Mireille guy, please leave this board immediately. I find your mere presence distasteful and you add nothing to most threads you post in. Your pseudo-scientific ramblings do nothing more than fool the stupid and mindless people that are lost, and genuinly seeking advice. This was once an entertaining and helpful board, but not anymore, thanks to YOU. Don't bother to respond, just leave.
Secret Admirer
Couldn't agree more.
He sort of irks me a bit sometimes, but I wouldn't tell him to leave completely...
yes please.
I hope he's gone now.
Agreed with everyone here.
lol he's probably anonymous now
I've lurked here for quite a while, I didn't find him annoying at all...
I didn't find the guy annoying. I found TokyoJapan22 annoying but other than that I didn't really have a problem with even the annoying people.
I cried.
NO! Dont leave Mireille Guy! You have been a great source of advice! Just cause you know better than anyone else on this board doesn't mean you should leave.
TokyoJapan22, please leave.
Lol. Seconded.
He may be a great source of advice...if you intended to become a chauvinist. Other than his kissing tips I found his advice to be very misleading from a gal's perspective.
If you're not gonna leave, at least post anonymously, ok?
I'm leaving.
>>entire thread
fukken lol
For all the chauvinistic advice he gave, he gave up and cried pretty easily.
Oh, the power of love.
spoiler: Mireille guy = ULRICH
Hahahaha. I'm laughing with >>19
Honored to have a thread dedicated to me. I shall post anonymously but keep my tripcode in case someone wants to attack my advice.
(Stop reading here if that's all you want to read. My reply follows.)
No one here who followed my advice has hated me for it, and the ones who hate me are the true chauvinists, suffering from an inferiority complex. Pseudo-scientific ramblings? No, it's high school biology and personal experience combined with some COMMON SENSE. I simply try to give reasons for people to believe that proper diet and excercise are actually beneficial to emotional health. If you want to label me an advocate of orthomolecular diet, go ahead. It's certain idiots who find people's suffering "entertaining" and ridiculous advice "helpful" are the ones who should leave.
I post so that people think and question for themselves, then I give reasons to make my advice believable, but I don't force them to believe in me. Some believe and find it useful, others, find it to be bullcrap. If what I say fools the stupid and mindless then they deserve being "fooled".
>>16 I'm sorry if advice intended for a guy might seem misleading from a gal's point of view, but it's simply not meant for gals to read. We're not chauvinists, we're men. Women don't need to reason emotion, but sometimes, we do. Applying conscious reason to conquering women is not chauvinism. I strongly believe that "Any man can get any woman". Most women are submissive by nature, and I'm so sorry to take advantage of that, but it works for me and women admire me for it.
Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. -Buddha
interesting. I want to see where this goes. age
let the /love/ battle begin
Deep in my heart, I've always wanted to be a pompous chauvinist able to conquer submissive girls.
maybe TokyoJapan22?
I vote stay, since a forum is ultimately for the discussion of varied ideas, rather than a one-sided masturbatory opinionfest. You may not agree with what he posts, but you're always welcome to debate his opinions.
It might help your case if you listed/crosslinked your greivances against this person and consolidated them in this thread, It might actually give this thread a reason for existing. Let's dissect this person's personality before you try to tear him apart.
Yeah... but...
i'm a cockfag...
and the battletoads hate me.
i have no choice but to become an hero. goodbye, cruel 4ch.
anyone got any examples of what Mireille guy did wrong?? i mean we started this thread without any evidence.
eh i got nothing agaisnt anyone here, i'm just suggesting that we should at least put some examples of what the person did if you want them to leave.
What a chauvenistic asshole!!!
im sorry you think women are submissive, mabye its just cause you are a jerk. i am too angry to even argue with you except to tell you that you ARE a w*nker... and that i hope your penis shrivels up and falls off.
For the record, I think Mireille guy's advice is great.
answered in first post.
My Steyr AUG!!!
Whoa, calm down. Being THAT reactionary towards someone who inflames your morality just smacks of "old curmudgeon-ness". Take everything you read on the internet with a grain of salt.
Look, whoever Mireille may be, this is a forum for advice. People are encouraged to supply personal opinions provided they aren't being overtly offensive and crude. Whether that advice is actually good or bad is up for each of us as an individual to form an opinion on. You could precaution people against his advice, but you don't actually reinforce your argument by wishing him personal harm.
For what it's worth, emancipation is a two-edged sword. It's killed off Chivalry. It's kind of sad that men rarely go out of their way to make women feel respected and special anymore - even if you see that as patronizing, some women think it's romantic. A throwback to the stone age, perhaps, but whoever said that sex was a modern invention?
im not saying i dont like romance. i just refuse to be walked over. i appreciate chivalry as much as anyone, more even. i like to be treated with respect. i suppose i am just a closet feminist.
more like "closet lesbian" amirite?
ive swung that way b4, yes, but its not my first choice :-)
morans i killed myself
Wow. I really like where this is going. First, I appreciate the fact that there are people willing to debate my opinions. I hate to be so honest sometimes, but here, there's no face to lose, and no grudges to be held, simply debating and reasoning.
>>35 Has grasped my idea completely.
SA, I couldn't have phrased what you said any better. It's not that I believe women should BE submissive, but rather, that man should be proactive and take the role of the one in charge of the romantic life.
I wonder what history lies behind girl >>31 >>36 >>38. Sometimes, personal experiences lead people to act and react in certain ways, even if one is putting forward the most honest advice. I am not saying I can give proper advice to anyone (It's hard to put oneself in the shoes of women; also empathizing with the experiences of others is something women usually do better), but if you want to share your love problems, be my guest.
Respect is an absolute to treating women. As for my personal preference, I've always liked women who are intellectual, and as is the case, I treat them as an equal. However, I still believe men and women have different roles in a sexual/romantic relationship, and nature intended for us men, to lead in the romantic aspect, while women follow. Men take the initiative, and guide the dance. Men propose and women accept. It's how it's supposed to be, and I advocate all that. I try to be as respecful as one can be in the internet, and I always encourage men to be gentlemen towards women.
>>35 is a true man.
As a response to >>28, I'll sage this thread and end it here for now. There is still no reason for this thread to exist as noone has come forward with the wrongings of an advice. If you followed any one advice that I gave, and it did more harm than good in your life, state the fact and post. I will gladly retreat that advice or refute your post.
Listen to Tom Leykis much, do you?
Nature intended for men to lead the romantic aspect? Uh, no? More like society intended for men to lead the romantic aspect.
If you want to know what irked me, it wasn't really any of your opinions, because admittedly, I usually just skip/skim them.
It was more your attitude. You always make it sound like your advice will work, and that it's the way.
It comes off as arrogant.
PS: My Taiwanese friends said that back in Taiwan, all the girls initiated the relationship, not the men. Women proposed, and men accepted.
serious? i'm taiwanese and i havn't heard of that before~~" i heard normally guys confess to girl not the other way around.
The woman I like is Taiwanese-Chinese, and she has never mentioned anything like that either.
Would you mind giving us some references/info? I might travel to Taiwan so I'd thank any information on cultural differences.
Forgot to remove the name/trip. :D
While we're on the subject, I don't much like that Secret Admirer guy.
Which one you refering to? So many of em.. o_O
you of course.
chill guys, just chill. MG..stay.