alone for the week-end (14)

10 Name: frigid onanoko : 2006-11-06 15:33 ID:8HyBDsOc

Frigid Onanoko sorry to hear >>1. Whether fiction or fact, FO can identify with >>1. Thinking other people might as well. No understand why so many angry reactions.

So Onanoko giving you general advice! "listen vewwy carefully, I shall zay dis 'unly wence"

me, use the 'chocoless' time when down, to protect from eating chocolate. Making you less happy over time. Also make your face beautiful (like mine hee-hee!) Oh.. maybe don't wanna have face like FO? Oh, maybe difficult at first (longrun strategy)

Also very important, more even, clean up room. Garbage out. vacuum clean and desk tidy. This make yourself ordered. This for immediate effect. Then, eat something nice for lunch and dinner. Then, go do work. Really. :( but this you know need to do.

Frigid onanoko think parents can help. Want to talk to father or mother. You trust parents? Frigid onanoko parents often say me need work hard and not do fun stuff. Then feel bit guilty because not doing that. not been doing either. But still happy to hear voice of loved persons. Maybe can even give advice. Actually, FO think parents very useful asset, more and more.

But wandering off..... good luck with studying, >>1, and cheer up some.

bye now.

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