I'm bored, so I decided to make a little survey here on 4-ch: How old were you when you lost your virginity?
If you're a virgin, just write that, together with your current age and gender ofcourse.
Me: 17 years old, male and virgin
23 (almost 24), male, virgin.
female 20...aged 14
17, female and virgin.
17, male virgin ~~
I lost my virginity at 16. I'm 18 now. and male
Just a notice, I was male at 16 too, as well as rest of my life. It just kinda came out badly ;P
17, female virgin. By the looks of it, we can have some mad matchmaking going on here.
Female, lost it at 17. I am 18 now. It was the worst three minutes of my life by the way.
male, 62, virgin.
Male, just turned 16, virgin
20 now. Lost it at 15.
21, lost it last September 6 with a gal 6 months older than me.
24 lost it at 22
21, male virgin
lost it to a realdoll
Almost lost it at 17. Now 18, male
21 male, lost my virginity to a girl who was 23 about two month ago.
Recently 17, Male, Virgin, Not looking likely to lost it anytime soon. Too Ugly _|¯|O
19 female, oral 14, anal 15, vaginal 17 I was actually trying to stay a vaginal virgin till I got married, but oh well.
Don't worry. You're still young. I'm 22 and still in the same situation. orz
Lost my virginity at 16, I think. Male.
I'd like to have a girlfriend. _|¯|O
20, male. Lost it to my fiance last month. We decided to wait until we're married before going any farther.
18 female virgin.
Wait. What exactly, classifies as a virgin?
Female, lost it at 16.
18 male, still a virgin.. lol.. i guess i try not to bang anyone till i know what i stand in their mind..
19 male virgin. I don't consider myself particularly ugly. I just have no social skills :D
Not that I really care now. Doesn't bother me... except when I think about it for a while... ...
17 female and virgin. Not in too much of a rush to lose it... Wouldn't mind actually having a relationship again, though.
19, never been in a relation ship. heck, never even had a female friend!
Male, 16. I haven't had sex in a year and a half now though, which is starting to get a bit frustrating.
19, male, virgin. Also gay, which makes it that bit harder to find someone to lose it with. Not to mention ugly, shy and boring. orz
17 male virgin.
almost lost it once when i was drunk, but i stopped the girl because we were good friends, she had a boyfriend and im just not ready for it.
Now i have a girlfriend.. i still dont think im ready for it but i dont know it feels different.
14, male, lost it to a 21 year-old female.
just one of those things.
18, male, virgin.
Won't lose it until marriage.
It makes everything much easier with my girlfriend (17, virgin)
We're better off this way. :)
17, male
aged 14 and she 20
lesse, 23 now, 19 then. still with her now!
Male, 27, still a virgin. Waiting for marriage, had offers to lose it but turned them down. Now if only I could find a girlfriend, which I've also never had. =|
21, still a virgin. orz
15 male, virgin. Don't plan on losing it till marriage or when it's the right time.
18, female.
Lost it at 16.
Female, 23, lost it at 14. Don't remember much tho ^_^
It wasn't bad or anything - just me and my boyfriend. we were both young.
21, female...but I had other problems to deal with
17 now, lost it at 15. female :3
19, male, virgin, unless the right hand counts, which i'm sure it doesnt
infidels!!! ;)
I lost my virginity, willingly, when I was 6. The girl was also 6. Yeah, I'm surprised I was able to get some blood down there and have a dry orgasm, too.
Male, 18 now, lost it at 17.
At the very beginning there is quite a bit about children playing sex games. I won't waste your time trying to explain why that was in the story, but if you're interested, I'm sure that you can finf the text easily enough through Google.
27, lost it 13 years ago, male.
My ex-gf started to masturbate at that same age, don't worry, is very common.
My first girl friend and my...uhmm...lesee...6th maybe(?) started masturbating at 4 and 3, respectively.
21, lost it at 19, male, second girlfriend. First one wouldn't let me past first base, while she was cheating on me (and having sex) with her dad. orz
19, lost it a month and 2 weeks ago. Relationship went too fast.
