A few troubles... (18)

1 Name: 0214 : 2006-10-05 00:15 ID:BhHJJyYi

Well... actually, a lot of 'em...

I know I'm bound to get a few facetious replies... but... there's not many other place I can ask for aid anonymously. There's a lot I want to say... but I'm taking enough time as is.

For a while now, I've had a pretty big crush on a girl from my school. It's made me feel like crap really. I've been glancing at her for a while now... Before anyone tells me that I'm a sucker with an inferiority complex (which I may be), I have tried to just stop caring. It just doesn't work. I guess you could say that she's the only girl I've honestly ever cared about. You can go about the idea that there's someone else, but I really can't see it happenning. Urgh. ('A`)

It's actually pretty irrational. I have lots of reasons why not to like her, and not many for it. It puzzles me to this day. I actually have no problem talking to women; no matter how attractive, as long as I didn't like her. However, with her; it's different. I really like the quiet kind. It's one of the reasons I like her.

As for talking to her... I probably couldn't do it. Even if I did... I'm a bit afraid she might know that I've been pretty infatuated for a while now. In fact... I'm a bit tense when passing her. (´Д`) I think she may have noticed. I feel a bit pathetic because... I sort of dream of occasions in which I could speak to her making it seem natural. Like... we work together, and we find ourselves alone or something. I could say like "so, what's up" or something while sounding nonchalant.

Most of the day in which I don't have to think much is filled of comtemplations and strategies. Honestly, I've thought of many maneuvers, some pretty ingenious. Problem, is, I just can't use them.

But let's say we did get together, I don't really see it going anywhere.

My point is... can you either give me a few decent methods to get over her; or maybe some decent ideas to even speak to her?

*Too long; didn't read: Somehow help me get over the only girl I'll ever like. Make me lose my first and last chance at anything ever happenning.

I'll probably think of a lot more to write later on. I probably contradicted myself several times. ヽ(`Д´)ノ I hope this thread is successful, I must know.

And this isn't a repost. 'Least not yet. Serious replies please.

2 Name: 0214 : 2006-10-05 00:15 ID:BhHJJyYi

Well, I copy-pasted this, just to make sure it came directly after my first post.

About her?

I think... she's Chinese... (I'm Asian, but not Chinese, but that's not the biggest of my issues) Her looks... she's pretty (;゚∀゚), not like... insanely... She's... taciturn. Not timid, but you can't get everything you want. She's cultured, which is nice. She's also really good with academics. Which is also a hurdle for me. What else... Pretty nice fashion sense. Not flashy (in whatever context) at all, unlike most of the girls in my school. Bit shorter than me. I think she wears glasses... (´Д`)<-- Obsessed with glasses. Oh yeah- she is a bit popular. (>_<) I don't really like the popular type; but... eh. If you want details, you can ask.

About me?

I try to see myself as the cool, conserved type. Which is a bit pretencious.

If anyone wants my stats or details, ask please. (´Д`)

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-05 06:25 ID:Heaven

What fucken race are you then?

4 Name: 0214 : 2006-10-05 07:14 ID:BhHJJyYi

I'm Japanese, but not born there.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-05 10:57 ID:+KwI4lUR

i think u should tell her how u feel about her and hope she understand.

6 Name: 0214 : 2006-10-05 14:33 ID:BhHJJyYi

I know... that probably would be the best thing to try, but honestly I don't think I can find it in me.

The first thing I would want to try out is asking one of her friends (guy or girl) a bit about her. They may go batshit insane, or be amiable. Word may go around... and... ugh... (´Д`)

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-06 07:27 ID:31YKDtZt

tell her. if she's good, she'll understand, if not, you're barking up the wrong tree anywya

8 Name: 0214 : 2006-10-06 08:59 ID:BhHJJyYi

You're probably right, but I dunno, she seems like the kind of girl who isn't really into guys. Maybe I'm a bit too empathetic, but does anyone have any... say, tips on how to speak to her?

As I said, I really don't have an problems talking to girls. It's just her, I guess that is a bit difficult.

9 Name: 0214 : 2006-10-06 09:00 ID:BhHJJyYi

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. On a thread I made somewhere else, I was given the suggestion to do "research". Like, to make sure she wasn't like, a lesbian or something...

Is there anyway I can do this without stalking or asking her friends?

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-06 11:20 ID:pRRywW/u

Stop. You're thinking too much.

If it's hard for you to talk to here, then write a letter. Simple, short and honest. Then give it to her in person.

BTW your English is very good for a Japanese.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-06 14:16 ID:Heaven

>> Your a jap?

Thats easy, just tell her your a jap, and most likely she likes you because you are of jap heritage.

12 Name: 0214 : 2006-10-07 08:54 ID:BhHJJyYi


I'm actually the first generation living in America. To be honest though, when I went to Japan over a month ago for the first time in years, I found it a bit nicer there.( ;゚д゚)


Haha, not "Jap", but anyways, I sort of doubt it. Unless you were sarcastic.

13 Name: R : 2006-10-07 12:12 ID:T2Gyhgio

Start with a "hi, whats up?", it's harder then it looks like.

But thats the basic, so try your best.

14 Name: 0214 : 2006-10-07 21:11 ID:BhHJJyYi


Yeah, it is really hard.

And there are a lot of things about me that would make be pretty undesirable.

Though at the moment I'm trying to find out how to stop caring, but I think it's hopeless which ever direction I chose.

15 Name: 0214 : 2006-10-11 03:00 ID:BhHJJyYi

No suggestions?

Once again, I'm trying to get the hell over her. (That's the right thing to say, right? Though I think it means when you're depressed over breaking up or something.)

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-11 04:53 ID:Heaven

you care too much. stop giving a fuck like we do with you!

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-11 19:29 ID:fNVjytO4

Ha, been through that. The more you try to get over her the worse it gets. The best way is just to look for someone else, it works much better than concentrating on not looking at her.

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-12 20:56 ID:Heaven

you want to read Mireille Guy's advices

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