What makes you think you are worthy to impregnate nubile, Aryan, 18 year old virgins?
And why would you look here? This place is full of mopy whiners who whine about not getting laid instead of trying to just be decent people who know what they want in life.
I think you've wandered into the wrong saloon, pal.
And I reckon you'd best ease on out the same way you came in and don't let the door hit you on the behind on the way out.
Because if ANYBODY is going to impregnate nubile, Aryan, 18 year old Virgins and Nordic Valkyries
It's going to be ME. AND ME ALONE.
I mean, you could be black or puerto rican or something.
I would sage this, but I think it needs a bump so other people will know how lame you are.
Pay no attention to the OP. I will meet you even if....
You are not a virgin...
You are not Aryan...
You are not 18...