's and their concepts of manifest destiny. Y'know, the spreading of STDs, Disease, numerous killings of Native Americans, and relocating entire groups of people. Oh yeah, and Nazi Germany. Y'know, Holocaust and all that hubbub. (Belief that Jews were inferior, yada yada yada). The Civil Rights violating Internment of Japanese during the Second World War. Hell, theres many more historical examples of such happenings.
Now, in closing "...goddamn white people"
Heh, sorry i cant offer up any advice on the subject. But on a higher note, you're bound to meet someone eventually right? It'll just take some digging is all. Best wishes girl!
The Hague is predominantly white? nya-nya-nya-nya-nyah... hahahahaha! Thanks so much for involving a town from my country in the 'argument,' but no. Give better examples! no wait, just drop the argument - its stupid.
Isn't that a Scottish meal of some sort? Shit, all you white folks confuse me.
Look, OP. You have a lot of growing to do.
In a few years, you'll look back and say "Gee, maybe I should have worried about more important things in life than my feeble attempts at getting my lez on."
If the OP is white, then white people are bad, because somebody said damn white people, so this is all the OP's fault.
Just trying to help.
Alright in all seriousness, sorry 'bout that. Although i still stand by my arguments XP .
Concerning the issues over finding someone that's fit to your criteria...i think you'll be hard-pressed finding one.
I think the best thing that you can possibly do is in fact stop searching for people who fit into that niche, and instead just go for someone who looks good/you get along with/etc. I know for me whenever i find someone that i like, theres almost always some sort of grounding to start a relationship from (be it friendship or otherwise), although the circumstances would be different since heterosexual people generally have a larger dating pool -_- . Depending on where you look (bigger chances in large cities etc.) your chances of finding someone are amazingly better to. And who knows, if you find someone, maybe you and your mate can partake in some of each others hobbies and she might like geekdom more.
Oh, and also whenever i use the word "white" i consider it akin to things like ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, etc. So it's totally possible for anyone, say an asian, to be "white" as well. But then again, Whites (with a capital W) do suck too.
...just sayin'. :D
God help you if you aren't black. Seriously.
Smoking dope five times a day will come back to haunt you in your later years. Too much Dharma, needs a little more Greg, mmkay?
OP, Seriously, you've got issues. Why don't you just try something new, like not being a froot loop? I'm telling you this frankly and bluntly because deep down I care about all of God's people.
First of all, most Geek girls are hopelessly straight. If you aren't THAT butch, then you really aren't gay. Why don't you go have a bowl of strawberry ice cream and try to think aboutt this more rationally.
This thread is careening helplessly into oblivion thanks to reverse reverse racism, pushing the lesbo card, and nobody taking good advice.
>>15 . . . excuse me? You consider "white" akin to ignorance and bigotry? I'm sorry, but you're going to have to use another word besides white to describe ignorant people.
Do you also use the word "black" to mean something negative? You come off as totally racist!
Lol, of course i'm black, what else could i be? You try having the blunt of the racism inherent even in the very fabric of the government and the higher ups (i.e. the police force business owners, bosses) thrown at you and not realize how fucked up California, nay, the USA is.
But then again is it possible for member of an ethnic minority to be racist against against the an ethnic majority? On a personal level, yes, but on a major scale? Where its possible for the minority to actually systematically be fucked up to the majority? No, it aint. Check out certain, well most, business owners in my area (Mendocino, how much more white trash can you get?) if you really want an example.
Hell, one of the many examples i have, involves when i was in high school here i used to date a white girl, and could you possibly believe the amount of bad karma i got from those around me? There was one kid always calling me a nigga-bitch on a daily basis. Fucked up white kids.
Point being, i am racist with good reason. But not to the point of putting down someone just because i'm in control.
Oh yes, and comments also came from my high school teachers to, just to put it into prospective.
How the fuck did this devolve into an argument about race?
On topic, >>1, meeting girls that you can gel with is going to be difficult for most of your life likely. The easiest way I as a straight dude know of for you would probably be going to gay bars or heading to dating sites. Unfortunately for gays in our time, it's difficult to find someone without offending or making a fool of yourself.
Just my thoughts. Good luck in your love life, and pics plz kthnx
>>18 It's terrible that you're being discriminated against because of race. Call me naive if you like, but I don't believe racism, against blacks or whites or whoever, will solve anything.
This is getting off topic though. Good luck finding someone.
I try to be out, although my appearance is very gay..
So you say you are black now.
If you ARE black, then that explains a whole lot.
Now I can more easily dismiss your foolishness, as by your very nature, your viewpoints and "ideas" are invalid.
When did i ever say that i wasn't black? Haha, seriously, you're a funny guy. I laugh.
Also, i pray you don't reproduce. Y'know, less trolls the better.
you're the most retarded troll ever. I can't beleive people here are buying this shit, just post
`< ´ヮ` >' sup mah niggas!
and be done with it. Don't respond to anymore of the racist trolls posts since you're only making him more retarded.
I feel bad that >>1's thread got hijacked so bad thanks to this fag
lol troll calling others troll calling others troll
here, have some attention you don't get in real life
I don't care if you're a troll or not. I want my question answered dammit!
I try to be out, although my appearance is very gay..
Explain? How does a girl look gay? I've got that image of cropped hair and cargoes- you know, extreme tomboy. Can you tell girls are gay from their voice? Like you can with guys?
What I meant was that I don't look gay, sorry typo.
I don't know how to tell gayness, it's harder with girls, which is why I am lonely in the first place. The most visible gay girl has short hair, doesn't wear makeup, and doesn't wear clothing designed to make her look good for men, although it can be a women's brand and fit her figure. Also a lot of them tend to be oddly or abnormally pretty, but I probably just think that because I'm attracted to them.
As far as behavior, probably they talk a little lower but that's not necessary. It might be in the way they look at you and talk to you, if you're a guy you could tell she's not attracted to you and if you're a girl she probably treats you a little like a guy would.
Anyway all this is just my opinion from interacting with other gays, correct me if I'm wrong!
As for myself, I dress as plainly as possible, I don't wear makeup and I don't do anything weird to my natural voice, but guys are always hitting on me and I don't know why. If a girl ever does so, it always comes out later that she's disturbed in some way. I know there has to be other gay girls out there like me, who grew up having a computer-centered life, and I made this thread to know what they've done to avoid being lonely.
Now that was a witty comeback if I've ever seen one.
For anyone wondering, here's a description of this troll:
OP, you better open a new topic, this one has already been derailed by some no-life attention whore too much.
Now that was a witty come-comeback if I've ever seen one.
For anyone wondering, here's a description of this troll:
OP, you better open a new topic, this one has already been derailed by some no-life attention whore too much.
I honestly think that the best way to meet people is be as outgoing as possible. Even if you aren't that kind of person, the best way to meet people to go out and meet them. If that doesn't work for you though, how about putting up a profile on some local date site and givin' that a shot? I know theres a bad stigma over that kind of stuff and with good reason, but who knows, you might actually meet someone that isn't that bad. Or if that puts you off, just go to a g/l club with a couple of friends. You might have to travel to a big city if you're in like a small town at the moment, but you're bound to meet someone you like there even if it might take a little diggin'.
Much love girl, and good luck!
*from the black guy. yeah, >>25>>18, this one.
ps: Yeah, i'm stopping now. :D
Not that it was my intention to make this into a big argument post...so my bad.