20, lost it at 16, the bitch was a fucking whore.
30, lost at 19, male,...
male, 21, lost at 19 I think. But i was very drunk and in a cold tent so i barely got it up and couldnt actually feel if i was in or not. i gave up pretty quickly when i realised it wasnt going to get any better. next time was aged 20 with my first girlfriend so i kinda see that as my actually losing of virginity seeing as i couldnt do anything first time.
♂, 18. Lost it at 16. I was a shy person, and became so stressed by the thought of doing something wrong, that the first two times my girlfriend and I tried to have sex ended up with me losing my erection and feeling even more awful. Also, it made my girlfriend believe that I didn't want to do her. Fucking sucked to be male those times, because you're expected to just get hard and stuff it in.
20 lost at 5 ;_;
18, virgin, failure at life, ect.
I was like 8 and I lost it to a hot loli.
20, 21 in 4 months. Virgin.
I'm actually waiting until marriage. :)
Kill yourself. You are a disgrace to the human fucking race.
Female sixteen, lost it at sixteen. Because I believe in the age of consent.
Just... it was to a fifteen year old who'd already lost it probably at fourteen. Oh well.
Fifteen, female, virgin.
11, female, 11
I'mmmmmmd oing it riight nooowwwwwww
16, female. Lost at 15 to a jerk.
20, female, virgin. TOO BAD SO SAD.
...I thought only non-virgins IIT.
We have our own thread. :p
23, female, lost it last night to my boyfriend.
He came inside me, thank god I'm on the pill!
Cumming inside a girl without a condom is without doubt the best feeling I have ever experienced :) just wish it hadn't been so long since my last girlfriend!
18, male.
Lost it at 14 to an 18 year old girl. I used to be cuter when I was younger but now I'm all fat and shit so I haven't had sex since then.
20, male
Lost it at 18 (still don't know how I managed that), nothing since then.
Male Virgin 18
Honestly, I dont care about getting sex (I want it, but not that badly) I really want a girlfriend though. My last GF was nice, but I guess you couldn't really call her that, we only kissed once.
In the US 55% of 18 year-olds are virgins.
woops, said my name.
25, male. Lost my virginity at 5, she was also 5. Nothing since then, lol
> woops, said my name.
Well, you're boned.
You might find it easier to get a girlfriend if you spent your time actively searching rather than uploading 1.82 Gigabyte hentai torrents.
Talking about the one where I accidentally put 2 copies of everything in it?
Honestly that's the only torrent I've ever created. However, the general message of your comment still applies. Actively searching wold be a good thing.
>>69 that sounds sad
my dady done me and my sister when we were very little but outside of my family i was 14 and she was 17 which seemed ok at the time but I dunno really
13 orally, 18 vaginally. Dunno if you count oral; I do.
(m, disgusting old man here.)
Male virgin, 20 soon-to-be 21
Male Virgin 19 soon to be 20
Lost it at 11
Currently 16
Been a bitter and lonely person since 12
male, 17, lost at 16
Male, 20. Lost it at 16.
Female, 25, Virgin.
male virgin. 19.
felt a boob and stroked pussy for the first time yesterday. yeah.
Here, let me take that from you.
virgin, 21
19 Male, lost at 16.
Well...females can usually find a sex partner easier...unless they are obese, or have conservative parents who, for example, force them to wear burkas (female muslim clothing)
male, 19 virgin
26 male, lost it when I was 19.
Just realised that in the past 7 years the longest I've gone without is 4 months.
male, 22. lost when i was 17 to my fiance at the time. Didnt happen tho, saddens me.
Squirrel if you're out there, hit me up at anon110@gmail.com
the marriage didnt happen that is.
y'know, people, this isn't the "still a virgin" thread - this is the "when did you lose it" thread.
>If you're a virgin, just write that, together with your current age and gender ofcourse.
male, 22, lost with 22 >_>;
ah, my mistake - carry on.
I don't remember.
16, male, was taken advantage of, had no relationship or social experience before, thought people fell in love after sex
almost 18 now
not much different
19 male, lost it when I was 17.
