Sugestions/advise please (4)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-28 01:21 ID:6Fv4hvcz

A friend of mine introduced me to her friend who has an "off and on" boyfriend (they broke up and made up abot 3 times), she's currently single but I'm not sure for how long. We talked over the phone over the past 3 weeks and finally went out for lunch yesterday, she seems like a nice girl, she has about as much of an emotional baggage as anyone but what I found attractive about her was her intellect, I've never been in a relationship before as I find some of the girls I dated before to be rather "shallow" and I'm not sure whether I should pursue this romantically or should I just be happy I have another smart friend.

2 Name: 電気男 : 2006-08-28 02:01 ID:X5BTgkdU

Ask her out again, get to know her better, maybe things will click for you. Best of luck with that, although it didn't end well its how I started with my ex-gf.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-28 12:45 ID:cn23Anks

Yep, you should at least try it. Who knows, it may succeed.
If she is free now and gets to like you, you really have a chance. So just don't give up and ask her out again.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-29 00:30 ID:6Fv4hvcz

>>1 here,

I called her again last night and asked whether she'd be free for lunch next Saturday she said ok but she still needs to check with her schedule (she sometimes works on Saturdays).

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