Dead End (15)

1 Name: Radja : 2006-10-21 09:11 ID:ifeIyBpK

Ive got a problem. Last wednesday i went to play bowling with girls. Two of them are N and U. i met them only on that day and my friend who is close to N said that U will say yes if I confessed to U, a few days later after the bowling day. Even in the bowling arena, N confront me asking if I like U. I got away by saying "I dont know, we just met." The problem in that U is not my type even though she is nice, i like her only as a friend. The next week, i went out to play Tennis with a few friends and girls. I saw Y which is also N's friend. I am interested in her but I'm afraid I am stuck right now. Reason being is that N is pushing me and U around to be together and anything i said will be spread around by N. I wanna try to get closer to Y but i'm afraid she has that feeling of me and U is a "possibility" as she writes it on her blog. My problem is that should i pursue Y? Does Y close her heart to me by thingking that I should be with someone else? How to reject U without hurting her feelings and still open the possibility of getting Y?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-21 09:55 ID:Heaven

it's still a bit hazy for me.

Y is writing about "U" and radja?

listen.. If U knows Y personal as friend and U told her about her feelings towards you.. your screwed no matter what.

If U didn't told Y about her feelings. You have a change. N won't interfere with this. and won't tell Y about U.

how to reject U.. well.. you will hurt her no matter what :/

just ignore her. she will cool down. butt.. she will feel hatred when she finds out you like Y. though she will act nice to you ^^.
so doesn't really have any effect. (u will avoid you a bit)

3 Name: Radja : 2006-10-21 11:48 ID:ifeIyBpK

thx for the reply. I think im screwed then since Y, U and N are all in the same group or gang. I'd say with 80%-90% confidence that everyone in the group knows U's feeling towards me ToT. Will Y close her heart no matter what happens?

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-21 21:08 ID:Heaven


it's kinda some sort of girl's rule..
if they are close friends the rest will leave you no matter what.
you might get a chance when U totally forgot about you. (little chance)

if they aren't that close friends.. and Y think your cute. you still have a chance since she won't care to "dump" her friends.
(dump as in.. when she is trying to get a relation with you. U and N won't talk to her for.. a unknown amount of time)

gl.. you gonna need it ;)

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-21 23:03 ID:VfENxytD

I'd give up and find a better situation.

And perhaps stop using letters. O.o

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-22 01:11 ID:Heaven

ITT we speak gibberish.

7 Name: Radja : 2006-10-22 02:45 ID:ifeIyBpK

Haha I'm using letters just to be cautious if they check on this website.

Thanks for the suggestion. I won't get my hopes high but I won't back down without a fight.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-22 03:35 ID:Heaven

I would say that like girls have a thing where they try not to date guys that their friends like. So.... I dunno what to say, sorry.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-22 06:05 ID:EZdz4ZQF

This is a love and romance board, not an Algebra board. Give us some goddamn names, even if they are fake instead of varible names.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-22 23:40 ID:Heaven

I already told that and it isn't contribting any extra info.

should just stfu...

can you give me an update?

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-24 18:14 ID:1A9LrKY6

Also seconding an update.

About your second question, I think you have to make it clear to (most likely) N how you feel about U. Hopefully this doesn't turn out to be "zOMG drama." But if you continue hanging out with these people maybe eventually you will have a chance with Y, but not necessarily. You would have to wait until U got over the whole situation (aka has no romantic feelings for you).

12 Name: Radja : 2006-10-25 12:56 ID:Lzd8taVp

Ok let me just list the names

Angie > The gossip girl
Ruth > The one that likes me
Lizzie > the one im interested in

I've got some update. My friend who is close to Angie convince her not to push me and Ruth and to let things flow naturally. I've been talking to Lizzie this past few days in MSN. Although it looks like its going well and she keep responding to my jokes and questions, one thing struck me yesterday.

My friend Benny who is close to both Angie and Lizze, told me that Lizzie has a crush. Lizzie told Benny not to tell anyone. But he told me since he trust me that i wont do anything bad. The guy was actually in my school and goes to badminton with lizzie almost every saturday.

Its not a date. You just have to sign up in the front desk and they will put you in a court with random people to play with. According to Benny's info, Lizzie has liked this guy before but get over him in a short period since this guy (Jeff) has been mean to one of her friend.

Should I still go for Lizzie? or try to find others?

13 Name: 映画男 : 2006-10-27 14:26 ID:b3POhD9r

>>12 i say dont give up, although lizzie may have a crush on jeff, she might get over him again so keep it up!! xD

tell us what this jeff is like??

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-28 01:51 ID:Heaven


lizzie has the least shitty name

go for her

15 Name: Radja : 2006-10-30 06:05 ID:2gTgPV2W

As always, i use fake name since my friend showed this site to one of them. Although i dont think they checked.

Benny told me that lizzie is trying to give up on jeff.

This is caused by them never talked. they only talked in a forum and in the court which obviously hard to talk since u need to play XP

This Jeff guy easily get angered by small stuff. Benny said that to Lizzie and she just said "hmmm hmm hmm"

I think I'll keep going for Lizzie

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