>>107 Say no 2 RELIGION!
Lost it at 17. In the back of a pick-up truck. Thought to myself, "What is that odd smell?"
Female, 21, virgin.
You are not alone. I also want to wait for marriage. The problem is that there aren't many boys out there willing to wait.
The problem is that the boys that are willing to wait are those you'll never look at, because they're not "bold", "manly", or whatever adjective you want to use enough. Look at all the advice in the other threads.
A man that doesn't do suggestive propositions, and such, is doomed from the start. And if he does, you'll assume he wants sex now.
I wouldn't want to wait until marriage. I prefer to know exactly what I'm marrying before doing it.
Not really. There have been only 2 men i have actually really fell for. One liked another girl but she didn't like him because he was too "feminine", he wasn't, he was just nerdy. And the second was.... GAY. "bold" and "manly" doesn't work for me.
Wow. So there are still a few of your kind around?
That's some sort of relief. Guess I'll have to look harder.
Female, 14, virgin
Same here, I think that'd be major awkward. Besides, I'm practically marriage-phobic.
Me too... now that I've had one fail on me it has solidified my beliefs that it's just a piece of paper.
I guess in the end you still don't understand what is marriage, if you think it's just a piece of paper. Well,... at least it's a progress, if your previous belief was that marriage was a guarantee of eternal love/enduring relationship.
Actually, it's supposed to be the proof that you're ready to endure hardships and make compromises the day something happens, in order to save your couple, because you judge it's that important. If you don't do that, it'll fail, obviously, and was useless from the start.
Marriage is a legal contract.
Even if you do that, if the other person doesn't it's still useless.
In any case this is proof of what I was saying. You can promise these things outside of marriage. Marriage does nothing on top of what you already have if you both trust each other in the first place, except adding one piece of paper and making it very painful and paperwork heavy if you do break up later.
The fact that it's heavy is here to remind you that it's not something to be taken lightly.
21, virgin
19 years old, female. Lost it when I was 16.
When you're on the way into the marriage, you don't know how heavy the paperwork is. So by the time it gives your so-called reminder, it's a little too late. Like 4-5 years too late, in my case.
I'm trying to find a girl like you myself. It's the same situation for us guys. except we get attacked by women if we want the same.
female. lost it at 14 and im 16 now. england
28, male, virgin.
32, male, virgin
15 virgin (but have had sexual relationships.)
>>143 fucked himself with a rusty pipe. it doesnt count as sexual relationship!!
Lost at 20....have had lots of practice with the same girl, actually bruised her pelvis last time, kinda felt bad :p
16, female, virgin (but I had a sexual relationship with a girl)
23, 24 soon. Virgin. Was originally a Christfag who wanted to wait. Probably wouldn't have if I hadn't been in a long-distance relationship and it went sour before we were around each other too often. I thought a lot about my reasons for why I didn't want to have sex, which led to me thinking about what sex means to those who engage in it. As long as I am unaware of what it means to another and as long as I'm unaware of what it would mean to myself, I won't engage in it with a person, in order to avoid any sort of drama.
Furthermore, I often wonder what effect my having sex will have on future partners, especially if I decide to get married in the future.
tl;dr It's a serious issue for me that I have to consider for each situation I'm in.
>>147 To clarify, this doesn't mean I won't have sex, and it doesn't necessarily mean that I won't have sex with someone I only know casually. It means I need to explore things first.
23, male, virgin
i havent even made out with a girl ;_;
16, female, virgin, but guys have been under my bra and I've had my hands in their pants before.
17, male, virgin.
Do I care?
19 almost 20,male,virgin
I wonder how it feels...
lost it at 20. male
lost it in a change room in a swimming pool when it was closed
19, almost 20, male and virgin.
I think I might just start telling people that I'm waiting until I'm married.
This is embarrasing.
>>149 It's not that great the first few times, really. I think a lot must depend on who the people involved are. (Not saying experience is the key, though I do think that plays a part, but that I think personality and interests/desires have a lot to do with it.)
