Sex Problem (25)

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-19 22:02 ID:aduc5ctg

This is the OP here, I have a few things to respond to.

I believe this is true for many, but doesn't pertain to me.
I didn't include this in the first post, but you should know this.
I've had sex with only a few people, but multiple times, and the most recent time was with a girl 7 years older than me. I know all this probably sounds really farfetched, but believe whatever you want to.

Anyways, these times, it's usually 1~2 hours (a little more maybe, a little less maybe, depends, times like these I'm not really interested in watching the time) of hugging, kissing, caressing, and all that good foreplay stuff. I don't think I could have sex with a girl right away, and I doubt it'd be enjoyable at all. I think part of the problem is as I said before I'm going a few hours touching this and that, and by the time I'm about to have sex, I'm just about ready to burst anyway. If I wanted, I could have sex earlier, but that's just not how it turned out.

In case someone was confused, this isn't me. Also, you aren't in love, lol.

Of course I know how to put a condom on properly. Keep in mind, if you already cum, and are having sex after, especially with a lot of movement (or if the girl is on top), it's definitely possible for the semen at the top to move down around your penis and possibly leak out. Keep in mind this is just a possibility, and I'd really like to avoid any risks at my own convenience. Anyways, after I ejacalate, I'm still erect.

I'm really giving out more info than I'd like in this post, but the condoms were (surprise!) Japanese durex. The condom was already tight enough. The length was alright (I tried two other brands before that, to like, test out how it fit, and they just wouldn't fit at all), but the thing was just really tight around my dick.

I guess that's all, I'd rather if people focus on the question, rather than age. Thanks.

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