I am kind of shy but I've improed a lot in the past two years. I just need more confidence but I don't know what to do.
Do a barrel roll.
Whenever you meet the barrier, hit it so it bursts !
Gaining an awareness of your good and bad sides might also be good.
Imagine every person is a /b/tard.
wins the thread
although don't use memes
I have a friend who keeps sayin that! "Do a B
I have a friend who keeps sayin that! "Do a B
>>1 wins the thread
although dont use confidence
I have a friend who keeps sayin that! "Do a B SHIT!
be an hero, be, an asshole! girls love it, treat em like shit and theyll be fighting for your dick. it works, sadly
"an hero," haha
Mitch was an hero! Be like brave like Mitch and kill your self!