>>154 Why are you waiting, if not to be married? Something like me in >>147 ? If you just want to get laid, period, I'm sure it cant' be That difficult. Or are you picky about their looks, interests, etc?
>>155 I has a twin? Tell me more.
I'm reclusive and don't really handle myself very well in any social situations.
Also, I'm not really waiting. I'm just thinking I might start telling people that so that they don't look down on me for being a virgin at this age.
I'm 17, make and the reason I've been so long without sex (forever) was because of Christian reasons and not wanting to go to hell. Now I'm not too religious any more I've sort of lost site of why I really don't want to have sex.
I'm a little worried about the emotional side of sex really entails and whether I'm ready for it or not. Just got out of an LDR where we basically committed ourself to each other.
I want to lose it, but not just to anyone.
>>154 I'm told that being a virgin at older ages may attract women to you (not sure how true that is), and I have seen several people express respect for those who have kept it. In other words, if you're a "nice guy" or "good guy" type, it could work to your benefit in the long run. (Maybe. I've also heard a bit about girls wanting experience. We need some women here for input.)
But yeah, if you seriously wanted to get laid, being a social recluse isn't your problem. You can learn some very basic social and networking skills, go to some parties, and you won't have great difficulty getting sex if you aren't particularly picky, I imagine. There are a number of willing girls. (Perhaps shooting for younger ages {Read 18-20} will provide you with better chances, as they may be less focused on school.)
>>156 Completely understand your situation. The whole dilemma about what emotional effects will result, thoughts about performance with "that one person" (If you believe in that sort of thing to any degree. Even if it's just the first/next very long-term relationship you have.), their potential response to your past activities (and the variables of how recent or far back they were/are), the general desire for sex, and the potential of emotional connection it can bring.
Sex is no easy topic.
As for the long-distance relationship: Might I advise against those in the future? I've had and seen very terrible endings in the majority of them. If you know each other face to face for a long time before going LDR it's one thing, but if not.. wow the results.
17 year old male: When I was 16 to a 19 year old girl hehe.
20, virgin, same as >>156, but on the verge of eating a shotgun shell over it. I've never even had a girlfriend and as far as I know women don't look at me.
>>But yeah, if you seriously wanted to get laid, being a social recluse isn't your problem.
No, it's exactly the problem.
Speaking as a social recluse myself, it's not like a food preference that you can just overcome with determined exposure. There's no will to change. Sure, you can "learn some very basic social and networking skills" (and in my case, a few steps beyond), but there is no conceivable situation in which you would actually want to apply them. Social situations, when they arise, are obstacles to be overcome so you can get back to your solitary sphere of comfort.
That sphere is where you need to be. Need, not want. People who aren't social recluses can't even begin to imagine what it's like, and shouldn't try to dismiss it as a simple matter of choice.
I don't see what the big deal is if you're a virgin at 20ish years of age. 25+ would raise my eyebrows a bit.
>>162 Tell us about what you think makes you unattractive, as well as your positive points. (Perhaps I'll make a new topic about this.)
>>163 I'm speaking as a social recluse who is slowly making his way into society. Furthermore, you don't have to give up being a recluse in order to get laid, you just have to pick up enough social skills to gather interest, be it from other social recluses, virgins, or whomever.
>> 164 Why is 25 such a big deal? I'll be 24 in a matter of months.
>>Furthermore, you don't have to give up being a recluse in order to get laid, you just have to pick up enough social skills to gather interest, be it from other social recluses, virgins, or whomever.
Good luck finding them, though.
And personally, I don't care about sex, but I wouldn't mind a long-term relationship. That being said, I hate social activities, so my odds of ending up in one are about the same as the odds of a beautiful girl falling out of the sky or emerging from my television set.
Lol all you virgins, sex is not a big deal..my first time was like :" is THAT IT?" Afterwards it gets better, but sex is not life...
(For some reason I thought of Sadako there.)
Lost that bitch recently!
good lookin.
PS. I been every where but bangin till bout a week o two ago.
Lost that bitch recently!
good lookin.
PS. I been every where but bangin till bout a week o two ago.