so, yeah, we both really want to be with each other. but we both also have university degrees to finish. myself in europe, him in america. for me it'll be about a year and a half, for him about three and a half. and even when i've finished, i almost certainly won't be able to afford to fly to america. doomed?
pretty much
yeah, i think so too. in fact, i think it just died while i was posting this. hmm.
wait, no, not yet. it is still doomed though, i suppose
If you really really really work hard, it may still have a chance.
You're probably better off letting each other see other people. Stay as friends and keep in touch. If it's really meant to be, you'll reconnect in that way later. If not, oh well, you'll find someone else and you'll always have his friendship.
Get a webcam and hold out for dear life. At that young age, emotional and physiological instability makes LDR that much more difficult. Keeping a liberal mindset can help.
Im in almost the same situation and we're both just holding out tbh.. We keep saying if we want eachother than someday it will be. I belive that alough waiting is anoying. It'll be worth it for us though :)
"the best things in life require patience" depends on how sex starved you are after a few years. Considered an "open relationship" and get webcams. But rather than buying useless stuff save you money its only like $1300 to fly to Europe and back for a few weeks, stay at his house, have fun, and then come back as often as you can. Its much harder if you are below 16 and have a girlfriend in Europe :<
The good thing about this type of thing is you are both young. I am in an almost exact relationship and we are both going to move to Japan together as of next year. I would say just hold out! Who knows maybe you will end up going to an American university?