I've discovered something that might be a liability in my search for love...
So, the other day I got a letter from a potential - she indicated that she'd googled my name on fuck intarweb (my spelling, not hers - if she did that as a joke, I'd ask her to marry me on the spot) and came up with some interesting facts about me. I knew it was all out there, just had kind of slipped out of my mind.
So, now when I get to the point where I'm revealing my name to somebody, I kind of feel like I need to guide them on this - I just tell them "I've been fairly active on pro-pedophilia boards and have an extensive collection of cartoons depicting forced sexual situations among children."
Anybody else run into this? Anybody else do something similar?
My last name is unique to my family, so searching it yields information on only them - even though I know no one in it. Fortunately, though, my first+last yields nothing, and I show up in the last deep into the results - which no one really goes to that often. Shit totally sucks though. Google is a fucking asshole.
In any case, it's a real regret. It's like some heinous crime you can never, ever, ever, ever be forgiven for no matter what you do. Not even God can intervene.
In any case, you seem to have a sweet deal because A) you can never get a job and B) all the other pedophiles (women included) can identify you. It's like wearing a raygold tshirt. This is probably an FBI sting, though. Have a safe trip in the partyvan.
That's tough. Too bad you weren't paranoid enough in the early days. Now you're paying the price.
you uh might be fucked for life. good luck out there.
name or it neva happened.
HOly shit where to i get a raygold shirt
>googled my name on fuck intarweb
guys, this is old copypasta from /b/..."teh" was previously wordfiltered to "fuck"
please don't ruin such a fine thread with your blatant lies.
|_|LRICH is back.
Someone please get him out of here.
change your first and last name, get rid of it, stop being a pedo and go live your life. if any one asked why, tell em you felt like it.
Chnage your name to "Danny b. Cool." Then people will know that you're a cool guy.
I don;t think you deserve a girl..