I realized a few days ago that I don't think I will ever be able to find a girl I actually like and be with her. I am an extremely shy person so for the most part I will never approach girls myself. So instead I basically rely on girls to come to me, which surprisingly does happen; however, it seems to be that the girls who ARE interested in me and approach me never have anything in common with me. I quickly get bored of them and sadly have to cut off whatever we have going (which I hate because I am overly shy). In an ideal girl she would be smart, shy and we would have some of the same interests (internet, philosophy etc.). But I can't seem to find a girl like this at all. And how would I ever be able to even find out that a girl is like this? I can barely approach girls in the first place. It's not even like there's someone at my school or something that I can approach, I have already ruled them all out for being too closed minded (I live in the south currently). I am clueless as to what to do from here. Maybe I am thinking about things too much as I am only sixteen but I am actually longing for some sort of female companionship. I am basically lost at this point and I have no clue what to do. Please help me! Thank you!
I see a little contradiction here. You said you are shy and are relying on girls approaching you. But you want a shy girl. A shy girl will never approach you. So either have to change your preferences for a girl or go out and find the girl. But you are 16 you have nothing really to complain about. When you are 40 and still single then you should start worrying.
Yes I am aware of this contradiction and that's part of the reason why things are almost made for disaster. It's not that I only like shy girls or anything but I just seem to have a natural tendency to like other shy people. Maybe it has to do with being introverted.
Oh my god. What a lame ass. Seriously.
Here's a little lesson on women: They want your money. They want your hidden treasure. They are leeches and succubi.
Stick to jacking off. And you complain about the girls you know being closed minded and that you have already ruled them out. Well.....ISN'T THAT CLOSED MINDED?! So they hate blacks and jews. Big deal. It's not like you are getting married and you know nobody is perfect especially black people. Why does that even bother you? Do you even really WANT a woman? Seriously? DO YOU!? You sound like you want somebody to fawn over you and act like something out of those lame ass Japanese Comics. News Flash bud! THIS AIN'T GODDAMN FUCKING LOVE HINA! This is the real world where people are assholes. Those girls are too good for you. That's what the problem is. Here's some friendly advice, take that stick outta yer ass and be normal. Talk to a few people, don't be a total fucking nerdlinger, and just be smooth. Or be totally fucking crazy. That makes some women wet right there is totally fucking insane. But you sound like some fucking nerd douchebag who probably gets swirlies so my best advice is to resist the temptation to go all columbine and wait until like college or after you get on your own. By then you might have a better idea of your place in the world and you won't fuck shit up like you do already. I mean....you have to get to KNOW people first before you start sitting inside on a snowing day, drinking hot tea, cuddled up together in a traditional japanese quilt and talking about cherry blossoms. Of course that's more Love Hina BULLSHIT. Just be normal, OK? Jeezus criminey....this place has needed me.....I've neglected this place....
I don't want a Love Hina girl at all. You completely miss the point. As much as "omg gettin laid" or "omg i gotsa getta super hawt gf" might be your priority, it is not mine at all. I simply want an intelligent girl who I can ACTUALLY converse with in a thoughtful discussion every so often. I don't mean close-minded as in hating blacks and jews. I mean close-minded as in highly religious and Christian. But you can make as many assumptions as you would like about me over the internet and I am fine with this.
You are not hopeless, just emo.
What's wrong with being Christian? EVERYBODY needs Jesus, because Jesus loves you and everyone else thinks you are an asshole. But the point is that at least Jesus loves you.
I didn't say getting laid. learn some reading comprehension. I said don't be all stupid and emo like you are now. Try talking normal to them. That superior attitude is belittling and it makes you out to be an asshole. That's why some possibly really intelligent girls are actually smart enough not to hang out with you. YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE. YOU ARE!!! SERIOUSLY!
Once you accept that, you can start over and just be normal. Talk to people like "hey guys what's goin' on?" Maybe you should listen to them talk about Jesus. Sometimes a good Christian woman with Christian shame is a lot better than some weirdo. Do you want to hang out with a weirdo? DO YOU!?
God get over yourself. It's not like you have anything to say really. Because if you did, you'd be out talking to people and not whining on this board.
Besides.....you sound needy like you'd smother some poor girl. Whenever I do associate with human females I keep it free and easy. Leave them wanting more.
But shit...why do that when I have Hotaru....
No one needs you here. All you've done is belittle someone else on the internet by making baseless assumptions of someone else.
Hey, your shy dreamgirl will never approach you. Also, two shy people doesn't go along well. Trust me, I had a shy girlfriend and the relationship was anything but perfect...
If you're approached by extrovert girls, you should consider yourself lucky and choose one of them.
if you're approached by girls at all you should consider yourself lucky
"I realized a few days ago that I don't think I will ever be able to find a girl I actually like and be with her."
If that is what you believe, then that shall be your fate.
You say that you long for female companionship. I believe that you can make this a reality. However, there is no point in even trying if you do not believe in yourself first. If you like yourself for who you are, and believe that you can get a girl, then you shall be able to move forward. Just because you're shy doesn't mean your wish is impossible. And if you believe that being shy is what is preventing you from approaching girls, then that is the first hurdle you must overcome.
I will try to work up the courage to approach girls but I am very introverted in nature is what seems to be my main issue. And I'm not sure if being introverted is something that can really be overcome. But I think you are right. For the individual circumstance of atleast getting to approach them I should try and overcome it. Thanks!