Approached by someone I should not like (19)

1 Name: Martyr-Kun : 2006-10-17 13:22 ID:H6juYf6q

Ok here goes:

I have a class with a girl who has been very friendly in the last few months. Last week she was accused of stealing 30 dollars, the accuser notified the school office and the police. I had known the accuser for several years and know that this is not the first time she has over reacted to losing something and notified authorities on trumped up theories. In short I helped the very scared girl talk to office authorities as she insisted I help. I'm a nice guy and after calming her down agreed to help. The issue was resolved over the weekend and the girl is OK, however yesterday she gave me her mobile number saying
"Thats so you can call me, you know 5 months from now. Or tonight."

After much deliberation I called her and was greeted by her voicemail.

Its now Tuesday and a few things are running through my mind:

  • This girl is a bit of a bitch, she gossips way too much
  • She doesn't take our class seriously, or anything else for that matter
  • My friend says that she has done the same thing to other guys, including him
  • Regardless of this I'm still confused about exactly what she wants

Any comments 4-ch?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-17 14:58 ID:/Ladkgnb

Leave her alone and find somebody better.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-17 17:21 ID:Heaven

Uh, yeah... >>2's advice was obvious. Did you really need to ask 4-ch?

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-17 17:21 ID:Heaven

Uh, yeah... >>2's advice was obvious. Did you really need to ask 4-ch?

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-17 22:19 ID:z1ky3Y4M

Is it the same girl you describe in the first part and the second part of the story? Am I the only one to see some inconsistency here? First she's portrayed as a victim, scared and unable to defend herself, needing the assistance of a strong man. Later, the girl is described as a "gossiping bitch", hard boiled, care less heartbreaker type?

hm, 4chan think you should go for it, and get the most out of the situation

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-18 00:44 ID:vyVYP5+n

gonna get used and destroyed fatal KO style. don't listen to your dick on this one.

7 Name: Martyr-Kun : 2006-10-18 02:18 ID:M6UM5+iC

>>5 It is the same girl who was accused and yes is somewhat of a bitch from time to time. But to me, she is very nice and latched on to me for help.
This is a conflict of my pen0r versus my standards for human behavior. I want to pursue this girl who is obviously friendly towards me, though she is not exactly friendly to other people behind her back.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-18 02:23 ID:Heaven

Maybe she's not even friendly to you behind your back? (Or maybe you're her only true friend, lol.)

Anyway, if it's already bugging you and the two of you aren't even together yet, it'll probably just bug you more if you were.

If I was in your position, I would either just ignore her, or try to talk it out. Probably the former, as the latter would be too troublesome.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-18 05:18 ID:bqT/az05

She is probably friendly because she wants to take advantage of your kindness for her own personal gains. She seems like the type that would go after the asshole guy and would be proud of it. She is daddy's little girl and no one really opposes her will and is rarely told no. Am I close? You are better off just staying away.

BUt...if you want to have fun, start treating her like a bitch. Keep her in her place don't give up any power to her. You will have to constantly assert your dominance over her. I hypothesize that she will go crazy for you because you would be the first guy to ever treat her like that.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-18 05:22 ID:o0xKMYm5

It sounds like >>1's the bitch here. In a sense of the word.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-19 04:38 ID:F4IynKMu

wow. a true pimp (O_O) Help me find a gal plz.!!

12 Name: frigid onanoko : 2006-10-21 05:51 ID:xN5q6hTD

>>1-11, u all boneheads. sry, its true!

>>1, this sounds like an invitation of a girl. Don't you think so? What's the harm in checking out what she wants?

She's not lady Perfect, but then again, are you mr. Great?

FO advice is to give her another call and propose a lunch, or coffee. You get some time with each other, and u will know better how u feel about her after.

say goodbye now. bye!

13 Name: frigid onanoko : 2006-10-21 05:56 ID:xN5q6hTD

Afterthought.. so she gossips. If you play it well, then many girls will know that you 1) are in the market. 2) listen to an invitation from a girl, which leads to --> 3) other girls will be more comfortable giving you hints that they'd like to take a chance with you.

really bye bye now!

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-22 00:44 ID:EauSbTLg

Hit it and quit it.

There is no better advice when discussing a girl you don't like that is not a fat ugly cow.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-22 06:15 ID:y8sxC4rz

I think you should find out the truth before anything else. This may require some work but gather information and then ask yourself this:

Does she have any friends?
If so, what kind of friends are they?
-Consider, friends get along most of the time because they are of either simialr interest or personality.

Are the stories of her leading people on true?
If so what kind of boyfriends did she target?
Are they similar to you?
-Consider, if they are similar to you, you may be in her targeting profile.

How does she act around you?
Does it seem fake, too good to be true?
Does she force herself to talk to you, or go closer to you unconsciously?

Also consider:
Blogs - Information that is usually posted without regaurd for privacy.
Voicemail greeting - Fake( professional/music/computer generated ) or real( actual message )

After you have this information, contemplate risks versus benefits.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-22 07:41 ID:Pc+tERuK

>>1 the fact that you made this thread should be answer enough

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-23 10:53 ID:gIQU4S0Y

>>1 it seems clear that you don't think she is being straight up with you, but you're wondering if you can get some benefit out of the situation. And you are a little worried about letting the opportunity slip by.

A few things.

  1. you can't always tell by past behaviour. I and a few of my friends were screwed over by a bitch of a girl. And then she settled down with one of my other friends... she was a bitch to each of us, but she is really nice to him. We still hate her, but their relationship works.
  2. if you do talk to this girl, you'll get some experience at getting to know someone. The price may be your friends keeping away for a while or making snide comments.

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-23 12:40 ID:xN5q6hTD

regarding point three: do you mean that she got the help of other people in cases where she was accused of stealing/lying?

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-07 09:45 ID:4yORtC0R

Well, what happened?

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