So I want to go out with my best-friend's ex-girlfriend (6)

1 Name: !!8f9Qlbsg : 2006-12-07 00:40 ID:ySocvPhR

I really like this girl, a lot. More than I have for any girl for a long long time.

I first met her about three months ago when they were going out, and they broke up just a few weeks ago. My best-friend (who isn't that much of my best-friend anymore, but I'll explain that later) is kind of an idiot when it comes to respecting people, and always ditches people when it's convinient for him, and she wasn't an exception. He was also cheating on her with another girl. When they were going out, I somehow ended up hanging out with her more than he did and talked to her more than he ever did. For example, on her birthday (Nov 11), he ditched her and left his cell phone off, and I was the one who hung out with her for all of that night. All this time I didn't touch her, and was nice enough not to tell her that he was cheating on her.

I should probably also add the fact that in the past month my friend has developed a serious and worsening addiction to cocaine and marijuana, but the latter is old news. A week ago or so I said something to him along the lines of "would you hate me forever if i went out with ____" and he said that's "fucked up" and he probably would. Before that he was already angry at me for still hanging out with her after they broke up. Ever since then, he still talks to me and everything, but is not as friendly (in a passive-agressive kind of way). So I don't know if I'd consider him my best friend anymore, but I don't think he completley hates me.

I'd much rather be with or hang out with her than still hang out with him. Over the past few weeks I've also become good friends with some of the other kids she hangs out with. The only reason I started hanging out with him in the first place was because my other friend had moved to Florida, and this other guy didn't seem like such an idiot at the time.

Would it be especially low to try to go out with her? If it would, I would still really want to hook up with her for one night, so I can at least feel close to her for that short time.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-07 00:50 ID:Heaven

go for it. i see no reason why not.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-08 21:50 ID:Heaven

I despise addicts. go for it ^^

I also got a friend who's lately being a jerk.
making me look nothing when there are other persons around.
I don;t care anymore bout him. just forget your friend.

rly! ^__^

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-10 09:54 ID:zasa2Vsu

How are you going to get her to hook up with you if you don't think asking her out is a good idea? Just say it, you want to screw her brains out.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-11 14:46 ID:qKxtnarl

just ask her out dickhead!!!!!!!your saving her from the possibility of being abused and your friend is a loser. Leave him alone, you won't benefit much from being friend with him

6 Name: !!8f9Qlbsg : 2006-12-16 18:32 ID:Heaven

because other people would hate me for going out with her, but they wouldn't hate me (as much) for hooking up with her.

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