Irritating... (9)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-27 21:52 ID:+ZD6v+PB

I broke up with my ex almost a year ago now, we had been going out for over two years but at the last months things started to become slightly "boring" and tbh, and we actually never had sex(I was really patient, seeing as she was one of my first serious relationships) at first, I was thinking that I would keep on beeing her friend, but after a while, I didnt feel very comfortable with that thought..

I kinda wanted to forget all about it, in the sense of stopping thinking about her so that I could move on, I stopped contacting her, and tried hiding any kind of mementos that could remind me of her..

and even though its been almost half a year since I saw and spoke with her, I still end up thinking about her, not about her good sides, but about everything that bugged me from time to time, and the irritating fact that I was so god damned patient.

Anybody here who has broken up with someone and ended up with the same kind of feeling afterwards, any tips to how I can make it stop? <_<;;

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-28 09:48 ID:Heaven

Call her, tell her how annoying she is and that you can't stop thinking about her.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-03 06:52 ID:Heaven

So... You're... Not over being annoyed of her??

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-10 22:03 ID:Ih+/bXh5

try hating her. for making you feel this way

believe me it works for me..

5 Name: Ron "The Truth" Killings : 2006-10-11 03:16 ID:KTG0cRSz

Two years but no sex? WHAT THE FUCK

thats not even logical

did yall at least make out

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-11 05:02 ID:sY4SELAb

Agreed. SHIT!

7 Name: Ron "The Truth" Killings : 2006-10-11 05:02 ID:sY4SELAb

>>6 was me, btw

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-12 01:01 ID:nILVDv/0

If you never had sex, it's no wonder things became boring.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-15 22:23 ID:ba72twTh

I do, but it doesnt work that well for me, luckily, Ive begging to become more and more involved with a girl from my uni, so she keeps my thoughts off my ex :3

yea, making out wasnt a problem, but anything involving complete nekkidness was out of the question..

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