Strange mixture (12)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-08 19:58 ID:cMWYQ+2x

Ok, this will turn out as one of those "what to do?" threads. Here some background:

In the 12th grade, a new girl joined. She's Polish, curvy built(not skinny, not fat) and is a really nice girl to chill with. I'm still kinda socially inept so I shyly talk to her here and there, quickly find out that she has a boyfriend since 2 years. Well, fuck

So I kinda back off of her and try to get the "just friends" thought in my brain. People in class always jokingly say "Oh, are you 2 together?" because we understood each other well and kinda played along "Oh OF COURSE we are!". These were the times when I could say, with sarcasm of course, what I actually think and it turned out as a good joke.

Anyway, now 13th grade, we had a class trip to the Netherlands in September and I got wasted and drunk and started saying to her "Oh, you break my heart, yadda yadda". Well, every thought I hid I poured out. On the next morning she confronts me with it(I have a total blackout and remember nothing) and I already feel that I have talked out too much. So I panic in my brain: tell the truth?(she has a friend, don't want to embarass myself) Or just blame the alcohol and deny any feelings?(then every chance is gone and I'm just friends with her). Well, I choose the later. Damn.

So, now she broke up with her friend because he was too jealous....and somehow is coming back together with him, I suppose, because she says that he sometimes persists to visit her.

Now, people, the question is, what do I make of this situation? I'm just confused, I'd actually like to tell her my feelings, if only for the fact that she knows it and I don't have to keep the facade up anymore, but I fear that it will backfire on me BADLY if she gets freaked out.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-08 21:28 ID:hXdoSNlr

Do you think you might have a chance?

if you don't think you don't have one and really

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-08 21:30 ID:Heaven

sorry.. previous post incomplete.

Do you think you might have a chance?

if you don't think you have one and really think in the future also won't have any.

tell her and move on.

for now you have to give us more info ^^

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-09 01:07 ID:6pSk3lcz

Telling her will probably help you move on, especially since you haven't been able to move on. Just say "I like you, but I'm not asking you to date me or anything. I just need to get this off my back. I really still want us to be friends, and this not to effect us. I just had to tell you to continue with our lives like this." See where she takes it, if she says she doesn't feel the same way, oh well, you can still be friends.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-09 02:31 ID:wcYfOGuX

we like excitement and a challenge

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-09 06:50 ID:ObrItT3b

That will change once you realize excitement only gets you so far, and challenges usually aren't worth the trouble.

7 Name: yo : 2006-12-09 11:37 ID:U93GuygH

teh is tru, I agree

8 Name: lol OP : 2006-12-09 19:18 ID:cMWYQ+2x

Well see, this is the strange part. All those 2 years, everyone in my grade would crack some joke about how we 2 were like a couple and fit really good to each other. And I(and she perhaps too) sometimes sense this...yeah well, some kind of tension between us, not in a bad way, mind you, but as if we somehow want to behave otherwise, but can't. Maybe I'm just also reading into things, but couple of my friends confirmed that there is something strange going on between us.

So, really, I think that I may have a chance, I'm just a bit uncertain about the "coming out" thing. Well, maybe I just have to find a good moment for this.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-10 09:41 ID:TK0xnMn1

Try asking her out, and don't just say "want to hang out some time"... make it obvious, but not too direct. Personally, direct is panic-inducing.

I'd ask if she would like to go out sometime, just to spend some time together. That's nice and general, but a bit more intimate. Leave it open to bringing friends though. Just see how she reacts.

10 Name: Frigid Onanoko : 2006-12-11 12:37 ID:CuAIVBG9

You went to the Netherlands! only thing FO need to know.

yeah, kudos to yers. frigid onanoko to lazy to read whole problem. Netherlands!!

oh yeah.. Frigid onanoko getting tired of 'Help! pursuing girl but don't wanna scare her...' problematics. Watch less anime about socially indadept teenagers dammit... just chill

FO advising today to chill. When back in NL, gonna smoke weed for sure! first time too... AND find partner! first time gonna spend serious effort. Did you know that if you are 20 now, live to be 80, and think about sex every 3 secs (as some statistics say) that means you will think about sex 700,000,000 times till you die! time to get a parner to work some of that stress of...

N-e-way, to nr1. what the worst that can happen? you gonna fail Abitur or what? backfire? you've got half a year left and after that you not gonna see anyone in your year anyway!

Frigid onanoko say goodbye now!

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-11 13:23 ID:Ekjykm2k

Frigid Onanoko is weird.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-11 15:35 ID:cMWYQ+2x

Frigid Onanoko does have some point though. Weird he is, that's for sure, but he has some point.

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