girls annoy me, yet i still 'want them' (16) (3)

1 Name: Flexcil : 2006-11-13 21:56 ID:uCvIA5Lh

Ahoy 4ch people, i recently watched the J-drama 'Densha Otoko' and loved it, and thats why i'm here guys :)
(note:excuse my bad grammar)
anyways, i'm 16, and alot of things bother me, i wouldn't consider my situation as falling under the usual durastdiction of Teenage angst, but more frustration. this is why...
I am pretty damn intelligent for my age (although not so much academically), expecially when it comes to empathy and sensativity towards others. i noticed, there's alot of girls around me in my 'friends' (although usually i have been friendly to get close to them, and have missed oppurtunities to take it that important step further)
99.99% of my friend-girls really bug me though, they love a listener, I.E. listen to thei problems or concerns (most of which are aload of teenage bull)...And it Bugs me! ALOT! they never have time to listen to me...its just " agree" not really even listening!
but the thing that annoys me the guys they fall for! usually a couple of years pretenders, they act like they're so kind...and so cool etc. and yet they're just a bunch of horny arse-wipes! (not too different to myself i guess.
The girls my age think they're so 'mature'...and so chose these older boys, who just take advantage of them!
when they come to me to talk about it (more like a diart session) i will sometimes warn them against it...and yet they do it anyways, they get taken advantage of, shagged, then dumped! it pisses me off! then...when they come crying, they're all like "OMG! i can't believe that just happened"
and then they totally forget i ever warned them against it! what the hell is it with girls? is it just the age? is the only way to get laid to become like one of these bastard 'pretenders'? and am i as bad as them?...i have just as much lust and desire as them!
sigh...why can't girls be more like in Anime and Manga? sigh.
guess i sound kinda sad...and i wouldn't be suprised if this truely is just a teenage rant that i'll totally forget someday...yet...why can't girls be more mature? they all think boys our age our so immature, but little do they know they are tons more. i feel like i'm so beyond everyone else right now...arrogance? or truth!? it's so sad to see everyone fit into their stereo-types purely because they try not to...also making me a stereo-typical sexually deprived and inexperianced grumpy teen! thus it sucks.
girls think they're mature coz they go out with older boys, and go outgetting drunk out of their heads ever friday? don't they see how sad that is? am i the only one?...gues that makes me the sad someone smart once said, ignorence is Bliss. i wish i wasn't such a godamn philosopher, i'm like that annoying protaganist from 'Catcher in the Rye' (which i hate by the way, purely coz it makes so much sense its depressing)
about myself..
i live in London, i'm gifted in...something...its hard to label. i am of avaerage attractiveness (or over average if i'm your 'type'), i seem to attract female-friends very easily, i am a virgin, and have never been in a serious relationship...despite all the instictive advice i give.
i am strong, perhaps one of if not the toughest guys at school, i do pretty well in my subjects, although i am lazy and am behind on courcework/home work.
what do you awesome guys think? any opinions on my sitch? any painfull nostalga? (also, it'd be great to see some girls opinions here too)
thanks guys, this means alot to me.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-13 22:03 ID:JfMbZ2fL

my life story, at least, my OLD life story. suck it up, piss off, and start being more confident. you see a girl you think u might like, pick her up, take her out on a date, not that hard, dont be all, hi, i dont have a penis, you can tell me your problems and i wont make a goddamn move. im being harsh and blunt right now, but, pisses me off to see someone in my old situation.

3 Name: Flexcil : 2006-11-13 22:58 ID:uCvIA5Lh

you really nailed what i was thinking o_o thanks.

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