welcome to bourbon house.
this tequila is service,so drink it and calm down.
but,when you look at this page,you felt something "excitement".
Don't forget such feeling.
Now,I'll hear your order.
Okay, what?
I think the op is Japanese...
Where's the sexy picture?? @.@
whiskey? <_<
So what you want?
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
Well I ain't seen my baby since I don't know when,
I've been drinking bourbon, whiskey, scotch and gin
Gonna get high man I'm gonna get loose,
Need me a triple shot of that juice
Gonna get drunk don't you have no fear
I want one bourbon, one scotch and one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
/:::/:/: / ___ \ \ ヽ \
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ヽ! ヽ::ヽ:::::::::ヽ::::: l.\ / ,. ィ/:::: /:: /:::: /:/l:リ
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!: >/ ,/ /¨ヽー-v-‐/〃 \ \ ヽ <_ /
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-‐ '´ ̄ ̄`ヽ、
/ /" `ヽ ヽ \
//, '/ ヽハ 、 ヽ
〃 {_{ノ `ヽリ| l │ i|
レ!小l● ● 从 |、i| hi
ヽ|l⊃ 、_,、_, ⊂⊃ |ノ│welcome to bourbon house.
/⌒ヽ__|ヘ ゝ._) j /⌒i ! can i take your order?
\ /:::::| l>,、 __, イァ/ /│
. /:::::/| | ヾ:::|三/::{ヘ、__∧ |
`ヽ< | | ヾ∨:::/ヾ:::彡' |
今日は私の奢りだから、とことん気合うぞ。 (´з`)y-~
you indulge in drinking?
(´・ω・)poor thing・・・
(´・ω・)excessive drinking reduces life span.
(´・ω・)don't indulge in drinking.
here you are.
now,can i take your order?
>>10 (translation for English board)
Mr Shobon, one order of honjozu-shu please.
Today's treat is on me.
here is "神鶴辛口".
now,can i take your order?
(゚Д゚)this is "kotti-minnna".
you look at this AA,you should say"don't look at here!!"ok?
(´・ω・`)your japanese language is very good.
(´・ω・`)this is automatic translation?
(/ω\) >>12と>>10=私です。 同じ人ですよ、恥ずかしい...
I'm embarassed, but I'm the same person.
Thank you very much for the sake, even though I am a foreigner, I like the taste very much.
gimme.. long drink wodka.. need it 0_O