I'm 20 years old and after a very bad break up with a three year relationship i thought that i was done with guys.
then on my birthday i met this guy who completely swept me off my feet and 3 days after meeting him, we started dating. another mistake, we slept together in the first week...
well now, 7 months down the line, i'm still quite happy in the realtionship except for the fact that it is so easy for me to cheat on him, and it doesn't even bother me. this is wrong i can't believe that i treat him like this when he really treats me like a queen. What is wrong with me.
To make things worse i met a guy recently whom i find so interesting and now i regret being in a realtionship because i would love to get to know this other guy better.
I don't know whats becoming of me, i'm not a bad person...
Silly girl
Silly girl? More like silly FILTHY LYING WHORE.
i'm not a bad person...
Hahahahha. Yeah right.
You are experiencing the many layers of relationships. For this guy you slept with in the first week, you are past the infatuation stage and have migrated into the reality stage where you truly see what your partner is made of. Without proper communication or effort, most couples stop here and end up breaking up. You however are trying the infatuation part with this other guy, but even though you say you're not a bad person, I think you're being a bit shallow. I can imagine a scenario in which you dump the guy you're with right now, hook up with this other guy, it goes badly, and you're once again cold and alone, having broken the hearts of two men.
What you decide to do is completely up to you, but if you really want to try dating other people then do it, but for the sake of you and you're partner's happpiness, you should try to break up in a friendly way. Stringing him along while cheating on him is the most hurtful thing you can do and its not fair to him since its obvious he likes you more than you like him. Just keep in mind that what you do in this situation has the potential to hurt both of them in a bad way. If you're such a good person, choose this path carefully.
(sorry if I come off as preachy, but the way you're acting sounds a lot like my ex-gf who broke my heart not too long ago, and I know how much it hurts and would hate for any other guy to feel the same amount of pain)
It's called youth. You're not a bad person. Ask your current boyfriend to be a MAN and give you more brain-boggling sex or else you'll dump him. You have all the right to ask so. If anything, that will make you AND HIM feel better (believe me, if you say you're gonna dump him otherwise, he'll do everything to give you crazy good sex). Sometimes simply being nice is not enough, so if he cannot do that, he's simply not man enough. Instincts and evolution has made it so you look for better apt potential mates. Powerful sex can prove the mate is indeed physically healthy and strong. That's all that's going on with you. Do what you need to do and let life run its course.
>>5, Shut up and fix the girls in your little life first.
so >>6 .. your implying >>5 is not man enough? LOL
>>6 it seems to me you are implying those who aren't a fucking machine are evolutionary degeneration, and it is best for them to be left out of the gene pool. And those that are, you, like how many times you been going around on this board to fluant that to us, gives us the impression you are worthy of living than those who aren't or those who don't have relationships.
Don't boost yourself, boosting your ego and confidence here seems to reflect on your confidence issues since most of the people on this board don't have these experiences and mostly likely bitter and depressed. So you get your jolly off by making it sound you got it better than most of the people here?
One day, if you ever have a child who is incapable, you would probably mock him for being a degenerative evolutionary human who shouldn't be entitled to pass on his genes simply because he isn't man enough or provide the best sex to prove that he is physically strong.
The best place to find advice is in the bible
Break up with him because clearly you want something which is more interesting and you are clearly not even ready for a proper relationship. So go be a whore like your mind and maturity want you to be...
>>8 Well said, Satan!
>>7 I address Benson casually because he follows advice in good disposition. In no way was it meant as an attack nor do I find it pleasing to my ego.
I am sorry if I seemed to put down people that are not "fucking machines" as you put it, but rather the actual objective of the post was to ward off people with unhelpful posts (2-5).
I did realize later that I was too blunt when writing >>6, and what I wanted to get across to Silly girl
is that she is in no way a bad person for being attracted to two people. It just proves she's young and it's always best to know more people and try relationships with as many trusted people you can. Nothing stops her from getting to know a second guy better.
Then, I went on to describe what she should expect from sex. She is free to ask for sex from her current boyfriend, and do so without restrains on method of getting it. (Extortion is valid for sex.) In fact, sexual relations trigger certain functions on the female brain that reinforce attraction towards the particular man in question. (This chemical is released in the short-lasting moments of orgasm.) Therefore, the more orgasms she gets from her boyfriend will reinforce her bond with her current boyfriend.
I hope I got to explain this more clearly. And, yes, the bible is a good source of advice, but it must be studied in context of itself, for the sake of itself, and within a spiritual context; not for finding an easy-to-follow how-to.
>>5 is benson??
Okay, I just wish that he would 'talk' like that more. His thread seriously gives the impression of a childish, ditzy boy.
Okay, i can understand that people all have different opinions and that i do sound like a lying cheating whore..
i'm going through a really bad dip in my life right now.
i had to appear in court today as a witness for a rape and child abuse case against my uncle whom i lived with for 11 years.
I think personally that i haven't come out of that whole experience to bad, and atleast i'm still sane and have a positive outlook on life.
but this could also be the very reason i jump into bed with a guy so easily, i don't know.
i just wanted to add that this guy, who so-called loves me so much, forgot that i was in court today and instead just left me very rude messages on my phone for ignoring him...
while the other one who hasn't even know about this situation for long and barely knows what its about, phoned me at 7h30 this morning to ask how i was feeling. and then again at 17h00 this afternoon...
now - is all the trouble just coming from my side, or does my current boyfriend just seem to becoming a little bit of a jerk?
Now this makes ev-rything different. You are right in when you say you could be "jumping into bed with a guy so easily". In this case, giving a break to sex would be the best approach, considering also that you've gone through the strong experience of testifying against your raper. Take time to enjoy dates with either one, but abstain from sex. This will give you a clearer view of what you want from your relationships, and take focus away from sex. Sorry I can't expand any more in my advice, but I've got to get back to work. :P God bless.
What the hell is your problem.. At least i can admit that i have a problem and seek help. you gives you the right to critisise people and actions when you don't know them. at least i've learnt in my life to never judge,its filthy, obnoxious and a pure immature person's way out of everything.
"never judge?"
I never understood that. How can you live without exercising judgment?
Silly girl and everyone in general. Please take this Mireille guy's advice lightly. This Mireille guy wish he was a professional, but his not.
Silly girl, my best advice is to seek professional help, psychologists, counsellors, shrinks, etc.
And do what you wish, if you don't like him, dump him. It doesn't matter, this world is full of pain along with a few pleasant things to hope for. Silly girl, this world is full of selfish people. There is few left that are decent but none to be found. People are greedy, selfish, corrupted, wretches,etc. It wouldn't seem big if you did what you did. you shouldn't worry about the guy, he should deal with it, or at least he learns to deal with it and should be expected. Conflicts and more conflicts, it doens't matter how wrong. the end is able to endure and come out the winner until someone takes over.
>>17 Silly girl and everyone in general. Please take this Mireille guy's advice lightly. This Mireille guy wish he was a professional, but his not.
So true.
thank you secret admirer. I see you too have a heart..
I'm sorry for atacking you. Haven't been having such a good week....
I wish you all a good day...
oh i wanted to add that i had a very honest chat with my boyfriend yesterday. I told him how i was feeling and that it was unfair of me to hurt him the way i was. i took the blame for all the problems in our relationship. we ended it off, but on okay terms. there is no hateful feelings involved. he understands that we are both just human and can't control our feelings.
Make sure to use a condom when fucking around with strangers. If you have to be a slut, be a clean slut.
No offense he probably really hates you.