I'm formerly Desperate otoko (no ko) on this forum, thought I finally got a break. Guess what? Back to being by myself again. sigh
The 1st month was intense between me and the girl until she found out she got pregnant (by me, and yes, I wasn't being responsible). Except it wasn't the pregnancy that was the problem and by the way, the baby been aborted.
She became moody, I never been around pregnant women before so heck I would know that's natural. So I thought the relatinship was dying, plus she keeps saying her whole body hurts so I worried for her (too excessive in hindsight). I forgot myself and then returned to being clingy even though I told myself before not to do that again.
Then she started telling me to leave her alone. Yes, I guess I should have done that but her being pregnant due to my fault made me worry about her so I just wanted to talk to her, one or two sentences would have been enough but she can't even spare it. So I got desperate (again). And so I went to my blog and said "if someone do get [my ex gf] to talk to me soon, I'm gonna end my life". Yes, freaking stupid of me. And she was telling me just b4 she read it that if I give her some time to recover then I will be with her again. Except she read my blog and now she said that because of her ex she promised herself that she will never let another guy emotionally blackmail her again.
And now, my ex said because of her past experience of all sorts of abuse by men, she never can love a man fully and that she became attracted to women. She was bi when I met her but now she turn back to being les now.
Suptid stupid stupid. God i was stupid. Hopefully no one else is gonna be that stupid after reading this one.
Yeah, you pretty much screwed things all up, good job.
You need to smarten up and move on, use this as a very harsh lesson for the future.
HAHAHA you made a straight woman a lesbian. Good job.
Wow you fucked up.
Moral of the story: ALWAYS USE A CONDOM
nice job
man, is this the second george costanza? congratulations!
Hahaha, oh wow. Classic.
>>3 my ex was lesbian way b4 I met her, then turned to bi and now back to les. She had bad exp with men before me, and her getting pregnant again made her turn.
She's using you as an excuse to be a lesbian. Don't feel too bad, she's fobbing off her responsibilities and blaming you for her errors.
having the ability to make girls lesbian, miiiiight have quite a few positive effects ;3
A lesson for you to learn from. :)